他有一些很奇怪的政治信念。 He has some pretty strange political ideas.
我手里还有一些牌。 I still have some cards in hand.
她是英国人, 但也有一些德国亲戚. She is British but also has German connections.
阅览室有许多学生,也有一些消磨时间的人。 The reading room held many students, as well as a few time killers.
时间表上有一些变动。 There have been a few alterations to the timetable.
食物中有一些杂质。 There are some impurities in food.
虽说委员会中的多数赞成这项议案,但还有一些人持不同看法。 Although most of members of the committee spoke for the bill, a few still held different views.
他们有一些标准纯银餐具。 They have some sterling silver cutlery.
这场戏大部分内容是用韵文写成的, 但也有一些是散文形式的. Most of the scene is written in verse, but some is in prose.
每年都有一些修这门速成课的学生觉得课程负担太重而于圣诞节前辍学的。 In any year some of the students on this crash course find the pace too hot for them and drop out before Christmas.
大多数孩子都喜欢吃糖果,但也有一些例外。 Most children like sweets, but there are some exceptions.
在他的酒类收藏中有一些名贵的陈年葡萄酒。 He have some rare old vintage in his collection of wine.
非洲有一些地区这时仍然处于殖民主义的统治之下。 Some parts of Africa still remained under colonialism.