将军推翻了那个国家的最后一个皇帝,建立了共和国。 The general overthrew the last emperor of that country and established a public.
那个皇帝是个残酷的专制君主。 That emperor was a cruel despot.
凡希望受到皇帝恩宠的人都要拜倒在他面前. Those who wished a favour of the emperor had to grovel on hands and knees before him.
瓦莱里安罗马皇帝(253-260年),在他的统治时期充满了军事或财政困难,他于260年被波斯武装力量击败并在被俘期间死去 Emperor of Rome(253-260) whose reign was marked by military and financial troubles. He was defeated by Persian forces(260) and died in captivity.
他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。 He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty.