他们这个下午卖掉了十箱矿泉水。 They have sold up ten crates of mineral water in the afternoon.
新矿正在开发. New mines are opening up.
这里是个矿产丰富的地区。 This is an area rich in ore.
植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料。 Plants absorb minerals and other nutrients from the soil.
因矿井已关闭, 镇上一片死气沉沉. The town is dead now the mine has closed.
这个大型工厂里熔炼矿石。 The ore is smelted in this large factory.
煤、 石油和矿产品都是工业原料. Coal, oil and minerals are the raw materials of industry.
约翰内斯堡南非最大的城市,位于该国的东北部,在德班西北。在其附近发现金矿后于1886年建立,为主要的工业中心。人口703,980 The largest city of South Africa, in the northeast part of the country northwest of Durban. Founded in1886 after the discovery of gold nearby, it is a major industrial center. Population, 703,980.
煤矿工人都是能吃苦耐劳的. Coal-miners are a tough breed.
植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料. Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.
经过化学分析,我们知道了矿石的构成。 After chemical assay, we have known the composition of the ore.
矿坑小矿体或矿石的堆积 A small body or accumulation of ore.
我们将对他带来的矿石做实验鉴定。 We will make an assay of the ore that he brought.
博物馆里有些很好的岩石和矿石标本. There were some fine specimens of rocks and ores in the museum.
水晶一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上 A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces.
小矿车,柳条箩矿井中用的车、盆或筐 A truck, tub, or basket used in a mine.
矿石碾磨实验通过碾磨来鉴定矿石的矿砂品质或含量的测试 A test of the mineral quality or content of an ore by milling.
矿车、煤车煤矿中在轨道上行驶的四轮、开口、盒状的运货车或铁制车厢 A four-wheeled, open, box-shaped wagon or iron car run on tracks in a coal mine.
洗矿槽,淘汰盘一个倾斜的槽,在其中被碾压的矿石被流水冲刷以冲走杂质 An inclined trough in which crushed ore is washed with running water to flush away impurities.
吉隆坡马来西亚的首都和最大城市,位于马来半岛的西南部、新加坡西北。于1857年由锡矿工人建立,现为该国的商业和工业中心。人口937,817 The capital and largest city of Malaysia, on the southwest Malay Peninsula northwest of Singapore. Founded by tin miners in1857, it is the commercial and industrial hub of the country. Population, 937,817.
(湖泊等)优氧化的水中富有矿物有机物,有利于植物,特别是藻类的增殖,但藻类往往使分解的氧含量过低,从而使别的有机物灭绝。用于指湖泊或池塘 Having waters rich in mineral and organic nutrients that promote a proliferation of plant life, especially algae, which reduces the dissolved oxygen content and often causes the extinction of other organisms. Used of a lake or pond.
食物,粮食通常是源于植物和动物的物质,包含有人体营养物的必不可少物质或由其组成如:糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维他命和矿物质等,由产生能量、促进发育和维持生命的组织消化和吸收 Material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains or consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life.
煤和铁都是矿物. Coal and iron are minerals.
这个国家矿产资源丰富。 The country is rich in minerals.
这个国家有丰富的矿产资源。 The country possesses rich mineral resources.
矿石,矿藏确实的或可能的矿藏 An actual or probable mineral deposit.
老矿区的六十多个矿井正在扩建。 More than60 pits in old mining areas are being extended.
矿藏底石位于一个矿中金属矿藏之下的大量石头 The mass of rock underlying a mineral deposit in a mine.
这位即将退休的矿工把风钻移交给他的接班人。 The retiring miner delivered his pneumatic drill over to his successor.
矿工们下决心等到他们的要求得到满足后再复工。 The miners are determined to stop out until their demands are met.
但是我们不必象对待其他矿藏那样把人送下去将油取出。 But we do not need to send men down to get the oil out, as we must with other mineral deposits.
岩石和矿物都是无机物. Rocks and minerals are inorganic.
补助费政府给予工矿企业的补助 A subsidy from a government to an industry.
水平巷道穿过矿脉或与矿脉平行的矿井中水平或近似水平的巷道 A horizontal or nearly horizontal passageway in a mine running through or parallel to a vein.
尽管在井下不舒服,但全体矿工决心在井下罢工,直到他们增加工资的要求得到满足为止。 All the miners are determined to stay down until their pay demands are met. In spite of the discomfort.
我们正在掘地探矿. We are digging for mineral deposits.
金矿区蕴藏大量黄金或金矿的地区 An area containing abundant deposits of gold or gold ore.
砂矿开采地一个用来清洗出有用矿物的砂矿开采地 A place where a placer deposit is washed to extract its mineral content.
热冶,火法冶金一种冶炼矿石的程序,如熔炼,它依靠热的作用 An ore-refining process, such as smelting, dependent on the action of heat.
在加利福尼亚州发现金矿一事掀起了一场淘金者蜂拥而至的热潮。 The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there.
铜铀云母一种绿色的放射性矿物,为铀和铜的氢化结晶云母 A green radioactive mineral that is a hydrous crystalline phosphate of uranium and copper.
三色性某些矿物质所具有的特性,当放在白光下从三个不同的方向观察,会呈现出三种不同的颜色 The property possessed by certain minerals of exhibiting three different colors when viewed from three different directions under white lights.
水冶金术通过液体过程,象过滤,提炼,沉淀等方法处理金属,从矿石中或矿石浓缩物中分离出金属 The treatment of metal or the separation of metal from ores and ore concentrates by liquid processes, such as leaching, extraction, and precipitation.
平峒通往矿井的几乎水平的入口 An almost horizontal entrance to a mine.
煤、石油和矿产品都是工业原料。 Coal, oil and mineral are the raw material of industry.
矿渣诸如砂砾或矿渣等物质,可从中提取金属 Material, such as gravel or slag, from which metal is extracted in mining.
次要矿山甬道矿井中连接两条大隧道的小巷道 A secondary mine passageway between two main shafts or tunnels.
隧道,地道地下隧道或通道,如在洞穴内的或为军用、采矿而挖掘的地道 An underground tunnel or passageway, as in a cave or one dug for military or mining purposes.