她无疑是本市最好的律师。 She is easily the best lawyer in the city.
你要是看到什么可疑的东西就马上通知警察。 If you see anything suspicious, inform the police at once.
无疑,他们一定知道这样讲话可能产生的后果。 Certainly they must know the probable result of such speeches.
我怀疑在我有生之年这个国家会不会出现一位女总统。 I doubt if there will be a female president in this country in my lifetime.
这是毫无疑问的。 There's no question about it.
她的死无疑和政治有关。 No doubt her death is related to politics.
警方劝嫌疑犯招供. The police persuaded the suspect to talk.
我从未怀疑过他的诚实。 I never doubted his honesty.
我怀疑,不,我肯定他错了。 I suspect, nay, I am certain, that he is wrong.
他的话已在他们心中播下怀疑的种子。 His words had sowed the seeds of suspicion in their minds.
我对一直放在走廊里的那个包裹有些怀疑。 I'm a bit suspicious about the package that's been left in the corridor.
我的判断经常出错,但是我对祖国的忠诚是无可置疑的。 My judgement was frequently faulty, but my loyalty to the nation could not be questioned.
因为长时间的干旱,农民们对于好收成的前景是怀疑的。 Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.
多读书或许可以减少你的疑惑。 More reading may be allaying your doubt.
毫无疑问的他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。 He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan.
我可以毫无疑问地得出结论他在说谎。 I can draw the conclusion without question that he is lying.
您心里没有疑问了吗? There's no doubt in your mind?
他猜疑管道里什麽地方漏了. He suspected that a leak was present somewhere along the pipe.
坚定的毫不犹豫的或毫不迟疑的;坚决的 Free from hesitation or vacillation; resolute.
听到他咂咂舌头的声音,她疑惑不解在想:"我说错了什么?" "What have I said wrong now? " She wondered, as she heard he click his tongue.
无疑这是真相。 This is beyond doubt the truth.
毫无疑问她是优胜者。 She was the outright winner.
他无疑是较优秀的选手. He is without dispute the better player.
他的行为一直无可质疑。 His conduct has always been above suspicion.
当官的无疑将决定我们的未来。 Officialdom will no doubt decide our future.
他这人疑心太重, 连自己的母亲也不相信. He's so suspicious he would distrust his own mother.
我们开始时并不信任他,但他令人愉快的举止完全消除了我们的疑虑。 We didn't trust him at first, but his charming manner completely disarmed us.
他的忠诚无可置疑。 His loyalty is above suspicion.
有一团疑云笼罩著他. A cloud of suspicion is hanging over him.
她以怀疑的眼光注视著我. She stared at me with unbelieving eyes.
无疑,她早早晚晚会抛弃你的。 Sure enough, she'll let you down sooner or later.
谁也不怀疑她能胜任教师工作。 No one doubts her competence as a teacher.
我怀疑他们是否真有足够的人力。 I doubt whether they really have sufficient manpower.
警察怀疑银行职员与强盗有勾结。 The police suspected that the bank clerk was in league with the rubbers.
警方一直严密监视著可疑分子的活动. The police have been keeping a close watch on the suspects' movements.
他无法消除自己的疑心, 总觉得妻子不忠. He could not divest himself of the suspicion that his wife was being unfaithful.
老师狠狠地瞪了我一眼,所以我怀疑我做错了什么事。 The teacher threw a fierce look at me, so I wondered what I had done wrong.
警方对疑犯昼夜监视. The police are keeping the suspects under round-the-clock surveillance.
该学说已受到怀疑;该理论已过推翻。 The theory has been discredited.
他好像起了疑心--你觉得他看穿我们[我们要干的事]了吗? He looks suspicious do you think he's rumbled us/what we're up to?
我对他的诚实深信不疑。 I am convinced of his honesty.
这项通告证明了我的猜疑属实. The announcement confirmed my suspicions.
他那些怪话使我们心中生疑,不知他精神是否正常。 His strange remarks planted doubts in our minds about his sanity.
警方正在审讯两个嫌疑犯. The police are interrogating two suspects.
那个嫌疑犯被带到警察局问话. The suspect was taken to the police station for questioning.
犹豫迟疑不决的状态或迟疑不决的性质 The state or quality of being hesitant.
他被疑惑所困扰。 He is encompassed with doubts.
他的心忽然起了疑惑。 A doubt sprang up in his mind.
他因对宗教的疑惧而十分烦恼。 He was troubled by religious doubt.
她没有迟疑, 痛快地答覆了. She didn't hesitate for a moment but came straight out with her reply.
没有人怀疑他在金融事务中的卓越成就。 No one doubted his preeminence in financial matters.
昨夜有人看见两个形迹可疑的人在校园里徘徊。 Two suspicious-looking fellows were seen hanging around the campus last night.
信念对真理、事实或某物的正确性在思想上接受或深信不疑 Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something.
人类思考的最大的忧郁,也许是:大体上,人的慈善行为究竟有益抑或更为有害,是一则疑问。 The most melancholy of human reflections, perhaps, is that, on the whole, it is a question whether the benevolence of man does most harm or good.
参议院编写税法的人对众议院的提案,迟疑不愿同意,因为他们顾虑这仅是帐篷底下一只骆驼的鼻子。 Senate tax writers were hesitant to agree to the House proposal because of concerns that it represented the camel's nose under the tent.