也许这本书会对你的研究有用处。 Perhaps this book will prove to be of some use to you in your studies.
很奇怪他们改变了计划,但我觉得没有什么用处。 Their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant.
学校教育的最大用处,与其说是教你事物,不如说是教你学习的方法。 The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.
他的描述很笼统, 用处不大. His description was too general to be of much use.
如果他身体这么糟,那么他的所有财富对他毫无用处。 All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill.
这本参考书对我有用处吗? Is this reference book of any use to me?
每个男人都有他的用处,每个女人都有她的藉口。 Every man has his uses, and every woman her excuses.
有些小炊具非但没有用处反而碍事。 Some kitchen gadgets are more of a hindrance than a help.
它的用处是备份大量的数据或增加存储容量。硬盘的存储容量从几百兆字节不等。 Hard disks provide tremendous storage capacities ranging from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes.
植物学家栽培、采集草或专门研究(尤指药草)其用处的人 One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.