空气是气体的混合物。 Air is a mixture of gases.
那个球被充满了气体混合物。 The ball is filled with gaseous mixture.
空气是气体的混合物,不是化合物。 Air is a mixture, not a compound of gases.
火药易爆炸的混合物,如弹药 An explosive mixture, such as gunpowder.
堆肥腐烂有机体的混合物,如树叶或粪便,用来改善土壤结构并增加土壤养分 A mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients.
白兰地和水的混合物,要糟蹋两样好东西。 A mixture of brandy and water spoil two good thing.
一种冷饮品,常为白葡萄酒和果汁的混合物 A cold drink, often a mixture of white wine and juice.
甜馅由切得很碎的苹果、葡萄干、香料、肉,有时加朗姆酒或白兰地合成的混合物,尤用作馅饼的馅 A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.
石脑油一种高度挥发性的易燃液态碳氢化合物混合物,从石油、煤焦油和天然气中提炼出来,并用作石油、溶剂和制造各种化合物中 Any of several highly volatile, flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas and used as fuel, as solvents, and in making various chemicals.
共沸混合物两种或多种物质组成的液体混合物,当在某种压力下被蒸馏或局部汽化时,在气体状态下和在液体状态下保留相同的物质的成分 A liquid mixture of two or more substances that retains the same composition in the vapor state as in the liquid state when distilled or partially evaporated under a certain pressure.
把这个混合物充分摇匀. Shake the mixture well.
搅动混合物而使粉末溶化. Agitate the mixture to dissolve the powder.
沥青混泥土碎石或沙子与沥青的混合物,用于铺路或封层顶 Mixed asphalt and crushed stone gravel or sand, used for paving or roofing.
这种混合物凝结之後就成了太妃糖. The mixture solidifies into toffee.
把混合物煮至沸腾,然後再用文火煮十分钟。 Bring the mixture to the boil, then let it simmer for ten minutes.
蜂蜜水水和蜂蜜的混合物,混合物发酵时变成蜂蜜酒 A mixture of water and honey that becomes mead when fermented.
麦麸由谷糠和营养物质调成的混合物,用以饲养牲畜和家禽 A mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl.