我上个月瘦了好几磅。 I lost several pounds last month.
她瘦长结实的身体看上去精力充沛。 Her wiry athletic body seems energetic.
包饺子前,我把瘦肉细细剁碎。 I minced the lean meat finely before making dumplings.
这件衣服我穿腰部太瘦. The waist is too tight for me.
瘦肉上可加咸肉片烤制以保持水分。 Lean meat can be larded to keep it moist in the oven.
这个瘦小软弱的孩子成为全班嘲笑的对象。 The small weak child became the scorn of the class.
那件大衣很合身、 不合身、 很瘦、 很宽松等. The coat was a good, bad, tight, loose, etc fit.
她病後显得苍白、 清瘦. Her illness had left her looking pale and thin.
虽然我非常希望增加体重,但我仍然像以前一样的瘦。 Much as I hope I may gain weight, (yet) I am still as thin as before.
他几次报名应征,但都不合标准,先是由于年纪太小,而后又由于长得太瘦。 He tried several times to enlist, but first he was too young, then too thin, to make the grade.
衰弱的由于久病等脆弱和消瘦的;衰弱的 Frail and enfeebled, as from prolonged illness; emaciated.
肉糜压缩饼一种北美印第安人用干瘦肉条捣碎并拌上油脂和浆果然后压制成小饼的食品 A food prepared by Native Americans from lean, dried strips of meat pounded into paste, mixed with fat and berries, and pressed into small cakes.