她的活泼与兴高采烈的情绪把他迷住了. He was charmed by her vivacity and high spirits.
姑娘又活泼又富幽默感, 未婚夫家人十分喜欢她. The girl impressed her fiance's family with her liveliness and sense of humour.
精力充沛的;活泼的 Full of energy; lively.
这个快乐的孩子以轻快活泼的步子走着。 The happy boy walked with jaunty steps.
活泼的孩子有时是会淘气的。 One expects active children to be mischievous at times.
不受以往辩论形式的拘束,副总统奎尔和民主党的戈尔穷追不舍互相猛烈攻击。结果双方对抗始终活泼生动,常有战斗意味,有进则风度欠佳。 Freed from the constraints of the traditional debate format, Vice President Quayle and Democrat Al Gore went after each other with a vengeance, creating a confrontation that was always lively, often combative, occasionally mean-spirited.