我们每星期工作五天, 每星期六和星期日休息。 We work five days a week and have every Saturday and Sunday off.
抽彩仪式星期六举行. The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday.
她新找的这份工作星期六放假,而原来的那份工作周末是隔周放假。 She get Saturday off in her new job as against work alternate weekend in her last one.
这个图书馆星期一至星期六都开放。 The library is open on weekdays only.
我们星期六的午饭总有一道油煎菜. We always have a fry-up for Saturday lunch.
星期六的下午象闪电一样转瞬即逝! Saturday afternoons go by like lightning!
她推迟到星期六启程。 He put off his departure till Saturday.