这些项目是根据其重要性排列的。 The items are listed in order of importance.
根据定义,首都是一个国家的政治文化中心。 By definition the capital is the political and cultural center of a country.
根据解剖结果,此人死于心脏病发作。 According to the result of the dissection, the man died from heart attack.
根据表面现象看问题有时是不可取的。 It's not always wise to go by appearances.
我们根据有效法律保护投资者的利益。 We protect the interests of investors by the legislation in effect.
我们可以根据你的特殊需要设计保险单。 We can tailor the insurance policy according to your special needs.
这三个人根据各自的能力被分配了工作。 The three men were given work according to their respective abilities.
我们根据恐龙的一些骨头重组恐龙的原貌. We reconstructed what the dinosaur looked like from a few of its bones.
根据专家们的意见,他们马上放弃了这项试验。 According to expert opinions, they gave up the experiment immediately.
根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。 According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.
年代从某一具体日期算起的一段时间,也用作其年代系统的根据 A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.
声波是根据其振幅来测量的. Sound waves are measured by their amplitude.
根据圣经的说法,我们可以活到七十岁。 According to the Bible, we can expect to live for three score years and ten.
根据你的合同,你每年有十五天的带薪假期。 According to your contract, you get 15 days' paid holiday a year.
根据条约, 中国将于1997年7月1日收回香港。 According to the treaty, China is to take back Hong Kong on July 1st, 1997.
君主,领主根据封建法律,应对之效忠和服役的长官或君主 A lord or sovereign to whom allegiance and service are due according to feudal law.
图书馆的书是按照[根据]科目分类的. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
派来调查的警察说,我家的大门是根据极其合乎科学的原理给撬开来的。 The policeman who is sent down to examine, says my house has been broken open on the most scientific principle.
无实质的,无价值的,无根据的 Lacking substance, value, or basis.
根据出身不同而区别待人是不对的. It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background.
市长要根据议会的议案来制定政策。 The mayor must make policies in accordance with the bill passed in the Congress.
你不能毫无根据地逮捕他。 You shouldn't arrest him without warrant.
根据规定, 申请者一律需经笔试. It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam.
根据规定,申请者一律需经笔试。 It is laid down that all applicant must sit a write exam.
警方根据所获情报, 突然搜查了那个俱乐部. Acting on information received, the police raided the club.
一家生物工艺开发公司正在根据自然滋生毒素的原理研制新型农药系列产品。 A biotechnology company is developing a range of new pesticide based on naturally occur toxin.
他不根据前提推理因而论证无效. This non sequitur invalidates his argument.
他是根据工会章程第23条规则行动的。 He is acting under rule23 of the union constitution.
这种费用是根据收入高低滑动折算的. Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income.
根据法律规定青年人年满十八岁必须参军。 "According to the law, a young man should enlist when he is18."
根据社会工作者的建议把那孩子与其父母隔离了. The child was taken away from its parents on the recommendation of social workers.
根据牛顿第一定律,如果不对物体施加力的话,静止物体会一直保持静止。 According to Newton's first law, a body at rest will remain at rest until a force is applied to it.
根据英国法律,哈拍特无罪。 According to English law, Hubert is innocent.
他根据情况,变换治疗方法。 He varies the treatment according to circumstances.
陪审团根据证据作出结论, 认定她有罪. The jury concluded, from the evidence, that she was guilty.
根据英国法律,一个人未经证实有罪仍视为无罪。 In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty.
我并不是永久雇员,而是根据定期合同在此工作的。 I'm not a permanent employee; I'm working here on a fixed-term contract.
他徒步走了好几天,最后安全到达一个游击队根据地。 He travelled on foot for several days until he safely reached a guerrilla base.
侦探根据所掌握的线索推断出作案的人。 Detective deduce from the clue who have commit the crime.
这杆梭镖是江西根据地时代传下来的。 The spear descends from the Jiangxi-base days.