校长表扬男同学服装整齐. The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out.
她穿着纽约杰出设计师设计的服装。 She was dressed by a leading New York designer.
这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。 This traditional costume is of indigo blue.
展出的服装都过时了。 The dresses on show are out of date.
如今有些年轻人穿的服装真会把你吓一跳。 The clothes some young people wear nowadays really make your hair curl.
这家公司将为所有运动员提供全套运动服装。 The company will provide the sports outfits for all the players.
她那滑稽的服装引得客人哄堂大笑。 Her funny costume caused much mirthful laughter among the guests.
人体模型如真人大小的、全身或半身的人体模型,用于量试衣服是否合适或展示服装;人体模型 A life-size full or partial representation of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of clothes; a dummy.
纽卡斯尔英格兰中西部的一个市级自治区,位于斯图克西南偏南。拥有制砖业、制瓦业和纺织服装工业。人口74,200 A municipal borough of west-central England south-southwest of Stoke. It has brick, tile, and clothing industries. Population, 74,200.
和服是日本民族服装的一部分。 The kimono is part of the national costume of Japan.
本公司认为,您所展示的已婚妇女服装最适合我们的市场需求。 The lines you showed for the married women would be most suitable for our market.
她对服装有很好的审美眼光。 She has good taste in clothes.
我相信那成群女人们的服装颜色一定是一种华丽的奇观,我会百看不厌的。 I am certain that the colors of women's dresses moving in a throng must be a gorgeous spectacle of which I should never tire.
华丽的服装使他那极其英俊的外貌更为增色. Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome appearance.
贝蒂穿着最好的服装来参加聚会,她理所当然地引起了广泛的注意。 Betty came to the party dressed to kill and she certainly was the center of attention.