没有人想碰到麻烦。 No one liked to have trouble.
没有人能够成功而不努力。 No one can succeed without working hard.
尽管他大声喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。 Despite his cries no one came to his assistance.
在我们学校几乎没有人懂得丹麦语。 Few people know Danish in our school.
没有人没有缺点。 There is no man but has his faults.
没有人敢把视线离开地面。 Nobody dared lift their eyes from the ground.
没有人会责怪你打牌消遣。 You won't be blamed for playing cards for love.
没有人能想像出全面核子战争的後果. Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.
我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。 I hate dealing with large impersonal companies.
他把事故的经过告诉了她,但赶紧随即补充说没有人受伤。 He told her about the accident, but hastened to add that no one was hurt.
孩子们想玩多久就玩多久,他们没有事做,也没有人会责骂他们,总而言之,他们很快乐。 The children could play as long as they liked, they had no work to do, and nobody scolded them, in short, they were happy.
没有人能够阻止他去冒险。 Nobody can prevent him from running the risk.
没有人能够阻挡历史的车轮。 No one can hold back the wheel of history.
这件偷窃事没有人承认是自己干的。 Nobody owned up to the theft.
没有人怀疑他在金融事务中的卓越成就。 No one doubted his preeminence in financial matters.