风猛烈地刮了一整天后,日落后变小了。 The wind was strong all day, but it moderated after sunset.
暴风雨猛烈地吹过陆地和海面。 The storm blew fiercely over land and sea.
飞机著陆时, 乘客感到猛烈的冲撞. The passengers felt a violent bump as the plane landed.
他猛烈地抨击政府的政策. He launched into a fierce polemic against the government's policies.
骑兵猛烈向前线冲击。 The cavalry charged to the front.
船颠簸加剧,他知道海浪猛烈起来了。 The added motion of the ship told him the sea was getting up.
乔治先生猛烈抨击大学的招生制度。 Mr.George lashed out at the university enrolling system.
我们的边防战士在敌人猛烈进攻下巍然不动。 Our frontier guards held up under fierce enemy attack.
不受以往辩论形式的拘束,副总统奎尔和民主党的戈尔穷追不舍互相猛烈攻击。结果双方对抗始终活泼生动,常有战斗意味,有进则风度欠佳。 Freed from the constraints of the traditional debate format, Vice President Quayle and Democrat Al Gore went after each other with a vengeance, creating a confrontation that was always lively, often combative, occasionally mean-spirited.