你说的有几分是真实的。 What you say is partly true.
该是你认识形势的真实情况的时候了。 It's time you awake to the realities of the situation.
他告诉我的消息是真实的。 The news he told me is truthful.
该报告毫无真实性。 There is not a vestige of truth in the report.
她意外地发现了他的真实身份。 She stumbled on his true identity.
你的说法完全不真实,我要求立即道歉。 Your allegations are completely untrue, and I demand an immediate apology.
这张照片没有真实地反映出花园的丰富色彩. The photograph does not do full justice to (ie does not truly reproduce) the rich colours of the gardens.
我认为在这些本来是无关紧要的评论中含有一定的真实性。 I think there is a kernel of truth in these otherwise frivolous comments.
我们即使有新闻自由,也并不意味著一切报道都真实可信、准确无误。 We might have a free press, but that doesn't mean all reporting is true and accurate.
那事无丝毫真实性. There isn't a grain of (ie any) truth in it.
他的行为很快就使她明白了他的真实意图. His behaviour soon undeceived her as to his true intentions.
这部小说的情节多靠巧合安排而无真实感。 The plot of the novel relies too much on coincidence to be realistic.
捏造,想象虚构的作品或托词,并不代表是真实的,而是被编造出来的 An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented.
书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。 The heroine is the spitting image of the author.
空想的想象的;不真实的;爱空想的 Imaginary; unreal; fanciful.