他们热烈地欢迎主席。 They gave the chairman a tumultuous welcome.
他的热情给公司注入了新的生命。 His enthusiasm breathed new life into the company.
他对他的选民表现出很有感染力的热情。 He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters.
就在这些季节里,热气团与冷气团的温差最大。 It is during these seasons that the differences in temperature between warm and cold masses of air are greatest.
金属遇热则膨胀。 Metals expand when they are heated.
我在夏天一个闷热的下午遇见了她。 I met her in a sultry summer afternoon.
酷热使建筑物上的油漆起了浮泡。 The heat had blistered the paint of the building.
别把热水倒进玻璃杯里,不然它会炸的。 Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.
女主人给我们端上来一大盘热气腾腾的饺子。 Our hostess served up a large plate of steaming hot dumplings.
我一整天围着火热的炉子辛辛苦苦地做出这顿饭,可是他们现在几乎一点儿也没有吃。 I slaved away all day over a hot stove to produce this meal, and now they've hardly eaten any of it.
他的拒绝浇熄了我们的热情。 His refusal iced our enthusiasm.
那热气腾腾的蛋糕对这个饥饿的男孩是个诱惑。 The steaming cake was a bait for the hungry boy.
热天穿棉布之类有渗透性的材料制成的衣服最为适宜。 In hot weather cloths made of a porous material like cotton are best.
我不知道他着了什么魔,在那条热闹的街上把车子开得这么快。 I don't know what possessed him to drive so fast down that busy street.
这种炎热的天气在夜晚尚能忍受,但白天就令人感到呼吸困难。 The heat was tolerable at night but suffocating during the day.
她从热水瓶倒出热水。 She poured hot water from the thermos.
她的热心感动了所有的人。 Her eagerness moved all the people.
因为天气热,她穿了一件凉快的衣服。 As it was a hot day she wore a cool dress.
她热爱网球. She is passionately fond of tennis.
他们热烈欢迎女王. They extended the Queen a warm welcome.
她的祖国位于热带地区。 Her motherland is in the tropical region.
大家以热烈的掌声欢迎她. She was received with warm applause.
他的想法获得热烈的响应。 His idea received an enthusiastic response.
她在飞机场受到了热情的欢送. She was given a good send-off at the airport.
他的讲话受到热烈的欢迎. His talk met with/was given a warm (ie enthusiastic) reception.
他对事业的热情激励著他的追随者. His ardour for the cause inspired his followers.
她很热心, 为我打电话叫了计程车. She was so kind as to phone for a taxi for me.
他那热情的样子并没把我们欺骗多久. His friendly manner did not deceive us for long.
从她的回答来看, 她并不十分热心. I gathered from the way she replied that she wasn't very enthusiastic.
他对语言的热爱促使他从事翻译工作. His love of languages inclined him towards a career as a translator.
在我国, 一般人家里没有集中供热设备. People don't have central heating in their houses in my country.
看起来他似乎很喜欢大城市的热闹繁忙的生活。 It seems that he enjoys the hustle and bustle of life in the big city.
人们抵受不住酷热而纷纷倒下. Men were dropping like flies in the intense heat.
他用冰凉的手捧起一杯滚热的巧克力饮料。 He cupped his cold hands round the cup of hot chocolate.
你可以用热水把菜盘上凝结的油污冲洗掉。 You may use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.
首先,我站在一个热闹的角落,仅仅是看着人们,试图以审视他们来理解他们生活的某些东西。 First, I stand at a busy corner, merely looking at people, trying by sight of them to understand something of their live.
炎热的阳光晒得油漆起了泡. The hot sun blistered the paint.
这个铁匠给铁棒加热,直到烧红为止。 The blacksmith heated the iron bar until it glowed.
热的金属一冷(下来)就收缩. The hot metal contracts as it cools (down).
我不同意,布莱顿城更为热闹。 I disagree, brighton's more lively.
西洋樱草生长于热带国家吗? Does cowslip grow in tropic countries?
熨斗太热了, 你会把衣服烫焦的. The iron's too hot, you'll singe the dress.
灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。 The fierce sun parched the bare earth.
一盎司糖可以供给多少卡热量? How many calories can an ounce of sugar supply?
【谚】智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理。 Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.
我的力气、 兴趣、 热情等正在减退. My strength, interest, enthusiasm, etc is flagging.
爱国者热爱、支持和保卫自己国家的人 One who loves, supports, and defends one's country.
天热的时候人就容易神经紧张[脾气急躁]. Nerves/Tempers began to fray in the heat.
斯特兰德大街是伦敦最热闹的要道之一。 The Strand is one of London's busiest thoroughfares.
她热爱自己的家庭, 但家庭却是她事业的累赘. She loves her family, but they're a drag on her career.
护士,我的脚非常冷,可以给我一只热水瓶吗? My feet are as cold as ice, nurse. Can I have a hot water bottle?
(欧洲)大陆人有性生活,英国人则有热水瓶。 Continental people have sex life; the English have hot-water bottle.
流感是一种传染病,其特征是发热、全身疼痛和疲乏无力。 Flu is an infectious disease characterized by fever, aches and pains and exhaustion.
老年人或坐着谈话或玩纸牌或干脆观看“活动区”的热闹场面。 The old people sit talking or play cards, or simply watch the sound and fury of the"activity area."
尽管客栈老板很热情,但我们猜想他的真正目的是为了得到更多的钱。 Although the innkeeper was warm, we guessed that his real goad was to get more money.
商店为了迎合“自己动手”的狂热心理,为消费者提供可以在家里组装的零件。 Shops cater for the do-it- yourself craze by offering consumers bits and pieces which they can assemble at home.
因为热爱大自然,他常常去爬山。 (Being) a lover of nature, he often goes mountain climbing.
他们热心照顾这个年轻的姑娘,给她吃的,给她住处。 They befriended the young girl, providing her with food and shelter.
热带地区黑夜来得很快. Night descends quickly in the tropics.
在所有四季当中,夏天最热。 Of all the four seasons, summer is the hottest.
该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。 The system works on the principle that heat rises.
热解化用,高温分解由于热量而导致的化合物的分解或转化 Decomposition or transformation of a compound caused by heat.
大家都在给他们心目中的热门参赛者加油, 暗使劲儿使之获胜. The crowd were cheering their favourite on, willing her to win.
年轻人特有的热情和锐气在这些人当中没有多大表现。 The fire and dash pertaining to youth are not much in evidence among these people.
金属遇热则膨胀. If metal gets hot it expands.
他狂热地爱好书籍。 He is mad about books.
酷热使池水干枯。 The intense heat has dried up the pond.
水受热变成水蒸汽。 Heat evaporates water into steam.
向顶峰攀登时身上都热起来了。 It was a warm climb to the summit.
在一些热带国家,眼疾很流行。 Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.
水加热则成为蒸汽,冷却则成为冰。 Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold.
他在热带医学这一领域里广获赞扬。 He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine.
通过管道把热水从锅炉输送到散热器里. Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.
把电炉打开,在穿睡衣睡裤之前把它们先烤热。 Put on the electric fire and warm your pyjamas before putting them on.
医生们在努力保证早产婴儿成活方面热情很高。 The doctors were zealous in their efforts to ensure the survival of premature babies.
狗倚著暖烘烘的散热器. The dog nestled up against the warm radiator.
那个林务员已经勘测了那些热带雨林。 The forester has explored those tropical rain forests.
热情的示威游行者被新闻媒介忽视了。 The zealous demonstrators were ignored by the media.
碳水化合物给我们的身体提供热量和能量。 Carbohydrates provide our bodies with heat and energy.
这片热带森林色彩纷呈的植被使教授惊讶。 The colorful vegetation of this tropical forest amazed the professor.
烧热的钢淬火使它坚硬。 Hot steel is quenched to harden it.
我的套头毛衣遇热水後收缩了. The hot water shrank my pullover.
这热辣辣的太阳快把我烤焦了! I am broiling in this hot sun!
用餐时洋溢著热情友好的气氛。 The atmosphere over dinner was warm and friendly.
玛丽和我热切盼望晚会的举行。 Mary and I are looking forward very much to the party.
你见过热带鸟类色彩斑斓的羽毛吗? Have you seen the brightly-coloured plumage of tropical birds?
"太阳给地球热量,引起空气上升,刮起风来。" "The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow."
为了她的缘故,也为了约翰,我热切地希望她能被找到。 For her sake, as well as for John's, I hoped fervently that she might still be found.
热情,激情在动态、亮度、强度或形态方面类似火焰的东西 Something resembling a flame in motion, brilliance, intensity, or shape.
朝气蓬勃的具有或拥有青年人特点的,如活力、朝气或热情,与青年人有关 Marked by or possessing characteristics, such as vigor, freshness, or enthusiasm, that are associated with youth.
焦耳,詹姆斯·普雷斯科特1818-1889英国物理学家,为热量机械理论奠定基础,并发现了热力学第一定律 British physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.
渗碳处理一种冶金镀膜工序,在此工序中把钢或铁浸入另一种金属如锌、铬或铝的粉剂里,并加热至这一金属的熔点温度以下 A metallurgical coating process in which iron or steel is immersed in a powder of another metal, such as zinc, chromium, or aluminum, and heated to a temperature below the melting point of either.
因发烧而发热的孩子 A child burning with fever.
在对流中热气流向上运动. In convection, hot currents flow upwards.
他一生都是教会的热心支持者。 He has been a pillar of the Church all his life.
大体上说,这里的气候还是很宜人的,夏天不太热,冬天也不太冷。 On the whole, the climate here is quite pleasant, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.
发热原使发热的一种物质 A substance that produces fever.
孩子们热情地期待着晚会。 The children were eagerly looking forward to the party.
这一项宣布引起了热烈的欢呼声. The announcement was greeted with much hilarity and mirth.
在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便得多. A bicycle's often far more convenient than a car in busy cities.
请允许我对你们剧团的成功表示最热烈的祝贺。 Allow me to offer my warm congratulations on the success of your troupe.
热处理的目的在于使钢材更好地适用于某一特定的用途。 The object of heat treatment is to make the steel better suited for some specific application.
分子扩散运动两种或更多种物质的分子由于随机的热运动自发混合在一起 The spontaneous intermingling of the particles of two or more substances as a result of random thermal motion.
热咖啡能把糖溶化了. The hot coffee melts the sugar.
热探测器测量热量的敏感接受器 A sensory receptor that detects warmth.
菜要择, 汤要加热. 还得摆上餐具, 把酒冰镇一下. There are the vegetables to peel and the soup to heat. Then there's the table to lay and the wine to cool.
炎热的天气持续到九月。 The hot weather lasted until September.
威廉姆斯先生热衷于打猎。 Mr. Williams goes in for hunting.
炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。 The hot weather has soured the milk.
锯原木这工作干起来浑身发热。 Sawing logs is warm work.
我估计这将是一个炎热的夏天。 I reckon this will be a hot summer.
牛奶放在炉灶上的锅里热着。 The milk is warmed in a saucepan on the stove.
他很快使自己适应了这个国家炎热的天气。 He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.
热冶,火法冶金一种冶炼矿石的程序,如熔炼,它依靠热的作用 An ore-refining process, such as smelting, dependent on the action of heat.
在加利福尼亚州发现金矿一事掀起了一场淘金者蜂拥而至的热潮。 The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there.
新演员们受到评论界热烈的赞扬,迫使老演员们虚心谨慎,力保桂冠。 Enthusiastic critical acclaim for the newcomers is forcing older actors to look to their laurels.
巴鲁克先生讲述了他所认为的禁止抽鸦片烟的最好方法,大家都热烈赞同。 Mr Baruch stated what he thought the best method of suppressing opium smoking and the people heartily entered into his views.
对我们来说,猫是热情又充满深情的动物,但是在鸟儿和老鼠看来,猫是恶毒的食肉动物。 Cats are warm and affectionate creatures to us, but viewed through the eyes of birds and mice they are vicious predators.
反应素个体血液中的一种抗体,可以对诸如气喘病和光粉热这些变态反应产生预先的基因处理 An antibody found in the blood of individuals having a genetic predisposition to allergies such as asthma and hay fever.
磁控管一种微波管,它里面的发热阴极发出的电子受到磁场和电场的影响,从而产生能用于雷达和微波炉微波辐射 A microwave tube in which electrons generated from a heated cathode are affected by magnetic and electric fields in such a way as to produce microwave radiation used in radar and in microwave ovens.
比尔的母亲为比尔所属的俱乐部会员们准备热狗当点心,汤姆的母亲因此说她要招待得更好,除了给你们热狗外,另再加冰淇淋。 Bill's mother gave the boys in Bill's club hot dogs for refreshments, so Tom's mother said that she would go her on better next time by giving them ho dogs and icecream.
短暂的时尚:流行一时的狂热 A short-lived popular fashion; a fad.
把黄油加热,直到变成褐色为止。 Heat the butter until it browns.
热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景. The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage.
用热水把菜盘上凝结的油渍冲洗掉. Use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.
他早年所受的教养使他热衷於冒险活动. His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.
彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。 The comet's ice, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacular sublimate to gas.
你们在外面享福,我却一直在这里辛辛苦苦守着火热的炉灶。可我又得到了什么报答呢? Here I've been slaving over a hot cooker while you have been out enjoying yourselves, and what rewards do I get?
那孩子见他妈妈当着同学们的面亲亲热热、婆婆妈妈的对待他,感到害臊,不知如何是好。 The child was ashamed of the affectionate fuss his mother was making of him in front of his schoolmates and didn't know where to turn his eyes.
由于没有适当的导航援助,飞行员不了解周围气候的变化情况,将飞机直接飞入了热带飓风眼内。 Not having proper navigational aids the pilot had been unaware of the changing conditions and had flown the plane right into the eye of the tropical storm.
甘地,穆罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德1869-1948印度民族主义者和精神领袖,推动了非暴力不抵抗运动并迫使英国于1947年允许印度独立,被一个印度教狂热分子暗杀 Indian political leader who served as prime minister(1966-1977) and(1980-1984). She was assassinated by Sikh extremists.
海涅,亨利希1797-1856德国作家,自1831年之后生活在巴黎。他的浪漫主义诗歌及社会论文充满了他对自己祖国土地和人民的热爱,对众多德国现代研究机构的嘲笑 German writer who lived in Paris after1831. His romantic poems and social essays are marked by his love for the German land and people and derision for many modern German institutions.
"父母们所了不解的是,脂肪提供非常宝贵的热量,并且每个细胞都需要脂肪和胆固醇才能生长,"她说。"胆固醇的名声太坏,我们从来看不到它好的一面,但是它对孩童,尤其两岁以下的,极为重要。" "What parents don't understand is that fat provides very valuable calories and that every cell needs fat and cholesterol to grow, " she said. "Cholesterol has gotten such bad press that we never see it in a good light, but it is essential for children, especially those under2."