我们的最终目标是消除所有核武器。 Our ultimate objective is the removal of all nuclear weapons.
因为宿怨,他最终杀了她。 He eventually killed her because of a long-standing feud.
他从初级职员做起,最终成了这家公司的董事。 He joined the firm as a junior clerk, and finished up a director.
有人说资本主义和社会主义最终会合而为一。 Some say that capitalism and socialism will eventually converge.
士兵们最终完成了耐力测验。 The soldiers eventually completed the endurance tests.
你如果把工作坚持下去,最终会取得成功的。 If you persevere with work, you'll succeed in the end.
我们最终达成了协议。 Finally we reached an agreement.
马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指出了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移 The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries.
大多数歹徒最终都落得个不好的下场。 Most gangsters come to a sticky end eventually.
迷惑了数小时后,我最终弄明白了,并找到了答案。 After puzzling for hours I finally saw daylight and found the answer.