他在外面犹豫徘徊, 因过於胆怯而不敢进去. He hovered about outside, too afraid to go in.
坚定的毫不犹豫的或毫不迟疑的;坚决的 Free from hesitation or vacillation; resolute.
不畏缩的;坚定的表示既不害怕也不犹豫的;坚决的 Showing neither fear nor indecision; resolute.
他想到要在冬天游泳就有些犹豫. He boggled at the thought of swimming in winter.
就在我们犹豫不决的时候, 别人把那所房子买下了. While we were wavering, somebody else bought the house.
敌人就在背后,而前面横跨在深谷之上的桥已经腐朽不堪,摇摇晃晃。他处在两难之中,犹豫了起来。 His enemy was close behind him, and the bridge over the ravine was rotten and swaying. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, he hesitated.
她彷佛茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。 As if unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked round.
犹豫迟疑不决的状态或迟疑不决的性质 The state or quality of being hesitant.