这需要时间。 It takes time.
大家别同时说. Don't all speak at the same time.
这只是时间问题。 It's only a matter of time.
不会发很多时间的。 It won't take much time.
我的手表走时准确。 My watch keeps good time.
发言共占去三小时. The speeches occupied three hours.
四月是种树的时候。 April is the time to plant trees.
当我像你这样年纪时... When I was your age...
一小时之内我就会到。 I'll be coming within an hour.
晚饭时他吃了一些米饭。 He had some rice for supper.
他们六时来的, 九时走的. They came at six and went at nine.
丰年时人人都吃得饱。 In years of plenty everyone has plenty to eat.
他洗澡时想出了这个主意。 The idea came to him in his bath.
她上大学时经常练跑步. She used to run when she was at college.
整个工作只需要半个小时。 The whole job only takes half an hour.
我正在做晚饭时停电了。 While I was cooking supper the electricity went off.
留出星期五下午的时间做复习。 Friday afternoons are left free for revision.
表演正好进行到一半时停电了。 The light went out bang in the middle of the performance.
他每天早晨花两个小时练习赛跑。 Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.
问题是什么时候能得到我们所需要的钱。 The problem is when to get the money we need.
我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时间。 It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.
步行了四个小时以后,我们开始累了。 After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag.
你多花点时间学习课文是有好处的. You could with profit spend some extra time studying the text.
辛苦工作了四个小时后,他觉得非常饿。 He felt very hungry after four-hours' hard work.
我们请她帮忙时, 她总是那么不友好。 She is always so disagreeable when we ask her to help.
当她看到他走过来的时候,她的脸亮了起来。 Her face lit up when she saw he was coming.
他十岁的时候就已经长得比他哥哥高了。 By the time he is ten, he has outgrown his older brother.
工作了十五个小时之后,我开始感到累了。 After working for fifteen hours I began to tire.
他每次来电话时, 我好像总是正在洗澡. Every time he phones I always seem to be in the bath.
有些人在爬高山时会发生高山反应。 Some people develop altitude sickness when climbing high mountains.
宴会结束时,我们谢了主人后便回家去了。 At the end of the party, we thanked our host and went away.
天气的变化打乱了我们体育比赛的时间表。 The change of the weather has mucked up our sports timetable.
我们将吃一点面包,剩下的留到早饭时吃。 We'll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.
当他在国外安定下来时,他开始想念祖国了。 He came to miss his homeland when he settled down abroad.
现在是休息时间, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。 It was the time of break and students came out of classroom one after another.
现在的时装和我还是小女孩时候流行的样子很不一样了。 Fashions have changed a lot since I was a little girl.
握手时软弱无力。 Has limp, weak handshake.
秋天时叶子变黄。 The leaves turn yellow in autumn.
他刮胡须时割破了脸. He cut himself/his face shaving.
见面时,他拥抱了她。 He enfolded her when they met.
欢迎你随时到我们家。 You are always welcome to our house.
他在最适当的时候到达。 He arrived at the most opportune moment.
她年轻时是个有名的美人. She was a famous beauty in her youth.
数小时后, 他清醒过来。 It was many hours before he came back to life.
现在该是填饱肚子的时候了。 It's time to satisfy my inner man.
很多树冬天时就掉光了叶子。 Many trees are leafless in winter.
下一次邮递时间是四点钟。 The next postal delivery is at 4 o'clock.
我的各种问题似乎同时出现了 All my troubles seem to come together.
留心那条狗, 有时候咬人. Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people.
我们有时候吃大米, 不吃土豆. We sometimes eat rice instead of potatoes.
牙被拔掉时,他疼得大叫。 He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.
那辆火车三点钟准时到达。 The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock.
我们的主要问题就是缺少时间。 Our principal problem is lack of time.
他时常提出一些奇怪的问题。 He raises some strange questions now and again.
黄昏时分她常常坐在花园里。 She often sits in the garden at twilight.
他在抬沉重的家具时扭伤了腰。 He did his back in lifting heavy furniture.
他花了半个小时做完这项工作。 It took him half an hour to finish the work.
孩子睡觉时,不要练习打鼓。 You mustn't practise drums while the baby is sleeping.
我希望明年某一时候再见到你。 I hope to see you again sometime next year.
夏天时,山坡上长满了花草。 The hillside is covered by grass and flowers in summer.
我等她回来时,心里越来越不安。 I waited with growing uneasiness for her to return.
那位漂亮的女孩是一位时装模特儿。 That beautiful girl is a fashion model.
我儿子六岁的时候开始学习乘法。 My son began to study multiplication when he was six.
您被邀请参观我们的秋季时装展览。 You are invited to view our autumn collection.
我刚好及时到会,才算没受责备。 I saved my bacon by arriving just in time for the meeting.
那时我不在家,所以由我女儿招待客人。 I went away so my daughter acted as hostess.
等到我得知这项决定时,已经太迟了。 I wasn't informed of the decision until too late.
她工作的时候就把小儿子送到托儿所。 She sent her little son to a nursery when she was working.
该是你认识形势的真实情况的时候了。 It's time you awake to the realities of the situation.
我开始做这项工作时, 遇到许多困难. I encountered many difficulties when I first started this job.
她午饭吃得很少,期待晚饭时饱餐一顿。 She ate a light lunch in expectation of a good dinner.
只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不快的记忆。 Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories.
他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。 He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.
我喜欢滑雪, 同时也知道这非常危险。 I like skiing and in the meantime, I know it is very dangerous.
火警警报响时全体人员应到楼外集合. If the fire-alarm goes, staff should assemble outside the building.
春天的时候,踩在松软的地面上非常舒服。 It's very comfortable to step on the soft ground in the spring.
当我们听说他们平安无事时,都松了一口气。 We all heaved a sigh of relief when we heard that they were safe.
他的时间排得很满,学生根本无法和他接触。 His busy schedule made him completely inaccessible to his students.
开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开出。 The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.
我对他并不了解,虽然我认识他已经很长时间了。 I don't know him well though I've known him for a long time.
等所有的植物都开花时,花园会显得非常漂亮。 The garden will look very beautiful when all the plants are in flower.
他肯定是喝多了,当他要站起来时,却摔倒在地上。 He must have drunk too much; when he tried to stand up, he keeled over.
为了安全起见,在市内开车时速不要超过三十公里。 For safety's sake, don't drive more than 30 kilometers per hour in the city.
当我不得不离开时,这个孩子情绪异常激动,忍不住哭了起来。 The boy got very emotional when I had to leave, and started to cry.
这鞋刚穿时要是有点紧没关系, 这种皮子很有延展性. Don't worry if the shoes seem a bit tight at first; the leather has plenty of give in it.
你要是英语讲得不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位。 If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.
我在街上遇到她,可是当我向她微笑时,她却连招呼都没有向我打一个。 I passed her in the street but she didn't even acknowledge me when I smiled.
汽车停止时震动了一下。 The car stopped with a jolt.
你走时别忘了锁门。 Don't neglect to lock the door when you leave.
拍照时照相机不要晃. Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph.
暴风雨来临时,天空转暗。 The sky turned dark as the storm came near.
暴风雨时,我正在树下躲避。 In the storm I took shelter under the tree.
我们走时车子扬起了一阵尘土。 The car raised quite a dust as we drove off.
我不愿意在交通高峰时间出去。 I don't like to go out during the rush hour.
昨天的这个时候正刮着狂风。 It was blowing gales of hurricane this time yesterday.
这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。 These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance.
我请求他从新疆回来时给我带些葡萄干。 I asked him to bring me some raisins when he returns from Xinjiang.
在以后的岁月中,他一直记着她临别时的一吻。 He remembered her parting kiss in the following years.
她在科学方面的倾向性在孩童时代就已显现出来。 Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood.
他同时具有创造性想象力和真正的治学谨严学风。 He combines creative imagination and true scholarship.
组织这样大规模的聚会要花费许多时间和精力。 The organization of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy.
不论何时我到台北,我一定去参观故宫博物院。 Whenever I go to Taipei, I make a point of visiting the National Palace Museum.
我申请加入排球队时给教练留下了良好的印象。 I had made on the coach a good impression when I went out for volleyball.
我认为咱们不在家时不能把孩子都硬塞给你父母看管。 I don't think we can wish the children on your parents while we're away.
恰恰就在我登上公共汽车踏板的时候,车子开动了。 At the precise moment that I put my foot on the step, the bus started.
当他穿着全套大礼服露面的时候,显得和整个场合很不协调。 He looked rather out of place when he turned up in full ceremonial rig.
当一个人一旦认为自己是有意思的时候,他就不再是有意思的人了。 The minute a man is convinced that he is interesting, he is not.
什么也不能推动一个按钟头收费的人,对他的平静的心情来说,时间的消逝是多么甜蜜啊。 Nothing can move a man who is paid by the hour; how sweet the flight of time seem to his calm mind.
换档时扳动这根操纵杆。 Move this lever to change gear.
我在击剑时用的是把重剑。 I use a heavy sabre in fencing.
那个退休妇女是个临时保姆。 That retired woman is a baby-sitter.
飞机以每小时900公里的速度飞行。 The airplane flies at 900 kilometers an hour.
用餐时摆弄刀叉玩儿是不雅的. It's bad manners to fidget about (with the cutlery) at the table.
主人举起鞭子时,狗抖缩在桌子下边。 The dog cowered under the table when his master raised the whip.
噪音令人讨厌,尤其当你想睡觉的时候。 Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.
这世上有些人把整个时间花费于搜寻正义,却腾不出时间来付诸实践。 Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can not find any time to practice it.
他跳远时扭伤了左踝。 He hurt his left ankle in the broad jump.
我们什么时候会面合适? What time is suitable for us to meet?
车朝我开过来时约翰叫道:"小心!" "Look out!" Jone called as the car came towards me.
日落时, 西边天空有一道红晖. At sunset, there was a bar of red across the western sky.
贵国是什么时候实行普选权的? When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?
我(那时)很着急。--你用不着着急嘛。 I was worried. You needn't have been.
这个悬而未决的问题什么时候能解决呢? When will the pendent problem be solved?
父亲有时候带着手杖出去散步。 My father sometimes goes out for a stroll with a stick in his hand.
万岁日本人在进攻时的呐喊或爱国的欢呼; A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer.
新闻——当有人咬狗、或者打劫酒店之时。 News- when a man bite a dog or rob a hotel.
许多人到国外时,都感受到文化震撼。 Many people suffered from cultural shock when they came abroad.
雪崩发生的时候我们的处境多么危险啊! What a precarious situation we were in when the avalanche started!
在大家到齐之後两小时,她终於姗姗来到。 She finally drifted in two hours after everyone else.
你在发动引擎时,一定要让汽车处于空档。 When you start the engine, be sure the car is in neutral.
运动员们离开赛场时,被愤怒的人群推搡着。 The players were jostled by an angry crowd as they left the field.
必须对那些专在足球比赛时打架的社会渣滓严加惩处! These scum who fight at the football matches must be severely dealt with!
我那趟班机误点了, 我只好看书消磨时间[打发了两小时]. My flight was delayed, so I killed time/killed two hours reading a book.
中间休息时有些点心(如冰激凌、 炸土豆片、 巧克力). Light refreshments (eg ice-cream, crisps, chocolate) are available during the interval.
(成交或成婚时的)握手用来表示诸如合约或婚姻的誓言的一种握手 A handclasp used to signify a pledge, such as a contract or marriage.
你飞回家度寒假的时刻不知不觉就会来到的,我都已经在盼望着啦! Before you know it you'll be flying home for the winter holidays, I can hardly wait!
一谈到别的事情时,他们的记性并不是很好,但他们却记得彗星。 Their memory wasn't very good when it came to recalling other things, but they remembered the comet.
今后请准时。 Please be punctual in futurity.
老人有时爱忘事. Old people are sometimes forgetful.
过马路时要当心。 Be careful when you cross the road.
别忙, 有的是时间. Don't hurry; there's plenty of time.
展出的服装都过时了。 The dresses on show are out of date.
杂技要用很长时间学习. Acrobatics takes a long time to learn.
这是目前最时兴的做法了。 It's the in-thing to do at the moment.
有时这个病人疼得哭起来。 Sometimes the patient cried for the pain.
吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面。 I sat opposite to him during the meal.
她用的时间正好不到四分钟。 Her time was just under four minutes.
我们开会的时间已经确定了. The time for our meeting has been fixed already.
我们可以相信他会准时到来。 We can depend on his arriving here on time.
这时她注意到书记走了进来。 At this moment she noticed the secretary coming in.
一到干活儿的时候, 他就不见了. He's always missing when there's work to be done.
讲话时他经常参考笔记。 He frequently referred to the notes during the course of the talk.
太阳很低时, 物体的影子就很长. Shadows are longer when the sun is low in the sky.
到半夜时分他已喝了近两瓶酒。 By midnight he had put back nearly two bottles of wine.
这个问题你在适当的时候问问她吧。 Ask her about it when a suitable moment offer itself.
当他平静下来时,我开始告诉他实情。 When he quieted down, I began to tell him the truth.
我在街上遇到她时,她假装不认得我。 She pretended she didn't know me when I passed her in the street.
我们必须安排一个合适的时间和地点开会。 We must arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting.
不要虚度时光。 Don't loiter your time away.
这是革新时期。 It was a period of innovation.
火车及时到达了。 The train arrived betimes.
我们那时住在乡下。 We lived in the country then.
情况紧急时请按铃。 Ring the bell in an emergency.
我醒来时已是白天. When I woke up, it was already day.
傍晚时地面变凉。 The ground cools off toward evening.
我及时参加了会议。 I went to attend the meeting betimes.
文学是时代的镜子。 Literature is a mirror of its time.
她似乎时来运转了。 Her luck seems to have taken an upturn.
六十分等于一小时。 Sixty minutes is equal to an hour.
我们希望傍晚时能回来. We hope to be back by nightfall.
只有这次他是按时到了。 Just for once he arrived on time.
暂时还用不着,谢谢你。 Not at the moment, thank you.
他登上王位时才八岁。 He was only eight when he ascended the throne.
那简直是浪费时间和精力. It's a waste of time and energy.
政策的条款是临时决定的. Points of policy are decided ad hoc.
小时是时间的一个量度单位。 An hour is a measure of time.
是把这面红旗打开的时候了。 It's time to shake out the red flag.
他发脾气时让人无法忍受。 He is unbearable when he's in a bad temper.
七十年代是超短裙时代。 It's an era of the miniskirt in the seventies.
无可否认, 他当时并不知道. Admittedly, he didn't know that at the time.
我姑姑有时候还真有点讨人厌. My aunt can be a bit of a terror.
他留着劲在比赛结束时用。 He saved his strength for the end of the race.
冷天出门时要披上披肩。 You should put a robe on if you go out in a cold day.
蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉. Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar.
我当时正把机密文件切碎。 I was shredding top-secret documents at that time.
他的健康状况时好时坏。 There are fluctuations in the state of his health.
他大学时的专业是国际贸易。 He majored in international commerce in college.
自从他是小孩时,他就喜欢狗。 He has liked dogs since he was a child.
通电时线圈就会有磁性。 The loop becomes magnetic when the current is switched on.
警方无法确定当时他在哪里. The police can't establish where he was at the time.
你必须提前两小时到达机场。 You must arrive at the airport two hours early.
跑上楼梯时,心跳会加速。 Your heart beat will quicken when you run up the stairs.
他切菜时不小心割破了手指。 He sliced his finger by accident when cutting vegetables.
我在故乡度过了自己的孩提时代。 I spent my early childhood in my hometown.
只有时间才能证明你是否正确。 Only time will tell if you are right.
在困难时期我们过着艰苦的生活。 We led a hard life in times of stress.
及时付款正是我们所盼望的。 What we expected is nothing less than a timely payment.
时间比世上任何东西都宝贵。 Time is more precious than anything else in the world.
做个消防队员有时候会有危险。 Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous.
你作判断时要尽量做到不存偏见. Try not to be prejudiced in your judgements.
你时时拜望亲戚很周到啊。 It is considerate of you to call on your relatives from time to time.
这个水壶上的开关按下时卡不住了。 The switch on the kettle won't stay down.
我大部分时间都用在观光游览上了. I spent most of my time (in) sightseeing.
要不是报纸,我们都赶不上时代了。 Without newspaper, we would get behind the times.
咱们定好下次会议的时间和地点吧. Let's arrange a time and place for our next meeting.
他刚刚四十岁时,头发就变得灰白了。 His hair became gray when he was only forty.
她和他们打招呼时亲切地直呼其名. She greeted them by their first names in a familiar way.
我所有的业余时间都用在诗歌阅读上。 I spent all my spare time reading poetry.
我们爬到山顶时, 看到了优美的景色. When we finally topped the hill we had a fine view.
大家认为最好暂时放弃这个想法。 It was thought best to drop the idea for the time being.
他的妻子知道在他生气时怎么对付他。 His wife knows how to manage him when he is angry.
根据表面现象看问题有时是不可取的。 It's not always wise to go by appearances.
他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。 They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.
新政府的成立带来了一个繁荣的时期. The new government ushered in a period of prosperity.
他上学时有时到羽毛球俱乐部去。 He went to the badminton club at times during his school days.
她在演讲时一直都在玩弄手帕。 She was playing with her handkerchief all the while during the speech.
查一下火车时刻表中下一趟车的时间. Look up the time of the next train in the timetable.
一个守时的人总是把事情提前做好。 A punctual person always finishes everything ahead of time.
他经常回忆起年轻时代的幸福时光。 He often retraces the happy time during his young age.
我们时间很紧, 只好胡乱吃了顿小吃. We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack.
士兵们随时准备粉碎敌人的进攻。 The soldiers are ready at all times to smash the enemy's attacks.
我们可以在话剧开演前一小时去取票. We can pick up the tickets an hour before the play begins.
虽然我倒油时很小心, 但还是洒了一些. Although I poured it carefully, I spilt some of the oil.
冬天的时候,我们不得不穿上温暖的衣服。 We have to put on warm clothing in winter.
当我们快到车站时,火车减慢了速度。 The train slackened speed as we approached the station.
她因那重要时刻渐近而越来越紧张. As the great moment approached, she grew more and more nervous.
我儿子生病时,丈夫给了我极大的安慰。 My husband was a great comfort to me when my son was ill.
邻居张奶奶生病时,她去帮忙照料。 She helped out when her neighbour Grandma Zhang became ill.
在等待开演的时候,演员们十分紧张 The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin.
我国任何时候都没有现在这样繁荣。 At no time has the country been more prosperous than at present.
他们恋爱那时国家正进行著战争. Their love affair was played out against the background of a country at war.
在这种时候应大力反对如此浪费金钱。 Such waste of money should be deprecated at a time like this.
在考虑这一问题时,你应当抓住实质。 In considering this problem, you should grasp its essentials.
据目前情况看,我们不能按时完成任务了。 As things stand, we won't finish the job on time.
轻型飞机飞行时起落架不一定缩回. The undercarriage on light aircraft does not always retract in flight.
他下决心每天要读一小时有益读物。 He made a resolution to read something profitable for one hour every day.
商店趁一时缺货而提高价格从中获利。 The shop is cashed in on temporary shortage by raising price.
要准时来,否则你会给人一个坏的印象。 Be there on time, otherwise you'll create a bad impression.
我那时正沿著大街向北去, 走著走著.... I was proceeding along the High Street in a northerly direction when...
这段时间的失业人数又达到了创纪录水平。 In this period, unemployment reaches record levels.
她即使在最糟糕的时候也总是非常乐观. She was always optimistic, even when things were at their worst.
总统有六名警卫员时时刻刻在左右保卫. The President always has six bodyguards in close attendance.
我们为这一项目付出了大量的时间和精力. We've put a great deal of time and effort into this project.
这些蔬菜煮的时间太长了,都煮成糊了。 These vegetables have been boiling too long; they're cooked to a pulp.
他们邀请我们将来到那里时去他们家做客. We have a standing invitation to visit them when we're in the area.
虽然任务艰巨,他们还是设法及时完成。 Difficult though the task was, they managed to accomplish it in time.
在赛跑时让年龄小的男生提早了10秒钟起跑. The smaller boys were given a start of 10 seconds in the race.
到这次新闻发布时, 贸易量已达到最低点。 At the time of this news release, trading had reached its lowest point.
消防队到达时, 整座建筑物正在熊熊燃烧著. When the firemen arrived the whole building was blazing.
尽管有那么多困难,我们仍然及时地到达了这儿。 Disregarding all the difficulties, we arrived here in time.
这届国会结束时,好几个议案制定成为法律。 Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament.
他做临时工作已一年多了, 想找个固定的工作. He's been temping for over a year now and wants a permanent job.
好学生通常都知道如何及时迅速地总结知识。 A good student usually knows how to sum up knowledge in good time.
在他们讨论我的前途时,我恨不得能偷偷旁观。 I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss my future.
阅览室有许多学生,也有一些消磨时间的人。 The reading room held many students, as well as a few time killers.
在学习一种新语言时,词典是非常有用的工具。 A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language.
为了消磨时间等待展览开始, 我们逛了逛商场。 To kill time until the exhibition opened, we looked round the shops.
当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。 I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.
在沙漠地带,绝大多数时间都是大晴天,下雨天极少。 Sunny days predominate over rainy days in desert regions.
他把空余时间都用在园艺上了, 没有任何其他爱好. He spent his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests.
我正在成人学校补习法语,到时好让他们大吃一惊。 I'm brushing up on my French at adult school just to surprise them.
大多数西红柿成熟时是红色的,但有些品种是黄色的。 Most tomatoes are red when ripe, but some kinds are yellow.
临近终点时,那几匹马齐头并进,简直分不出先后。 As the horses raced towards the finishing post, there was nothing in it.
在天气干燥时把点燃的香烟扔进树林可能会引起火灾。 A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire.
回程用的时间比平时长, 因为飞机不能飞越战区. The journey back took longer than normal, because the plane could not overfly the war zone.
航空公司因有几架飞机暂时不能使用而正在赔钱. With several of their planes temporarily out of commission, the airline is losing money.
他正跑开时,我在背后叫他,他连忙转过身来看看我。 I called him as he was running away and he wheeled round and looked at me.
据说如果你在看见流星时许个愿,愿望就会实现。 It is said that if you make a wish when you see a meteor in the sky your wish will be realized.
汽车从车间的一个地方向另一地方移动时,就安装好了。 Motor-cars are assembled as they travel from one part of a workshop to another.
我不可能及时赶到会场,除非我赶上了较找的一班火车。 I couldn't have got to the meeting on time -- unless I had caught an earlier train.
好长时间,我妈妈和我嫂子一直争论这样小的细节问题。 My mother and my sister-in-law have been arguing about such minor details for a long time.
我卖给你一本新的地理书,其余的钱你可以能够还的时候还我。 I'll let you have the new geography and you may pay me the remainder of the money.
我们所办不到的是要使云产生雨,如果它不是随时要产生雨的话。 What we can not do is make a cloud produce rain if it is not ready to produce it.
年代从某一具体日期算起的一段时间,也用作其年代系统的根据 A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.
在人们意识到应当保护自然资源的这个时代, 草原已不容再受破坏了. In these conservation-conscious times, areas of grassland are no longer expendable.
在看过建筑师的设计图后。他很容易想像出房子完工时的模样。 After looking at the architect's plans, it was easy for him to see the completed house in his mind's eye.
许多国家里,年轻人仍保持着妇女结婚时穿白色长礼服的传统。 In many countries young people still keep up the tradition that women will get married in a long white dress.
当一束光线穿进暗淡的房间时,我们可以看到空气中有许多小颗粒在飞舞。 We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.
对于历史上的事件,当时的报道往往比现代历史学家的评述更为有趣。 Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them.
我敢说,如果你受邀到他们那儿去做客,那将是你一生中度过的最愉快的时光。 If you are invited to visit them you'll have the time of your life, I can tell you.
那老太太每天去买报纸, 不多时便觉乐在其中, 因为她主要是想和店主聊天. For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.
命运有时是残酷的。 Destiny is sometimes cruel.
我对耽搁时间很反感. I hate delays/to be delayed/being delayed.
当时没有印刷的书籍。 There were no printed books in those days.
塑胶有时可以替代皮革。 Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather.
圣诞节应是欢乐的时刻. Christmas should be a time of great cheer.
有些人睡觉时磨牙齿。 Some people grind their teeth while they are asleep.
开会时气氛显得有些兴奋。 There was an air of excitement at the meeting.
大多数松木燃烧时都发出断裂声。 Most pine snaps as it burns.
乘火车的旅客要长时间受阻. There will be prolonged delays for rail travellers.
公共汽车开过时溅了我一身泥。 As the bus passed, it spattered mud on my clothes.
我们初次见面时相互打量了一番. We sized each other up at our first meeting.
我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍. Our progress was hampered by the bad weather.
吃早饭时,做稀粥是很方便的。 Gruel is convenient to make in the morning for breakfast.
人们不会忘记他统治时期的暴行。 People will remember the tyrannies of his reign.
他超过了同时期的所有其他作曲家。 He excels all other composers of his period.
他拣起信封时,一把钥匙掉了出来。 As he picked up the envelope, a key dropped out.
银行随时兑换见票即付的汇票。 The bank receives drafts payable at sight at any time.
那女孩随时都准备着去参加聚会。 The girl is ready at all times to go to parties.
我把石头搬起来时,那只甲虫跑了。 The beetle scuttled away when I lifted the stone.
她的儿子死去时,她悲伤得几乎疯了。 She was almost mad with grief when her son died.
他站在边上等待跳水时浑身发抖. He stood shivering on the brink, waiting to dive in.
我肚子上挨了一拳一时完全喘不过气来. The punch in the stomach completely winded me.
当他跌倒时, 便往一条悬挂的绳子抓去。 As he fell, he caught hold of a hanging chain.
早餐时总统会见了白宫的高级助手. The President met with senior White House aides at breakfast.
用不著这样匆忙--我们有的是时间. There's no need to be in such a tearing hurry we've got plenty of time.
去年是作曲家一生中创作丰收的时期。 Last year was a prolific period in the composer's life.
这出戏公演时,当地报纸对它评价不佳。 When the play opened, the local press gave it the thumbs down.
他在青年时代曾经有过想当钢琴家的雄心。 In his youth he had the ambition of being a pianist.
他要求他们把他著作的销售情况随时告诉他。 He ask them to keep him posted about the sale of his book.
我们只好匆忙找套房子--没有时间挑选了. We had to find a flat in a hurry there was no time to pick and choose.
一所现代化的监狱取代了那所维多利亚时代的监狱. A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one.
机动车协会劝告开车的人暂时不要使用公路。 Motoring organization is urging driver not to travel by road if possible.
飞机在大西洋中部飞行时, 其中一个发动机出了故障. One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.
当他宣布竞赛的优胜者时,大家都静静地倾听。 Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition.
她干起活来倒是相当不错, 不过有时需要加以督促. She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prodding occasionally.
当小男孩走到汽车前面时,汽车司机按响了喇叭。 The driver blew his horn when the child stepped in front of the car.
把路上的耽搁算进去, 你要用半小时才能到车站. It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.
我动手搬那些瓷制饰物,但在移动时摔了一只花瓶。 I started moving the china ornaments but dropped a vase in the process.
某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念. The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes.
男孩子大学毕业后开始赚钱时,便可独立生活了。 When a boy leaves college and begins to earn money he can live a life of independence.
他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。 It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her.
因为长时间的干旱,农民们对于好收成的前景是怀疑的。 Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.
当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他的最后的敬礼。 The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East.
部长在公开发表言论时比他在私下批评时的调子要缓和一点儿。 In his public statement the minister toned down his criticisms he had made in private.
一天的这段时间有数以百万计的职工从工厂和办公场所涌向街头. The shops and offices pour millions of workers into the street at this time of day.
他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求, 但每周工时要缩短. The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.
所有权构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件 The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.
那时,这老头儿只不过是个泥瓦工罢了。他之所以发迹,我认为靠的是精明的而不是业绩。 In his time, the old gentleman was a working mason, and had risen form the ranks more, I think, by shrewdness than by merit.
组织秘书发给本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达给政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知 A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.
这纯粹是浪费时间。 It's a sheer waste of time.
钮扣有时是用骨头做的. Buttons are sometimes made of bone.
她烹饪时用盐很少。 She is economical in her use of salt when cooking.
冬天时湖面上覆盖着冰。 In winter the lake is covered with ice.
给我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮。 I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out.
下议院凌晨三时仍在开会. The House of Commons was still sitting at 3 am.
划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。 In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar.
建筑者估计这个活儿需要15个工时. The builder reckons 15 man-hours for the job.
唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。 The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality.
我听音乐,以便在烦恼时得到安慰。 I found solace from troubles in listening to music.
她平时懒惰从她的考试成绩可以看得出来。 Her laziness showed in her exam results.
汤姆长胡子了, 我们上次见到他时还没长呢. Tom has sprouted a beard since we saw him last.
在市区线以内车速不能超过每小时35英里 Cars cannot exceed35 miles per hour within city limits.
阳光穿过棱镜时将分解成各种颜色。 The sunlight will break into different colors through a prism.
她想起忘记带入场券,顿时惊慌起来。 She got into a panic when she thought she'd forgotten the tickets.
60岁以上的人的锻炼时间减低到每日十分钟. The period of exercise was geared down to ten minutes a day for men over 60.
我们用了一下午的时间逛商店, 疲惫不堪地逛了一家又一家. We spent the afternoon traipsing from one shop to another.
他从海滨回来的时候给我们买了一些华而不实的工艺品做礼物。 He bought us some gingerbread works as present when he returned from the beach.
分析这些政治形势时, 应考虑到东西方关系正日趋紧张. These political developments should be seen against a background of increasing East-West tension.
赶时髦的,新潮的对于流行的和时新的东西很敏感的并且积极响应的 Highly aware of and responsive to what is fashionable and up-to-date.
当时有关新市政大厅的计画还仅仅是那建筑师酝酿中的意念。 The plans for the new town hall were then still only a gleam in the architect's eye.
在漫长的世界历史中,只有少数几代人在自由处于最危急的时刻被赋予保卫自由的责任。 In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.
缓刑对已被认定犯有某罪的人实行暂缓执行其刑罚,并在其保证良好行为的基础上给予暂时的自由 The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom on the promise of good behavior.
伊卡罗斯代达罗斯的儿子,他乘着他父亲做的人工翅膀逃离克里特时,由于离太阳太近以致粘翅膀用的蜡溶化了,而掉进了爱琴海 The son of Daedalus who, in escaping from Crete on artificial wings made for him by his father, flew so close to the sun that the wax with which his wings were fastened melted, and he fell into the Aegean Sea.
我们将按时到达,是吗? We'll be on time, won't we?
你平时下班几点到家? When do you normally get in from work?
什么时候举行运动会? When will the sports meeting come off?
你猜飞机何时要起飞? When do you guess the airplane will take off?
打喷嚏时, 要用手帕遮住. Use a handkerchief when you sneeze.
是真的还是我当时在做梦? Was it real or did I dream it?
这项新法律何时生效? When does the new law come into operation?
到伦敦时顺便来看我。 Drop in and see us when you're next in London.
当时他不必来。(但却来了) He need not have come. (But he came.)
你什么时候完成大学课程? When do you finish your college course?
一步行走时跨出的一步;一大步 A step made in walking; a stride.
我 水时脚趾让螃蟹给夹了. A crab nipped my toe while I was paddling.
你丈夫什么时候下班回家? What time does your husband return from work?
我喜欢在闲暇时打羽毛球。 I like to play badminton in my spare time.
他走出法庭时耷拉著脑袋. He had his head down as he walked out of the court.
他走到我跟前问我什麽时间了. He came up (to me) and asked the time.
他跳下去的时候扭伤了足踝。 He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down.
你们公司有固定的办公时间吗? Are there set hours of work in your company?
出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。 When I left the hospital I was completely cured.
阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。 Reading occupies most of my free time.
熨斗压在湿布上时发出嘶嘶声。 The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.
我游览伦敦时喜欢坐公共汽车. When visiting London I like to travel by bus.
第一次测量声速是在什么时候? When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take?
你通常是怎样度过你的空闲时间? How do you usually spend your leisure time?
屡次侵占我的闲暇时间, 我很反感. I resent these incursions into/upon my leisure time.
这一卷涉及的时间仅至1945年. This volume only goes down to (ie only deals with the period up to) 1945.
进入黑暗的房间时, 瞳孔就扩大. The pupils of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room.
要想外出度假时, 宠物会成为牵累. Pets can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday.
小孩跑进街道时,司机猛然煞车。 The driver stopped short when the children ran into the street.
玛丽写信时,孩子们在外面玩耍。 While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.
天热的时候人就容易神经紧张[脾气急躁]. Nerves/Tempers began to fray in the heat.
她熨衬衣时样子呆板, 不动脑筋. She was quite mechanical and unthinking in the way she ironed the shirts.
在伦敦遭空袭时, 有很多老百姓遇难. Many civilians were killed in the air raids on London.
演员背台词的时候经常自己嘀嘀咕咕。 Actors often mutter to themselves when rehearsing their lines.
不管侵略者什麽时候来,都必被消灭。 No matter when the invader comes, they will be wiped out clean.
有命令要我们必须在一小时内挖好战壕。 Orders came that we should spade the trench in an hour.
他们重逢时, 昔日之明争暗斗旋即死灰复燃. Their old rivalry soon surfaced when they met again.
老师走进教室时,男孩子们停止喧哗。 The boys stopped their clatter when the teacher came into the classroom.
关於日期[什么时候见面], 我们未能取得一致意见. We couldn't agree on a date/when to meet.
自从我们看望你母亲以来到现在有多长时间了? How long is it since we visited your mother?
罗马帝国在全盛时期几乎占据了整个欧洲。 At its zenith the Roman Empire covered almost the whole of Europe.
条件(从句)表示条件的语气、时态、从句或词 A mood, tense, clause, or word expressing a condition.
我目前的这一切额外工作用去了我的闲暇时间. All this extra work I'm doing is breaking into my leisure time.
伦敦运输公司在交通高峰时 间增开加班列车. London Transport run extra trains during the rush-hour.
瞧都什麽时候了! 十分钟前我们就该到戏院了. Look at the time! We should have been at the theatre ten minutes ago.
我肯定那店老板给我称土豆时 扣了分量. I'm sure the shopkeeper gave me short measure when she weighed out the potatoes.
你祈求实现愿望时没闭上眼睛, 所以不算数! You didn't shut your eyes before you made the wish, so it doesn't count!
在中世纪时期,诗人常把天空叫作“苍穹”。 In medieval times, poets often called the sky "the vault of heaven".
演出快进行到最惊险的部分时响起了咚咚的鼓声. A drum roll preceded the most dangerous part of the performance.
医生认为必要时便动手术--但可能不致如此。 The doctors will operate if it proves necessary but it may not come to that.
马在第一道拦栅前就不肯跳了,我就是那时摔下来的。 The horse refused at the first fence, and that's when I came off.
(牵引时所用的)力量在拉时所施的力或要克服的阻力 Force exerted in pulling or required to overcome resistance in pulling.
重叠的,交叉的某些昆虫休息时其翅膀重迭的或交叉的 Overlapping or crossing, as the wings of some insects when at rest.
一幢子要弄成那种舒适、安定的家的模样,得花一段时间。 It takes time for a house to acquire that lived-in appearance.
宣布了提高工资有个倒霉事在後头--我们得延长工时. The announcementof the pay rise had a sting in its tail we would have to work longer hours.
他来时携妻子、 六个孩子、 四条狗以及各式各样的累赘什物. He came with his wife, six children, four dogs and various other impedimenta.
哎,快到午餐休息时间了,他为什么非给我这个急件不可! Oh, why do he have to give me this rush job now that it's almost time for my lunch break!
我决不能饶恕查理曼大帝之将时钟引进西方文明这一件事情。 I can never forgive Charlemagne for introducing clocks into Western civilization.
他正在当年的旧文件中搜寻伊丽莎白时代一般家庭开支的细节。 He is hunting up details of Elizabethan household expenditure in a document of the time.
当一个候选人隔开马路也认得你的时候,离选举(的日子)也就不太远了。 The election is not very far off when a candidate can recognize you across the street.
在维多利亚时代, 许多人对於人是由低级生物进化而来的见解大为震惊. Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life.
埃尔顿把他在夜里睡不着时所记熟的故事,几乎一字不错的复述了一遍。 Almost word for word, Elton repeated a story which he had committed to heart in the watches of the night.
这时,在周一初步解雇7000人以后,公司昨天又遣散了2500名未参加工会的工人……。 Meanwhile, the company laid off another2, 500 nonunion workers yesterday after sending an initial7, 000 packing on Monday….
您能不能给我们建议一个好办法,让我们请大家送钱给我们,然后让我们在回到大陆时再购买礼物? Can you suggest a good way for us to ask people to send us the money, and let us buy the gift when we get to the mainland?
多丽丝在厨房里向外叫道:"换个调儿,行不行?你可意识到,你修窗子时一直在那儿反复地哼同一个调子?" "Change the record, will you? " shouted Doris from the kitchen. "Do you realize you've been whistling the same tune over and over, all the time you've been fixing that window? "
医生说:“和护士们一起喝茶休息是十分值得的。我们总是谈本行。实际上我们只有这个时候才能一起聊聊我们病人的情况。” The doctor says,"a tea break with the nurses in immensely valuable. We always talk shop. It's the only real chance we get to chat about our patients."
这个凡人叫阿拉喀涅,她有一手非凡的纺织和刺绣本领,每当这位少女干活儿时就连林中和喷泉中的神女们也都拥来观看。 That mortal was Arachne, a maiden who had attained such skill in the arts of weaving and embroidery that the nymphs themselves would leave their groves and fountains to come and gaze upon her work.
欧洲进一步统一的计划可以尚未定案,可是从赫尔辛基到罗马的人在最近几星期得到一个时常令人痛苦的教训:他们各国的经济已经如何地牵扯在一起了。 Europe's plans for further unification may be up in the air, but people from Helsinki to Rome have been learning an often painful lesson in recent weeks about how entwined their economies have already become.
如果病人住在公用病房里。很少有护士经过时不为他们做点小事情。这是护士的一项传统,即提供“亲切关怀护理”(TLC),亦即为病人提供持续不断的细小服务。 If patients are in an open ward, few nurses will pass them by without doing some little thing for them. It is in a nurse's tradition to give what is called"TLC", tender loving care, some constant little service to the sick.
初始设计开发阶段,首先必须发现可能存在的错误,并作相应的设计修改。正是在这个时期中,设计辅助程序、仿真技术和设计支援技术对于快速设计都是必不可少的。 The initial design development stage wherein, at first, it is certain that errors will be discovered which will require design changes. It is in this period that design aids, emulation techniques, and supportive design techniques are essential to quick design.
除了14行诗和其他诗体之外,莎士比亚的形式感隐蔽起来了,不存在着威胁。不论这一看法多么不对,它确实使这位紧跟在莎士比亚后面浮现出来的诗人一时生产一种幻觉:他可能是有惊无险。 Except in the sonnets and poems, Shakespeare's formal sense is disguised and does not threaten. No matter how wrong this idea might be, it does give the poet bobbing in Shakespeare's wake the momentary illusion that he might be waving instead of drowning.
你得等候适当时机. You'll have to watch for the right moment.
我们上学时在同一班. We were in the same class at school.
她发表时事广播演说。 She broadcasts on current affairs.
我打电话时, 她早已走了. She had already left when I phoned.
把词典时时 放在手边. Keep your dictionary ready (to hand) at all times.
时间表上有一些变动。 There have been a few alterations to the timetable.
你应当时时刻刻注意礼节. It behoves you (ie You ought) to be courteous at all times.
给以时间的话,他们可能会同意。 Given time, they will probably agree.
他的祖先来到英国的时候是难民. His ancestors had come to England as refugees.
她听到这一消息时表情就变了。 Her expression changed when she heard the news.
她在最不合适的时候讲出了实话。 She plumped out the truth at the oddest times.
伟大的画家总是走在时代的前头。 A great painter is usually ahead of his time.
我要不时地再给你们介绍一些成语。 I'll give you some more idioms from time to time.
当老师提问题时学生们都举起了手。 The pupils all put up their hands when the teacher asks them questions.
我想我找到了简便方法,给钱而不是花时间。 I think I'll take the easy way out and give money instead of time.
你平时如果努力学习,在考试前就不必这样整夜开夜车了。 If you work hard at other times, you won't have to sit up all night before the exam.
别慌忙,时间多的是。 Don't rush; there is plenty of time.
及时补一针,省得补九针。 A stitch in time saves nine.
要找他时,他偏偏不在。 He must needs go away when he was wanted.
她喝茶时弯起小指头。 She crooked her little finger as she drank her tea.
现在随时都有火箭发射. Space rockets are being sent up all the time.
我时常听人说起这类事情. I've often heard tell of such things.
他时常带我妹妹去剧院。 He takes my sister out to the theatre now and then.
我们吵架时她总是占上风. She always gets the better of our quarrels.
子弹击中他时他疼得哼了出来。 He grunted as the bullet hit him.
信号响时,人人脱帽致敬。 Everyone uncovered when the signal sounded.
这条裙子的款式正当时令。 The style of this skirt is just in season.
我们可暂时担当这项工作。 We could undertake the work for the time being.
他跌倒时,头碰到箱子的一角。 He fell and hit his head on the corner of a box.
卡车转弯时车上货物滑离了原位. The lorry turned and its load slipped.
我们正交谈时, 线路被切断了. We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.
我们在危险的时候应该保持冷静。 We should keep our composure in danger.
用电量最大的时候是在黄昏时. Demand for electricity peaks in the early evening.
那幅画和当时的景象完全一致。 The drawing is on all fours with the scene at that moment.
他正在这样干时被一位民兵撞见了。 A militiaman surprised him in the act.
喷气式飞机正要起飞时出了事故。 The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.
喜讯传来,人们顿时欢呼起来。 People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.
按照规定,任何时候均需有人值班。 The rule is that someone must be on duty at all times.
建造这座建筑物花了好几个月时间。 The erection of the building took several months.
别浪费时间了我们还有正经事要做。 Stop footling about, we have serious work to do.
我们穿过田野时,惊动了一只野兔。 As we were walking across the fields, we started a hare.
我们拍战斗场面需要上百的临时演员. We need hundreds of extras for the battle scenes.
我们出门散步时,孩子们总是落在后头。 The children always lag behind when we go for a walk.
不到半小时后,他开始有点忍耐不住了。 After half an hour, his patience began to wear out.
当别人注意他时,他就会退缩一旁。 He had a tendency to shrink up whenever attention was focused on him.
在处理紧急事件时,速度是非常重要的。 Speed is of the essence in dealing with an emergency.
品德就是自我在暗地里独处时的样子。 Character is what we are when we are alone with ourselves in the dark.
战时的艰苦包括食物配给和燃料短缺. Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.
我们有一台万一断电时使用的备用发电机。 We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts.
把你们的器材准备好,开始行动的时刻到了。 Get your equipment ready, it's coming up to zero hour.
汽车打滑时伤了两个行人和一个骑自行车的. Two pedestrians and a cyclist were injured when the car skidded.
你们不能两人同时用这辆自行车--得轮流使用. You can't both use the bike at once you'll have to take turns.
当一行人到达月台上时,火车正从车站开出。 The train was pulled out as the party arrived on the platform.
昨日有十二小时的晴天, 预报却说仍有雨. We had twelve hours of sunshine yesterday, as against a forecast of continuous rain.
在上高中时, 我们有语文, 英语, 科学等课程。 In senior high school we have Chinese, Science, English, and so forth.
领先者在其余赛跑者加速时就逐渐失去了优势。 The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners accelerate.
他用手枪向我射击,我及时向后一跳没被射中。 He snot a pistol of me. I jumped back in time to avoid being shot.
去海外旅行时,许多人会感觉到不同文化的冲击。 Most people feel culture shock when traveling to a foreign culture.
这部影片分散了我的注意力, 让我暂时忘记了这些难题. The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while.
接连听了几个小时的背景音乐,使我觉得昏昏沉沉。 Incessant background music makes me punch-drunk after a couple of hours.
爸爸的体力正在恢复,但他确实经历了一段痛苦的时间。 Dad's beginning to get his strength back now, but he's had a bad time of it.
连着双球的一击打台球时的一击,主球接连撞击两球 A shot in billiards in which the cue ball successively strikes two other balls.
我失掉这份工作也没有关系,我随时都能再找到工作。 It's no skin off my nose if I lose this job, I can always get another one.
我想着重指出,我们愿意在任何时候与管理部门会谈。 I would like to emphasize that we are ready to meet the management at any time.
即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要把它完成。 Even if it will take me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.
现时去国营企业就职的想法对年青人没有多大吸引力。 The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.
在有充足的水分的地方,有好的日照时,大多数植物生长良好。 Most plants grow well where there is sufficient moisture and when there is good sunshine.
当父母们在田里劳动的时候,孩子们在托儿所里受到良好的照顾。 Small children are well cared for in nurseries while their parents work in the fields.
我们开始时并不信任他,但他令人愉快的举止完全消除了我们的疑虑。 We didn't trust him at first, but his charming manner completely disarmed us.
到那时节我一定会回来的,明年这时分,撒拉一定会生个儿子的。 In due season I will come back to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.
结婚行列进行时的音乐,常使我想起兵士们向战场进军时的音乐。 The music at a marriage procession always remind me of the music of soldier march to battle.
他困得那副样子, 连汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒. In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness.
班级舞会常在学年结束或将近结束时高年级或大学生开的正式舞会 A formal dance held for a high-school or college class typically at or near the end of the academic year.
在你看来,停车时把汽车的保险杆部分突出在人行道上似乎是微不足道的,但就法制观念而言,这仍旧是一种犯法的行为。 Parking with your car bumper overhanging the pavement may seem trivial to you, but in the eyes of the law it is still an offence.
物理学家们正在研究对环境危害少的发电新方法,与此同时,许多发电厂也在实现现代化以减少污染物质的释放量。 Physicists are studying new ways of generating electricity with less damage to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluting material.
代际联系父母与后代之间亲密关系的形成过程,常常在孩子出生时就开始,是更深的感情联系的基础,影响着孩子的生理和心理发育 The attachment process occurring between a parent and offspring that usually begins at the time of birth, is the basis for further emotional affiliation, and influences the child's physical and psychological development.
时钟鸣响报午时已至 The clock chimed noon.
我前进时, 你掩护我. Cover me while I move forward.
我被耽误了一段时间。 I was temporarily delayed.
现在是投资的最佳时机. The best time to invest is now.
那时他没暴露他的身份。 He didn't reveal his identity at that time.
他那时恰好从那里路过。 He happened to pass by there at that time.
时装杂志看起来很有光泽。 Fashion magazines are glossy.
她梳头的时候我一直看著她。 I watched her as she combed her hair.
锅炉爆炸时她被烫伤了。 She was scalded when the boiler exploded.
他7岁时就会钢琴作曲。 He was composing at the piano at the age of seven.
蒸汽冷却时凝结成水。 Steam condenses into water when cooling down.
她看样子随时都可能垮下来. She looked ready to collapse at any minute.
别在快餐馆耽误太长时间。 Don't stay too long at the snack bar.
新抹的泥灰在几个小时内能干 Fresh plaster will fix in a few hours.
幸亏我当时系上了安全带。 Thanks to I had tied then the safety belt.
六十岁时, 他开始学俄语。 At the age of sixty he took up the study of Russian.
这种液体天冷时凝结得快些. This liquid gels faster in cold weather.
这一时期地主的势力削弱了. The power of the landowners waned during this period.
步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置. The infantry began to deploy at dawn.
向顶峰攀登时身上都热起来了。 It was a warm climb to the summit.
村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。 The village was swept away when the dam burst.
我们接近她时, 她就挥棒乱打. As we approached her, she laid about her with a stick.
小偷乘没人注意时溜了出去. The thief slid out (of the door) while no one was looking.
有时我们可以阻止云产生雨。 Sometimes we can prevent a cloud from producing rain.
祖母逝世时他们开始服丧. When grandmother died they went into (ie started to wear) mourning.
那狗扑向我时, 我用棍子自卫. When the dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick.
我们设法达成了某种临时的妥协. We managed to achieve a kind of modus vivendi.
他这样做时,指头微微颤动了一下。 His fingers trembled while doing so.
炸弹爆炸时, 他们觉得地都震动了. They felt the ground quake as the bomb exploded.
在翻地时应把肥料均匀地混入土壤中. The manure should be well dug in.
部队恰恰在这时准备开进城去. The troops are even now preparing to march into the city.
我们在高速公路上行驶时汽油用完了. We ran out of juice on the motorway.
这个村庄在洪水泛滥时被淹没了。 The village was overwhelmed when the floods came.
他们接受该计画时心怀不满. Therewas an undercurrent of resentment in their acceptance of the plan.
敌军推进时, 士兵都撤出了那地区. The soldiers evacuated the area as the enemy advanced.
飞机著陆时, 乘客感到猛烈的冲撞. The passengers felt a violent bump as the plane landed.
早晨八九点钟是交通的高峰时刻. Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.
开车的人在快要转弯时按响了喇叭. The driver tooted his horn as he approached the bend.
当时我有些忘乎所以,疯狂地吻著他。 I'm afraid I forgot myself and kissed him wildly.
他们用很多时间探讨生命的奥秘. They spend their time philosophizingabout the mysteries of life.
他们出国时把家具送到仓库保管起来. They've stored their furniture while they go abroad.
恶劣的天气阻止了我们准时到达那里。 The bad weather prevented us from getting there on time.
爆炸的时间定在飞机起飞的时刻。 The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane's take-off.
培养儿童用餐时举止得体是很困难的。 It's hard to train children to behave well at the table.
敌机在地面滑行时机首着地翻身撞毁了。 The enemy plane nosed over and was damaged.
包装瓷器时在周围多放些包装材料。 Put plenty of wrapping round the china when you pack it.
这些防御工事都是上次战争时修筑的. These fortifications were all built during the last war.
时装新潮很快就在全世界流行起来。 Fashion trends diffuse themselves rapidly around the globe.
这个学生用半小时草草拼凑了一篇文章. The student cobbled together an essay in half an hour.
那老人去世时留下二百万美元的遗产。 The old man left an estate of two million dollars when he died.
把锅从炉子上端开时, 汤就不再沸腾了. The boiling soup subsided when the pot was taken off the heat.
他们恰在发洪水之前离开, 走得真是时候. Their departure just before the floods was providential.
那座大楼倒塌时把下面的很多人都砸死了. Many people were crushed when the building collapsed on top of them.
朋友偶尔相聚畅谈上学时的大好时光. The friends met occasionally to chat about the good old days at school.
喜庆时节,欢庆盛会欢庆活动的时节或盛会 A season or an occasion of joyful celebration.
现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。 It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.
我挑选壁纸和帘子用了好几天的时间. I spent days picking and choosing before deciding on the wallpaper and curtains.
我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内. I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car.
在演讲开始时,他总是先分发一份提纲。 At the beginning he would always hand out an outline of the lecture.
只有在王室成员在场的时候才升起这面旗帜。 The flag is only raised when royalty are present.
若时机不当, 一言不慎, 可能毁掉整个计画. One indiscreet remark at the wrong moment could ruin the whole plan.
各党形成联盟时, 共产党人被排斥在外. When the coalition was formed, the Communists were left out in the cold.
头一天下过一场暴雨,这时空气仍然很清新。 The air was still fresh following a downpour the day before.
就在我们犹豫不决的时候, 别人把那所房子买下了. While we were wavering, somebody else bought the house.
我们到该校拍摄影片时,获得校方的大力协助。 The school was very cooperative when we made a film there.
当他们在放映幻灯片时,要我保持清醒是不可能的。 It is impossible to stay awake when they show slides.
经过长时间包围之后,这个小镇已被起义军攻克。 After a prolonged siege, the town was rendered up to the insurgents.
过渡过渡点或过渡时间,尤指占星术的两个天宫之间的 A transitional point or time, as between two astrological signs.
我受尽挫折,怒火冲天时,禁不住想找谁发一顿脾气。 When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone.
当他经过一个黑胡同尽头时,有一个人冲出来袭击他。 As he was passing the end of a dark alley, a man darted out and set on him.
很遗憾要打扰你一下,我想问问我们什么时候能聊聊。 I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wondered if we could have a word some time.
真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。 It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.
我匆忙离开那个村子, 甚至没有时间和我的向导道别。 I left the village in a hurry and even had no time to say good-bye to my guide.
他并没有准备讲话, 但在会议结束时现凑了几句. He hadn't prepared a speech but he managed to string together a few remarks at the end of the meeting.
当时若警方迟一些干预就会发生严重的暴力事件了。 If the police had not stepped in when they did there will have been serious violence.
在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性并不大。 Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year.
有时候他的演说很成功,有时候却大出洋相,当众出丑。 Sometimes he is a successful speaker, but sometimes he lays an egg.
进入皇宫时先要在入口大厅等候, 由人带领进入正殿. You have to wait in a large entrance hall before being shown into the court proper.
连续几个小时她都在唉声叹气,希望能从她母亲那弄点钱。 By sighing away for hours, she hoped to get some money from her mother.
威利玩他父亲的手枪时不小心走火了, 把墙壁打出一个洞。 Willie accidentally lets off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.
随着时间的推移,社会主义的新生事物必然会不断壮大。 The socialist new things go invariably from strength to strength as time goes by.
举行典礼的大厅尚未完全布置好, 但到时候定能准备就绪. The hall isn't quite ready for the ceremony yet, but it will be all right on the night.
那项政策的失败使他们又回到若干时间以前提出的一项方案。 The failure of that policy threw them back on a scheme which had been put forward some time previously.
在报社记者七嘴八舌地高声向他提问时,他始终表现得镇定自若。 He kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted questions at him at once.
我工作时间是别人的两倍,可拿的钱却比谁都少,我感到十分委屈。 I felt very hard done by when I got less money than anybody else, and I'd worked twice as long.
每当谈到我开车违章判罪问题时,我妻子忍不住要以此事当面责备我。 Every time the subject of my motoring conviction comes up my wife can't help throwing it in my face.
多亏许多科学的工作,我们能预先知道要发生地震的时间和地点了。 Thanks to the work of many scientists, we are able to learn in advance when and where an earthquake will happen.
一天黄昏时,他走到野外去舒散身心,抬头看见有一个骆驼队向他走来。 One evening when he had gone out into the open country to relieve himself, he looked up and saw camels approaching.
我们经过好多小时的辩论以后,谈判有了转折,没用多久便达成了协议。 After all those hours of arguing, the talks began to head out and it was not long before we were able to reach an agreement.
在那段时间里由于我的鼻子不太通气,晚上常常醒来感到口里和喉咙干得难受。 Because I couldn't breathe properly through my nose at that time, I used to wake up at night with my mouth and throat as dry as paper.
节日,喜庆日享受或庆贺的时节,尤指在宗教意义上有定期间隔的一天或一段时间 An occasion for feasting or celebration, especially a day or time of religious significance that recurs at regular intervals.
当今用手做东西,在许多国家已经成为很特殊--如此地特殊,以致赠送自制礼物有时被认为是不寻常的。 Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today -- so much so that giving a homemade gift is sometimes considered extraordinary.
军队按时沿边界巡逻. The army regularly patrol (along) the border.
老板雇佣了一些临时工。 The boss hired some temporary workers.
午饭时, 抢劫者袭击了我们。 The robbers descended on us at lunch-time.
部队向前推进时呈扇形散开 The troops fanned out as they advanced.
活泼的孩子有时是会淘气的。 One expects active children to be mischievous at times.
国王有奴仆们随时听他使唤. The king has always had servants at his beck and call.
那时英语是唯一必修的外国语。 English was the only foreign language required.
到这时,罗马帝国已日益衰败。 By now the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.
他演奏钢琴时表现出极强的感受力. He plays the piano with great feeling.
航天器的预定溅落时间为上午5时30分. Splash-down is scheduled for 5.30 am.
上山时,马用力拉拽着马车的挽绳。 The horse pulled on the traces when getting up the hill.
您近日询问的书暂时无货, 谨此奉覆. In answer to your recent inquiry, the book you mention is not in stock.
董事长用两小时阐述了公司的规划. The chairman expatiated for two hours on his plans for the company.
我带上一些轻松的读物乘火车时消遣. I took some light reading (eg a thriller) for the train journey.
由于酗酒,迈克尔谋职时每次都遭拒绝。 Because of his drinking, Michael was refused a job at every turn.
老虎逃出了动物园, 张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时. The tiger escaped from the zoo and ran amok for hours.
这姑娘太害羞以至和男人讲话时就脸红。 The girl is so shy that she colours up whenever a man speaks to her.
她受聘虽说是临时性的, 但却是一大成功. Her appointment was a significant, (al)though/albeit temporary success.
如果阁下愿意给我时间,我就能拿出证据来。 If your Lordship will give me time, I will produce the evidence.
当那位英俊的电影明星吻她的时候,她欣喜若狂。 She was thrilled when the handsome filmstar kissed her.
她看到他非常高兴,顿时完全忘记了先前的烦恼。 Her happiness at seeing him submerged her former worries.
警方在调查瞒税案件时意外地发现了一个贩毒集团. Police investigating tax fraud stumbledacross a drugs ring.
当男主角策马向夕阳驰去时,尾声音乐逐渐消失。 The closing music fades out when the hero rides off into the sunset.
抽筋肌肉习惯性或过分活动引起的局部暂时性麻痹 A temporary partial paralysis of habitually or excessively used muscles.
他给窗框上漆时,用遮蔽胶带把玻璃边缘贴住。 He put masking tape round the edges of the glass while he painted the window frame.
尽管计划度假时兴致勃勃, 而到头来假日本身却颇为扫兴. The holiday itself was rather an anticlimax after all the excitement of planning it.
一位占星家对说她将在二十多岁时遇到自己的终身伴侣。 An astrologer tell her that she will meet her lifelong companion in her twenties.
时髦花样的变迁,是穷人的辛勤对有钱人的虚荣征收的税款。 Change in fashion is the tax which the industry of the poor levi on the vanity of the rich.
总之,唯有当严刑峻罚加之于违法之徒时,才能维持社会安定。 To sum up, only when strict punishment can be imposed on the lawless, can social stability be maintained.
等到他被迫向朋友乞讨时, 他觉得自己的境况已糟到无以复加的地步了. When he was forced to beg from his friends he felt he had touched bottom and could sink no lower.
古董由于年代久远而具有特殊价值的物体,尤指由于工艺,美观和兴起时期等方面受到重视的土产,家具或手工艺品 An object having special value because of its age, especially a domestic item or piece of furniture or handicraft esteemed for its artistry, beauty, or period of origin.
新制度何时生效? When does the new system become effective?
你需要几个小时的睡眠? How many hours' sleep do you need?
你的驾驶执照何时到期? When is the expiration of your driving license?
羚羊跑起来有时速度惊人. Gazelles can movewith astonishing velocity.
讲课时不要岔开(主题). Don't digress (from the subject) when lecturing.
比利时被称作欧洲战场。 Belgium has been called the cockpit of Europe.
鱼离开水後活得时间很短. Fish can survive for only a short time out of water.
他当初刚到伦敦时很孤单. He was very lonely at first when he moved to London.
到时候树就落叶、 花就掉瓣. Trees shed their leaves and flowers shed their petals.
你能瞪着看多长时间不眨眼? How long can you stare without blinking your eyes?
现在分娩时常用硬膜外注射. Epidurals are now often used during childbirth.
路灯在黄昏时开, 拂晓时关. The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn.
伊丽莎白女王时代的英国流行风气 The genius of Elizabethan England.
用餐时洋溢著热情友好的气氛。 The atmosphere over dinner was warm and friendly.
缝纫时,她在手上戴一枚顶针。 She put a thimble over the finger when sewing.
别靠近! 那建筑物随时可能倒塌. Keep back! The building could collapse at any moment.
随后的,后来的时间上较后的;随后的 Following in time; subsequent.
飞机起飞推迟了(两个小时). There was a delay (of two hours) before the plane took off.
犯罪行为的根源是否始自幼时? Are the seeds of criminal behaviour sown early in life?
天气预报之後即为6点钟报时信号. The weather forecast is followed by the pips at 6 o'clock.
那囚犯在黎明时被(行刑队)处决. The prisoner was put to death (by firing squad) at dawn.
这项目尚处於初期阶段时就取消了. The project was cancelled while it was still in its infancy.
当时公司的编制正处於不稳定状态. Organization of the company was then in a state of flux.
在困难的时候,她祈祷神谕来指引她。 In times of difficulty, she pray for an oracle to guide her
那农民耕地时挖出一个人类的头颅骨。 The farmer turns up a human skull while ploughs the field.
当被介绍给全班同学时,玛丽很害羞。 Mary was shy at her introduction to the whole class.
我们初次见面的情形时常浮现於我的脑海. Our first meeting often recurs to me/my mind.
你有很多供火车旅行时阅读的读物吗? Have you a good supply of reading matter for the train journey?
警方来到时, 他慌忙逃走[夺门而逃]了. When the police arrived he made a bolt for it/for the door.
她说时间不早了; 我心领神会, 於是告辞. She said it was getting late: I got the message, and left.
他洗衬衫时, 连胳膊肘都弄上了肥皂泡沫. He was up to his elbows in soapsuds, washing his shirts.
蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。 Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.
她扎入水中, 浮上来时呛得连咳嗽带喷水. She dived into the water and came up coughing and spluttering.
你认为这个病人什么时候可以做肿瘤手术? When do you think the patient can be operated on for the tumor?
医术最精湛的医生们在国王生病时诊治他。 The most eminent doctors treated the king in his illness.
及时的在一个适当或适宜的时间发生的;适时的 Occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed.
从那时起,老乡们都在谈"我们的梅大夫"了。 From then on all the villagers talked about"our Doctor Mei".
这种新型号赛车於道路测试中时速达100英里. The new sports model achieved 100 miles an hour in road tests.
英语的元音字母有a,e,i,o,u,有时也包括y。 The vowels in the English alphabet are a,e,i,o,u, and, sometimes, y.
在乾旱时, 每天有几小时停止供应自来水. The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought.
那政权被推翻以後, 有一段时期是无政府状态. The overthrow of the regime was followed by a period of anarchy.
中世纪时期的宗教文化;音乐文化;口头文化 Religious culture in the Middle Ages; musical culture; oral culture.
民兵和公安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。 Militiaman and public security men now closed in(on the spies).
英国女王伊丽莎白一世时代是探索和发现的时代. The Elizabethan age was a time of exploration and discovery.
这个贫穷的小男孩在他十岁的时候就被雇为羊倌。 The poor boy was hired as a shepherd when he was only ten.
汤姆越狱後, 时时如惊弓之鸟, 生怕再次被捕. Since he escaped from gaol, Tom has been living on a razor's edge, terrified of recapture.
"当他进入哈佛大学学习的志愿实现时,他高兴极了。" "When his wish to go to Harvard was realized, his joy knew no measure."
安装电话机与总机接通要多长时间? How long will the connection of the telephone take? ie How long will it take to install a telephone and connect it to the exchange?
劳动体力或脑力的运用,尤指出现困难或精疲力尽时;工作 Physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting; work.
在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。 It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.
他们用一周时间教速成英语课程, 那几天可真紧张! They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week; it's quite an intensive few days!
他来时携妻子、六个孩子、四条狗以及各式各样的累赘什物。 He come with his wife, six children, four dog and various other impedimenta.
假如我们只留五分钟的时间赶火车, 那麽我们卡的时间就太紧了. If we only allow five minutes for catching our train, we'll be cutting it too fine.
一位活跃在10世纪的无名诗人;在印象主义最蓬勃的时期作画 An anonymous poet who flourished in the tenth century; painted when Impressionism was flourishing.
在我现在看来,他那时似乎在叹气,而我吃吃地笑是在隐藏我的尴尬。 It seems to me now that he sighed and that I tittered to hide my embarrassment.
当她母亲回家来告诉她,她的狗已被车辗死时,这个可怜的小姑娘痛哭起来。 The poor little girl cried her heart out when her mother came home and told her that her dog had been run over.
假使《哈姆雷特》是今时写成的话,它可能会被称为《埃尔斯诺城的怪事》。 If Hamlet had been written in these days it will probably have been called the strange affair at Elsinore.
这伙小偷计划好在警察进房搜查时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
这伙小偷打算在警察来搜查房子时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的一名房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen, watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
幸福并不在于单纯地占有金钱;幸福还在于取得成就后的喜悦,在于创造努力时的激情。 Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts.
每次使用时,必须先使其中某些部分(诸如地址等)完备起来或详加规定才能运行的一组指令。 A set of instructions in which some parts such as addresses must be completed or specified in detail each time the set is used.
祈祷椅礼拜着跪着祈祷时使用的一种可折叠的小凳子,尤指英格兰国王举行加冕礼时使用的 A folding or small desk stool at which worshipers kneel to pray, especially one on which the British sovereign kneels at the time of coronation.
甜馅由切得很碎的苹果、葡萄干、香料、肉,有时加朗姆酒或白兰地合成的混合物,尤用作馅饼的馅 A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.
化合价,原子价原子或原子团与其它原子反映时由所失、增加成共享的电子数目决定的化合能力 The combining capacity of an atom or a radical determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, add, or share when it reacts with other atoms.
向导把该地历史的老一套讲得滚瓜烂熟,但当你一问起别的东西时,他就瞠目结舌,无言以对了。 The guide was ready enough with his usual pattern on the history of the place, but as soon as you began to question him on anything outside that, he was all at sea.
你对词汇的把握程度反映了你的智力水平,当你通过学习掌握了更多的词汇析时候,偿大脑的思维能力也会啬。 The extent of your vocabulary indicates the degree of your intelligence. Your brain power will increase as you learn to know more words.
"告诉你的朋友们你一天吃不了三大餐。""我可不想使他们不高兴,最好还是入乡随俗-何况只有一周的时间。" "Just tell your friends you can't eat three enormous meals a day." "I wouldn't like to offend them. When in Rome, better do as the Romans do-especially as it's only for a week."
瓦莱里安罗马皇帝(253-260年),在他的统治时期充满了军事或财政困难,他于260年被波斯武装力量击败并在被俘期间死去 Emperor of Rome(253-260) whose reign was marked by military and financial troubles. He was defeated by Persian forces(260) and died in captivity.
他嘱咐这人说:“你可以随意采食园中任何树上之果实,惟独那能辨善恶之知识树果子你不能吃。你吃它之时,你就会死去!” He told the man, "you may eat from every tree in the garden, but not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; For on the day that you eat from it, you will certainly die."
装备有雷达的飞机,在夜间飞行时飞行员能够在雷达屏幕上看见远处的建筑物、或许还能看见前面几英里远的险峻山峰。 The pilot in an airplane equipped with radar, flying at night, can see on the radar viewing screen distant buildings, or perhaps a dangerous mountain peak that is miles ahead.
在足球锦标赛的最后3分钟时,两队还是不分胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。 The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area.
共沸混合物两种或多种物质组成的液体混合物,当在某种压力下被蒸馏或局部汽化时,在气体状态下和在液体状态下保留相同的物质的成分 A liquid mixture of two or more substances that retains the same composition in the vapor state as in the liquid state when distilled or partially evaporated under a certain pressure.
赡养费按照法庭判决离婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方给另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付给并未离婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时 An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons.
温彻斯特区英格兰中南部一自治区,位于伦敦西南。是盎格鲁-撒克逊时期西撒克斯王国的首府。在诺曼征服(1066年)以后,成为一个吸引了众多宗教学者的重要学术中心。人口32,100 A municipal borough of south-central England southwest of London. The capital of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was an important center of learning that attracted many religious scholars after the Norman Conquest(1066). Population, 32,100.
沙漏;滴漏用于计时的仪器,由两个玻璃盒组成,中由一细颈相连,盒内装有一定量的沙子,水银或其他流动物质,这些物质在一固定量的时间里,通常为一个小时,从上方的盒内慢慢流入下方的盒子中 An instrument for measuring time, consisting of two glass chambers connected by a narrow neck and containing a quantity of sand, mercury, or another flowing substance that trickles from the upper chamber to the lower in a fixed amount of time, often one hour.
在源文件中,打印在相同栏内的若干正文行的集合。在当前栏内所剩余的纵向空间放不下既定一段正文时,则这段正文从下一栏开始打印[或印刷]。在单栏格式的情况下,下一栏便是下一页。 In a source document, a collection of lines of text to be printed in the same column. When the vertical space remaining in the current column is insufficient for the block of text, the text is printed in the next column. In the case of single-column format, the next column is on the next page.
一个过时的火车机车 An obsolete locomotive.
她不时停下来休息. At intervals she would stop for a rest.
上课时不准戴帽子。 Don't keep your hat on in class.
那时我们在同一个班。 We were both in the same class.
时刻表有可能更改. The timetable is subject to alteration.
他发表时事广播演说. He broad-casts on current affairs.
我已经写了三个小时了。 I've been writing for three hours.
小男孩在点名时不见了。 The boy turned up missing at roll call.
他来看我时,我幸好好在家。 Luckily I was at home when he called.
我步行一个来回用一小时。 It takes me an hour to walk there and back.
他没有在指定的时间在那里。 He wasn't there at the appointed time.
应该看报以便 解时事. You should read the newspapers to keep abreast of current affairs.
每一种教条都必定自有其得意之时。 Every dogma must have its day.
他预见到做这件工作需要很长时间. He foresaw that the job would take a long time.
少数民族音乐会持续了两个小时。 The minority nationality concert lasted two hours.
他跳高时试跳了几次才跳过去. He had several goes at the high jump before he succeeded in clearing it.
现在我不会唱歌了,但我年轻的时候会。 I can't sing now, but I could when I was young.
他讲话中时而不自觉地冒出地方方言。 Every now and then he would lapse into the local dialect.
点名时,孩子们听到自己的名子一一答应。 At the roll-call the children answered up to their names.
她答应在孩子们的妈妈上夜班时照顾这些孩子。 She promised to see after the children when their mother were on the night shift.
你要想看那场时装表演的话,就得早点儿定座位。 You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.
时间就是金钱。 Time is money.
我那趟航班晚了一小时. My flight was an hour late.
面试延续了近一个小时 The interview lasted about an hour.
这是十足的浪费时间。 That has been a thorough waste of time.
剧间休息时更换布景. The scenes are changed during the interval.
我们在渡口等了两小时. We waited at the ferry for two hours.
上半场结束时比分为2比2. The score at half-time was 2-2.
轮到皇后时,她脸红了。 The Queen looked blushed in her turn.
他一时想不开, 自杀了. He committed suicide during a fit of depression.
他的死标志著一个时代的结束. His death marked the end of an era.
我们谈话时她老是插嘴. She kept cutting in on/cutting into our conversation.
讲这个故事的时候配有图片. The story is told in words and pictures.
新石器新石器时代的石头器具 A stone implement of the Neolithic Period.
现今的时装式样变换很快。 The fashions of today change very quickly.
他因在上课时吸烟而被开除了。 He was expelled for smoking in class.
我们在海边度过了愉快的时光。 We had a glorious time at the seaside.
我给自己一小时跑那一段路程。 I gave myself an hour for the journey.
划入信用卡的钱可以随时支取。 Money put into the credit cards is at call.
时刻尤指关键时刻,危急关头 A point in time, especially a critical point.
时日在无穷的展望中延展着。 The days stretch out in an endless vista.
红军长征时走了二万五千里。 The Red Army covered25000 li on the Long March.
入境时,我的提包受到了检查。 My bags were examined when I entered the country.
难民暂时安置在一座旧军营里. The refugees are being lodged in an old army camp.
半小时之后,我又启程赶路了。 Half an hour later I set out again on my journey.
她上学时总觉得和大家格格不入. At school she always felt the odd one out.
此时很难预料公司的前景. It is very difficult at this juncture to predict the company's future.
现在是我方炮兵回击敌人的时候了。 It's time for our artillery to hit back.
他偷看我的论文时,我当场抓住了他。 I caught him peeping at my paper.
他来时,我正巧忙着写信。 It happened/chanced that I was busy writing a letter when he came.
任职时间最长的官员事事优先. The longest-serving officer always takes precedence.
他总是把时间花在毫无意义的事上。 He always spend his time to no purpose.
从这家到那家的路程要用一小时。 The journey takes about an hour, door to door.
药物有时具有令人不快的副作用。 Medicines sometimes have unpleasant side effects.
随着时间的推移,听众越来越多了。 The hearers increased quickly as time went on.
我经常读报来尽量了解时事. I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers.
那所房子燃烧了数小时火才扑灭。 The house burned for hours before the blaze was put out.
这所房子不时进行扩建. The house has been added to (ie New rooms, etc have been built on to it) from time to time.
我一时心软同意了支付她度假的费用. In a weak moment, I agreed to pay for her holiday.
诗人写这首诗时一定非常年轻。 The poet must have been very young when he wrote this poem.
开会时间将由班长自行决定。 The hours of the meetings will be fixed at the monitor's discretion.
我们的邮政系统临时出了一点小问题. There's been a slight hiccup in our mailing system.
在法国,时新的式样都是演员们首创的。 The actors set the fashion in France.
比赛中的马临近终点时拉开了距离。 The horse is stringing out towards the end of the race.
她读着这个文件时,脸色顿时开朗起来。 Her face cleared up as she read the document.
粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间。 It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling.
她当时看起来好像什么事都没发生似的。 She looks as if nothing had happened to her.
我的时间很宝贵,我只能见你几分钟。 My time is precious; I can only give you a few minutes.
在我受到攻击时, 幸好有个警察经过. By a happy chance a policeman was passing as I was attacked.
她看到我们走进来时,面色顿时开朗起来。 Her face lighted up when she saw us enter.
律师在离开办公室时被记者拦住了。 The lawyer was collared by some journalists as he left his office.
警方用了几天时间追查到案中目标。 It took the police several days to track down their quarry.
古时认为一般金属能变成黄金. In former times it was thought that ordinary metal could be transmuted into gold.
在防空演习时对一切灯火都实行管制。 All lights are blacked out during air defence exercises.
在野外郊游时老师常看护着班上的学生。 Teachers often chaperon their classes on field trips.
总统生病时, 其职务交由副总统代理. When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice-President.
我要尽力避免在晚年时成为孩子们的负担。 I will try to avoid come upon my children in my old age.
你要是现在走, 可能正赶上交通拥挤的时刻. If you go now, you're likely to hit the rush hour.
我们探望母亲很不是时候--她家里已经来了客人. Our visit was ill-timed my mother had guests already.
天气晴朗时, 从塔顶上能看到很远的地方. On a clear day you can see for miles from the top of the tower.
如果我们想准时到达那里,我们最好加快速度。 We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.
在午饭时间, 值班教师负责维持校内秩序. The teachers on duty are policing the school buildings during the lunch hour.
现在大楼已开始动工,要放弃行动为时已晚。 Now the building has been started, it is too late to back off.
当知道他有许多敌人时,他开始担心他的性命。 Knowing he had many enemies, he went about in fear of his life.
我们要想一想买新房子的事了,时机即将来临。 The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house.
即便是在管理最好的家庭,事故有时也会发生的。 Accidents sometimes happen even in the best regulated families.
首次订购时,本人将提供信用照会资料给您。 My credit references will be provided if you can make an initial order.
那发言者讲话结结巴巴的, 有时得由主席提示. The speaker was rather hesitant and had to be prompted occasionally by the chairman.
我刚才只是主张应该外出就餐,以节省时间。 I am merely putt forward toe opinion(that) we shall dine out to save time.
她的结婚礼服是由一位非常著名的时装设计师制作的。 Her wedding apparel is made by a very famous fashion designer.
当我们到达山顶时,美丽景色展现在我们的眼前。 The beautiful scenery was set out before us as we reached the top of the hill.
与此同时,我的舌头忙着寻找我拔掉牙的那个洞。 Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out of the hole where the tooth had been.
每次创建或更改一个条目时,会自动按字母顺序排列。 It is automatically alphabetized every time an entry is created or changed.
她是个好演员,但仍需要时间去熟悉她要扮演的角色。 She is a good actress, but still needs time to grow into the part she is playing.
没有比时间更贵重的东西,但也没有比它更受轻视的东西。 Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued.
国与国之间的边界未明确划定时,通常会发生纠纷。 When boundaries between countries are not clearly defined, there is usually trouble.
他渴望当演员, 你就得容他时间让他施展自己的抱负. He desperately wants to be an actor, so you'll have to give him time to get it out of his system.
只有当演员把台词背得滚瓜烂熟时,我们排戏才会有成效。 Only when the actors have their lines(down) pat can we practice the play effectively.
女士们喜欢在自由市场呆上很长时间,同货主们讨价还价。 The ladies like to spend hours in the free market, bargaining about the goods.
她接待他时始终准确地把握好分寸,看似冷淡,却不失礼。 The manner in which she received him was calculated to a nicety to seem cool without being uncivil.
因你一直工作到如此晚的时间,今天不计较那迟到的五分钟了。 As you were kept working so late, you will be excused from being late for five minutes today.
在春天,我们通常将钟表向前拔一小时,以利用夏天的日光。 In spring, we usually set the clock ahead one hour, to take advantage of the summer daylight.
和美国家庭的这种爱同时并存的是自强及独立的文化价值观。 Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence.
活页文选小短文或专题论文,常关于一个流行的题目,出版时未经装订 A short essay or treatise, usually on a current topic, published without a binding.
在写这本书时,作者查阅了许多与此同类题材的著作,从中得益非浅。 In writing this book, the author has greatly profited from consulting many works on the same subjects.
平常的地下火车接近车站时,发出的声音可能是最大声的喷射机的两倍。 An ordinary subway train, approaching the station, can be twice as loud as the loudest jet.
当你不再仅仅限于文字和静止图片时,网上生活会丰富多彩得多。 Life on-line can be a much richer experience when you aren't restricted to just written words and still pictures.
磁化使一个物体具有暂时或永久性磁性的过程,例如把一个物体放入磁物中 The process of making a substance temporarily or permanently magnetic, as by insertion in a magnetic field.
如果放入冰箱的话,这种农产品可以保存更长的时间。我需要一辆经久耐用的汽车 Produce lasts longer if it is refrigerated. I wanted a car that would last.
应召显贵法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨 One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency.
当我们查明何时有货,价格多少时,将立即通知贵公司,以什么价格可以成交。 As soon as the purchase is made, and the price ascertain, I will inform you at what they will be invoiced.
英国人在任何动乱的年代都要重温战争时期的日子,那时人们都友好互助。 In any troubled times, the British tend to hark back to wartime days, when people helped each other in a friendly spirit.
那天早些时候迫使敌人放弃给我军的阵地现在需要布置起来,对付那必然的反攻。 Positions surrendered to our troops earlier in the day had now to be prepared against the inevitable counter-attack.
我姐姐在假日里对孩子们放任不管,以至于有一段时间闹得很厉害,使邻居都感到厌烦。 My sister left her children so much to themselves during the holidays that for a time they ran wild and became a nuisance to the neighbourhood.
综合命题由和或其符号所连接的子句组成的复合命题,只有当所有子句为真时,该句才为真 A compound proposition that has components joined by the word and or its symbol and is true only if both or all the components are true.
我希望时光能够倒退回去,我可以重新去过学生时代的生活。我后悔当初不够努力,没有通过更多的考试。 I wish I could put the clock back and relive my schooldays; I regret not having tried harder and passed more exams.
第二天早上我与妻子离别之时,我已经走出门外几步,她叫我回来,小声地对我说要多加小心。 My wife, however, next morning, at parting, after I had gone some paces from the door, called me back, to advise me, in a whisper, to have all my eyes about me.
他连自己的五分钟时间都不愿拿出,证明他对这一个解决问题的方法不感兴趣,与前一段统计中不赞成这一同样用法的比率百分之九十三相比,没有什么大的差别 His unwillingness to give five minutes of his time proves that he is disinterested in finding a solution to the problem, a proportion that is not significantly different from the93 percent who disapproved of the same usage in an earlier survey.
那时正在打仗。 The war was on then.
她需要不时给予提示. She needed an occasional prompt.
日落时我们抵达了港口. We reached (the) harbour at sunset.
在干旱时期定量供应水 Rationing water during the drought.
他们就这个案子辩论了几个小时。 They argued the case for hours.
时钟鸣响声打破了寂静. The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock.
我们横渡时风浪一定很大。 Storm when we transverse is certainly very big.
投球时在摆动之前举起球棒 Cocked the bat before swinging at the pitch.
她来串门只是为了打发时间。 She stopped by just to pass the time of day.
他登上顶端时气喘得很厉害. He was quite puffed by the time he reached the top.
当陌生人走近时,狗叫了起来。 The dog barked when the stranger came near.
主席一直以沉闷的语调讲了几小时. The chairman droned on for hours.
我们因交通堵塞而受阻一个小时. We were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.
总统抵达时, 检阅了仪仗队. On his arrival the president inspected the guard of honour.
他打电话时, 她恰巧不在家. She happened to be out/It happened that she was out when he called.
他很困倦,上课时候都睡着了。 He was so sleepy that he fell asleep during the class.
文书工作耗费了委员会许多时间。 Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time.
演讲结束的时候,房间里寂静无声。 The room was still at the end of the speech.
我们到旅程终点时全都累垮了. We were all suffering from fatigue at the end of our journey.
卡车非装卸货物时不得在此停车。 Lorries may only park here when loading or unloading.
我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛。 In the recession, our firm go through a bad time.
这些防御工事是上次战争时修建的。 These fortifications were built during the last war.
随著时间的流逝, 我的记忆力似乎越来越差. As time goes by my memory seems to get worse.
他在找新房子时把家具存放在仓库里。 His furniture is in storage while he finds a new house.
她作出的他此时已经死亡的推论是正确的。 Her deduction that he was now dead was correct.
警方来搜查大楼时, 大家都很惊慌. It was panic stations when the police arrived to search the building.
她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。 She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time.
英国广播公司经常在节目空档时播放唱片。 The BBC often plays a record to fill in.
蒙难地,蒙难时刻使人受巨大折磨的事例或地方 An instance or a place of great suffering.
史密斯先生有时屈尊帮他的妻子做家务。 Mr. Smith sometimes condescends to help his wife with the housework.
经过长时间的辩论,下议院通过了议案。 After a long debate, the house of commons approved the bill.
我每天尽量腾出一些时间锻炼一下身体. I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.
那孩子已死去多时, 我对其面容仍记忆犹新. The image of the dead child's face stuck in my mind for ages.
在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。 In judging him you should consider his youth.
拍摄危险的场景时, 这位大明星有个替身. Another man stands in for the big star in the dangerous scenes.
我们得简化手续才能将你的签证及时办妥. We've had to cut a few corners to get your visa ready in time.
科学家推算出宇宙飞船抵达月球的时间。 The scientists calculated when the spacecraft would reach the moon.
这个地区淹了水,这是台风时经常发生的。 The area is flooded, as frequently happens during the typhoon.
参加协商的人花了十个小时才敲定一桩生意。 It take the negotiator ten hours to nail down a deal.
法院准予公司有两周的延缓执行判决的时间。 The court granted the company a two weeks stay of execution.
新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻. The new road system permits the free flow of traffic at all times.
在我们这个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。 Advanced figures are emerging in multitude in this era of ours.
她干起活来倒是相当不错,不过有时需要加以督促。 She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prod occasionally.
当他们的祖父去世时,巨大的悲伤笼罩了他们的生活。 When their grandfather died a great sadness filled their lives.
我学法语的时间还不长, 所以我只能凑合著说几句. I haven't been learning French for long, so I can only manage (ie speak) a few words.
我弟弟用这部车时毫不爱惜,害得我花一大笔修理费。 My brother's careless treatment of the car has run me in for a large repair bill.
把粉末洒在土里,让牛走过时把它们都踩进地里去。 Spread the powder over the earth and let the cattle trample it in as they walk over it.
比较富裕的农民这时购买化肥,但合作社却买不起。 The richer peasants were buying chemical fertilizer, but the co-op could not afford it.
他把所有的时间都用在做纵横填字游戏和其他无聊的活动上. He spends all his time on crosswords and other trifles.
当他得知对手是谁时,他立即断了想获取权力的念头。 His idea of winning power quickly toppled down when he learned who his opponent was.
记住,靠近大桥时开慢一些,迎面来的车流有先行权。 Remember to ease up as you approach the bridge; oncoming traffic has the right of way.
法国队开始时领先, 但中场休息前威尔士队已与之拉平. France took an early lead but Wales drew level (ie equalized the score) before half-time.
希望你我双方尽力在销售优质产品的同时提供最佳的服务。 Let us jointly do our best to sell high quality products with high quality services.
投资是一项风险事业,就是那些懂行的人有时也会栽跟头。 Investment is a hazardous business; even those who are in the swim sometimes come a cropper.
大规模的农场聚集在白人的所有权之下,这在当时是一股潮流。 The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time.
这次示威活动事先作了精心安排, 正好在首相访问时进行. The demonstration had been carefully stage-managed to coincide with the Prime Minister's visit.
届时尚有最新设计的式样,品种繁多的样品陈列,供你们选购。 A great variety of samples, newly designed by our manufacturers, will be on exhibition.
爆炸后经过相当一段时间,这个城镇才恢复了正常的生活秩序。 After the explosion it was some time before the town resumed its everyday routines.
马克曾想谋求秘书的职位,但因提出太迟,错过了被考虑录用的时机。 Mark tried for the post of secretary, but was too late to be considered for it.
部分因为物价高涨,部分因为时机不好,生活真是愈来愈难过了。 What with the high prices, and what with the badness of the times, we find it hard to get along.
与此同时,许多大学生在罢工持续期间自愿去驾驶公共汽车。 Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. All
此时,他们两人,男人和他的妻子都赤身露体,但他们彼此相对,并不难为情。 Now they were both naked, the man and his wife, but they had no feeling of shame towards one another.
办事处的气氛已紧张一段时日,而最近解雇员工一事使事态的发展达到了顶点。 The atmosphere in the office has been tense for some time but this latest dismissal brings matter to a head.
圣诞节是朋友家人互相再见,以及寄圣诞卡给住在远方的人的一段时间。 Christmas is a time for friends and family members to see each other again and to send Christmas cards to those who live far away.
我不管你个人是怎么想的,但与公司顾客谈生意时,你必须遵循我们的既定方针。 I don't care what your personal views are; when talking to this company's clients you must follow the party line.
当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配给该文件的空间量。 The amount of space to be allocated at the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocated length of the file.
那家公司的今年年度预算出现亏损。因为公司时常出现赤字,不久将会关闭。 The annual budget of that company continues to show a deficit this year. It will go out of business because it is always in the red.
定时器一种计时器,尤指控制时间间隔并指示间隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器 A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.
我已经注意到有些雇员上班迟到一个小时. 我不点出名字来, 但是要是你觉得我说的是你.... I have noticed some employees coming to work an hour late. I shall name no names, but if the cap fits....
脚踏旋转平台一种由一圆形小平台组成的游乐场设备,当推动它或踩其踏板时能够转动 A piece of playground equipment consisting of a small circular platform that revolves when pushed or pedaled.
我听说有人能回忆起童年甚至婴儿时期的一些往事,但是我的过去依依稀稀,我确实记不清了。 I hear of people recalling incidents from their early childhood—and even their infancy—but my dim and distant past is very dim indeed to me.
经过长时间调查后,撤消了对经理失职罪的指控,并免除了他对导致工厂烧毁的失火事故的责任。 After a long inquiry, the Manager was exonerated from the charge of neglect and from any responsibility for the fire that destroyed the factory.
他援引教授物理学方面的一些运动定律为例,说明当计算机用于辅助教学时,学生在幼年就能够理解这些定律。 He cites as an example the teaching of the laws of motion in physics, which he says are accessible at an early age when a computer is used to assist in the instruction.
一种重要的处理过程,其中最高优先权处理任务常常由具有优先度的实时任务形成,经过使用中断而进入较低优先权任务或后台处理任务。 An important processing procedure in which top-priority processing most often results from real-time entries which usually have precedence, through the use of interrupts into lower-priority or background processing.
在分时系统中,终端和其它设备进行一次数据交换,从而完成一个特定的动作或产生一个特定的结果。例如,输入客户的存款金额并修改客户的余额。 In systems with time sharing, an exchange between a terminal and another device that accomplishes a particular action or result; for example, the entry of a customer's deposit and the updating of the customer's balance.
不要空腹时游泳。 Don't swim on an empty stomach.
他有时非常仁慈。 He can be very kind sometimes.
遇火灾时按下此钮。 Press this button in case of fire.
不时有喜鹊的叫声。 Now and than a magpie would call.
她穿着一件时髦的礼服。 She wears a modern dress.
她有时剃腿上的寒毛. She sometimes shaves the hair off her legs.
她一化妆就是几个小时. She spends hours painting her face.
6点钟时马达开动起来。 At six o'clock the motor started up.
战时很少交换俘虏. The exchange of prisoners during a war is unusual.
我那时正在后院劈柴。 I was out in the back yard splitting logs.
那时绘画艺术非常不景气。 Painting was then at its lowest ebb.
我生病时完全没有食欲. When I was ill I completely lost my appetite.
在我苦恼的时候,她来安慰我。 She comforted me in my distress.
打猎时他射下一只大大雁。 In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose.
在他临终时我在身边侍候。 I ministered to him in his last hours.
警方时时警戒终有所获。 Police's vigilance was eventually rewarded.
为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。 She spend a lot of money to follow the fashion.
有人奉承你时, 一定要当心。 Be on guard when somebody flatters you.
晚9时把犯人锁进牢房过夜. At 9 pm the prisoners are locked in for the night.
我时而喜欢抽一支大雪茄烟。 I like to smoke a big cigar every now and then.
他回到家里时已是疲惫不堪。 He was beaten out with fatigue when he got home.
那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时. The outrageous book created a sensation.
我们董事长于昨晚八时去世。 Our director passed away at eight o'clock last night.
春天的时候,乡村一片青葱碧绿。 The country is very green in spring.
遇有急用时, 我们只好动用积蓄. If it comes to the push, we shall have to use our savings.
汽车碰撞时左侧的翼子板撞坏了。 The nearside wing was damaged in the collision.
瞧那对时髦夫妇,打扮多么入时。 Look at that trendy couple- kitted up all the latest gear!
用不了多少时间就可以把咖啡过滤好. It won't take long to filter the coffee.
遇有急用时,我们只好动用积蓄。 If it come to the push, we shall have to use our savings.
劫掠物,战利品战时取自敌人的战利品 Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war.
救护车及时赶到了那座倒塌的大厦。 The ambulance reached the collapsed building in due time.
当船徐徐开动时,孩子们欢呼雀跃。 The children cheered as the ship drew slowly away.
那时他正穿着笨重的靴子走来走去。 He was clumping about in heavy boots that time.
说英语时, 重音和节奏是很重要的. Stress and rhythm are important in speaking English.
我苏醒过来的时候是在地板上躺著呢. When I came to my senses, I was lying on the floor.
火车时刻编排得可与渡轮运行时刻衔接. The train is timed to connect with the ferry.
现在不是奢侈花钱买新立体音响的时候. This is no time to lash out on a new stereo.
我觉察到我在时他们有些拘束. I was aware of a certain constraint on their part when they were in my presence.
雪融化时, 山间溪流变成山洪暴发. When the snow melts, the mountain stream becomes a deluge.
谈到他的情人时, 他的双眼闪烁着光芒。 Speaking of his lover, his eyes sparkled.
请勿在生气的时候去办如此重要的事情。 Do not go to such an important business in a temper.
在这一政治危机时期我是目睹一切的局外人。 I was on the sidelines during the political crisis.
秋季来临时,玉米地里呈现出丰收的景象。 As autumn draws near, the cornfields show signs of ripeness.
他用两小时左右的时间草草拟出了故事的大纲。 He batted out an outline of a story in about two hours.
渔民和水手有时声称看到过海里的妖怪。 Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
城市遭到轰炸时, 儿童都疏散到乡下去了. The children were evacuated to the country when the city was being bombed.
当孔雀展现它华丽的尾巴时,孩子们大声叫着。 Children shout when they see the peacock spread his gorgeous tail.
屈肌一块收缩时能弯曲身体的关节或四肢的肌肉 A muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body.
经过几小时的激烈战斗,我们赶走了入侵的匪徒。 After a few hours of fierce fighting, we saw the intruding bandits off.
那狮子在这群鹿四周转来转去,等待着时机进攻。 The lion circled about the family of deer, waiting to attack.
那个卑鄙小人在玩扑克牌时作弊,因此引起一场打斗。 A fight break out because that scumbag cheat at poker.
非洲有一些地区这时仍然处于殖民主义的统治之下。 Some parts of Africa still remained under colonialism.
孩子们喜欢搅拌做蛋糕的混合料,同时许一个心愿。 The children liked to stir the cake mixture about, making a wish.
我们在威尼斯度假时曾到附近的几个地方观光过. During our holiday in Venice we went on a few trips/excursions to places near by.
迷惑了数小时后,我最终弄明白了,并找到了答案。 After puzzling for hours I finally saw daylight and found the answer.
他听到他们那令人吃惊的消息时, 脸上呈现异样的表情. His face was a study as he listened to their amazing news.
我是记者, 在这一政治危机时期我是目睹一切的局外人. As a journalist, I was on the sidelines during the political crisis.
阐述教义无误的阐释有关信仰或精神的教义时不出错的 Incapable of error in expounding doctrine on faith or morals.
他有脸突然又年轻了,紧张而恐惧的皱纹暂时舒展开了。 His face was suddenly young again, the lines of strain and fear temporarily smoothed out.
他第一次吃这种水果时觉得似乎在品尝世外仙果,美妙极了。 The first time he tasted the fruit, he felt as if he was having a feast for the gods.
手铲刀身尖突并呈铲状的小型器具,在种植植物时用来挖土 A small implement with a pointed, scoop-shaped blade used for digging, as in setting plants.
周期律化学元素在周期表中有相似位置时具有相似特性的趋势 The tendency of chemical elements with similar positions in the periodic table to have similar properties.
当我初次离家时,喜鹊在树上唱歌,在中国文化中这是个好预兆。 Some magpies was singing in the tree when I left home for the first time, a good omen in Chinese culture.
他们花了几年的时间,精打细算,省吃俭用,终于使航海度假成为现实。 It took years of planning and saving, but their sea-going vacation came true at last.
如果是女人,在她走向刑场的半路上,也可能会要求一点时间来化妆。 If a woman were on her way to her execution, she will demand a little time to put on make- up.
很多人,盛怒之下又退回到孩提时代,边大喊大叫边跺脚地发脾气。 Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet.
卡祖笛一种当吹奏者向吹口处低吟或哼唱时一个膜能够发出声音的玩具乐器 A toy instrument with a membrane that produces a sound when a player hums or sings into the mouthpiece.
杰克太爱吹牛了,当教练说他并不是他所想像的那么好时,他感到很惊讶。 Jack brags too much and it set him back on his heels when the coach told him he wasn't as good a player as he thought he was.
及时反馈自己的意见和建议,以便不断提高我们节目的质量和促进俱乐部的发展。 Meanwhile, you are allowed to feedback your thoughts and opinions regularly to develop our program and the club.
甘受贿赂,贪污腐化易受贿赂或腐败的影响性,如在使用不诚实的收益的信托状况时 Susceptibility to bribery or corruption, as in the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.
空头支票代表虚构的金融交易的可转让票据,暂时用于维持信贷或筹集钱款 A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.
柴油潜艇在水下只能航行非常短的时间,而核潜艇在水下航行的时间要长得多。 A diesel submarine is able to cruise under water for a short period of time, but a nuclear one is able to cruise under water much longer.
在那之后,简直拦不住他,他觉得该是放弃原有的工作而全力以赴当作家谋生的时候了。 After that, there was no holding him, and the day came when he felt he could chuck his job and to all out to make a living as writer.
天体要素在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素 The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.
她来了将近两个月的时候,开始抱怨说她觉得身体更糟了,从那时起,她成了牧场上的负担。 Nearly two months after her arrival she began to complain that she felt worse. It was then that she became ranch's old man of the sea.
切换镜头一种中断电影的主要情节画面的连续性的简短镜头,通常用来描绘相关事件或可能同时发生的情节 A brief shot that interrupts the visual continuity of the main action of a film, often to depict related matter or supposedly concurrent action.
当数据从一个设备传送到另一个设备时,用于补偿数据流速率差或事件发生时间差的一种例行程序或存储器。 A routine or storage used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another.
中立船证由联盟的外国政府颁发给船只的一种官方文件,尤指战时授权中立商船在特定水城内自由进出和航行的文件 An official document issued by an allied foreign government to a ship, especially a neutral merchant ship in time of war, authorizing it to enter and travel through certain waters freely.
这是一个应该避免使用的非正式术语。该术语有时用于一种逻辑元件,这种逻辑元件可以实现特定的功能或在变量之间提供链接。 An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables.
当飞机上的灯一下子熄灭时,旅客显得很紧张,但当机长告诉他们这只不过是一次电气故障,很快就会修好时,他们才放下心来。 The passengers became alarmed when the lights went out on the plane, but the captain put their minds at rest when he told them it was only a minor electrical fault and it would soon be repaired.
日本公司有能力在发展与生产方面,较美国公司投资为多,是他们在半导体方面占上风的一个主要原因。现在,英泰尔计划在经济不景气时大量投资以压倒弱小竞争者。 The ability to outspend American companies on development and production has been a big reason Japanese companies have made gains in the semi-conductor business. Now Intel plans to borrow a page from the Japanese by spending heavily through a recession to gain ground on weaker competitors.
以低于信号中最高频率两倍的频率进行信号取样时出现的一种效应,即当由取样状态还原时,还原后的信号将不再含有原来信号中的高频成分,并将显示出虚假的低频信号。 An effect that occurs when a signal is sampled at a rate less than twice the highest frequency present in the signal.The subsequent signal recovered from the samples will not contain the high frequency component of the original signal and will display a false low frequency signal.
在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站将报文送给它。在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。 In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. The control station may be a computer in a message switching system.
艰难时期;动乱时代 Hard times; a time of troubles.
她的新小说何时问世? When is her new novel coming out?
不时地,时常地;偶尔地 From time to time; occasionally.
你乘的班机什麽时候到? What time does your flight get in?
你的驾驶执照何时到期? When does your driving licence expire?
寿命存在时间长短;年代 Length of existence; age.
水流经水闸时十分湍急. Water went rushing through the lock gates.
新的安全规则何时生效? When do the new safety rules come into force?
客人来时你通报一声好吗? Would you announce the guests as they come in?
委员会什麽时候做出裁决? When will the committee give/make its ruling?
我就是这个时侯被教会思考的。 That was when I was taught to think.
短暂的时尚:流行一时的狂热 A short-lived popular fashion; a fad.
他摔倒时, 额头磕著了(墙). He hit his forehead (against the wall) as he fell.
我跟你说话的时候, 你要留心听! Pay attention when I'm talking to you!
滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。 The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium.
先前的时间上先发生的;较早的 Occurring before in time; earlier.
在书写时, Doctor头衔的缩写是Dr. In writing, the title `Doctor' is abbreviated to `Dr'.
我们超越对手时要目不斜视! All eyes to the front as we pass the other competitors!
拂晓时敌人向我防线开了火。 The enemy opened fire on our lines at early dawn.
我们离别时我如何忍得住眼泪呢? How shall I withhold from tears when we part?
那时一场大瘟疫正在该城肆虐。 A great plague was then raging in the city.
瞬间一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔 A brief, indefinite interval of time.
喂,玛丽,何时有喜事?快了吧。 Hello, Mary, when's the happy event? It can't be long now.
声誉——主要是死得其时的问题。 Fame- it is chiefly a matter of die at the right moment.
金属门猛一关上时发出 光的响声. The metal door rang as it slammed shut.
他在向小学生贩卖海洛因时被捕. He was caught pushing heroin to schoolchildren.
唱流行歌曲的歌星什麽时候都是新闻人物. Pop stars are always news.
由於技术上出现临时故障而发射延期. The launch was delayed by a technical hitch.
这种用法现亦逐渐多见於现在时态。 It is also increasingly found in the present tense.
这杆梭镖是江西根据地时代传下来的。 The spear descends from the Jiangxi-base days.
他说他没有时间, 或是诸如此类的藉口. He said he hadn't got time or made some such excuse.
他贬低她所作的努力(认为是浪费时间). He decried her efforts (as a waste of time).
他是个精明的、有时候冷酷无情的对手。 He is a shrewd and sometimes ruthless adversary.
在文明时代,这麽残忍是不能宽恕的。 In an age of enlightenment such cruelty is unforgivable.
最早的在时间和次序上首次出现的;最早的 Occurring first in time or sequence; earliest.
短暂的仅限于一个插曲持续的时间;短暂的 Limited to the duration of an episode; temporary.
容积,体积大小、体积或容积,常指很大时 Size, mass, or volume, especially when very large.
时间表变动得如此频繁, 似乎没有什麽道理. It seems illogical to change the timetable so often.
工党领导人更换後全党时来运转. The change of leader led to a turn-around in the fortunes of the Labour Party.
那个胖子坐下时,旧椅子发出嘎吱的响声。 The old chair gave a groan when the fat man sat down on it.
她的书抓住了文艺复兴时期人文主义的精髓. Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.
当我给他们糖果时,他们高兴地咧开嘴笑了。 They grinned with pleasure when I gave them the sweets.
曲率极限当弧长趋向于零时该曲率的极限 The limit of this ratio as the length of the arc approaches zero.
我们能够指望这样的好天气再持续一段时间吗? Can we hope for a continuance of this fine weather?
"入境时,我的提包在海关受到了检查。" My suitcases were examined at the Customs when I entered the country.
手表有三根指针--秒针,分针和时针。 A watch have three hand--the second hand, minute hand and hour hand.
无知的孩子们有时会嘲笑乞丐和无家可归的人。 Ignorant children sometimes laugh at beggars and tramps.
肆意地作出粗暴的行为;纵情享受最新时尚 Indulged in outrageous behavior; indulged in all the latest fads.
我们进行质量检验时,有缺陷的产品均予剔除。 Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control.
她在危难时总是很冷静、 镇定如常、 泰然自若. She always stays cool, calm and collected in a crisis.
在预订时交付定金是一般的[普遍遵守的]惯例. It is accepted/standard practice to pay a deposit with one's order.
我是专指永久居民而言, 以别於临时访客. I refer specifically to permanent residents, in contradistinction to temporary visitors.
他们与丢失的女儿团聚时的场面该多麽欢乐。 Imagine the joyful scene when they were reunited with their lose daughter.
人们通常认为基督时代是从耶稣出世开始算起的。 The Christian age is usually reckoned from the birth of Christ.
时髦,是逃亡自庸俗而又惟恐被?上的假斯文。 Fashion is gentility running away from vulgarity, and afraid of being overtake.
儿时,上天向我们撒谎;往后,我们又朝天撒谎。 Heaven lie about us in our infancy-and we lie about heaven later on.
在1939年,当时人人都感到欧洲处于极度危险的境地。 In 1939 everyone felt Europe was on the edge of the precipice.
多配偶(制)同时拥有一个以上配偶的状况或做法 The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time.
蜂蜜水水和蜂蜜的混合物,混合物发酵时变成蜂蜜酒 A mixture of water and honey that becomes mead when fermented.
当我告诉他那个消息时我自己不知不觉地哽咽起来。 I couldn't account for the lump in my throat when I told him the news.
讣闻死亡后发表的通告,有时附有死者简要传记 A published notice of a death, sometimes with a brief biography of the deceased.
真不凑巧,当马戏团来到我们镇上时戴维得了麻疹。 It was too bad David had measles when the circus came to our town.
我们的本周报纸要闻回顾由《时代》周刊编辑主持. Our review of this week's papers is presented by the editor of The Times'.
飞机上升到这样高度时,飞行员昏厥了片刻时间。 The pilot blacked out for a moment upon reaching such a high altitude.
两极是相通的嘛——当牙鳕把自己的尾巴放进口里时说。 Extremes meet, as the whiting said with its tail in its mouth.
经济萧条时期,有好几百万的失业者在街头游荡。 During the depression, millions of the unemployed wandered around in the streets.
"我们在渡口等了三个多小时,还是不见船的影子。" "We waited more than three hours at the ferry, but no sign of a boat was seen."
消耗量就是以每小时加仑表示的所耗费的燃料总数。 Consumption is the total amount of fuel consumed expressed in gallons per hour.
联键音栓连接两个风琴键盘使之能够同时演奏的装置 A device connecting two organ keyboards so that they may be played together.
我们用了两个小时才计算完毕,因此我们在4点钟结束了工作。 It took two hours to complete the calculation, so we logged off at4 o'clock.
仲裁人当调解人无法解决时被指定解决争议的人;仲裁人 A person appointed to settle a dispute that mediators have been unable to resolve; an arbitrator.
经过一段时期的波动后,预料伦敦市场的黄金价格将稳定下来。 Gold prices on the London market are expected to flatten out after a period of fluctuation.
千瓦-小时电功率的单位,等于在一千瓦功率下一小时内消耗的功 A unit of electric power equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour.
花岗伟晶岩一种有时富含铀、钨和钽等稀有元素的粗纹理花岗岩 A coarse-grained granite, sometimes rich in rare elements such as uranium, tungsten, and tantalum.
在这个可怕的地方呆了将近4个星期的时间,我完全依靠自己的力量生活。 During nearly for weeks in this glorious place I have lived on my own hump.
他在得知这消息时所发的议论不宜见诸报端(语言粗俗难登大雅之堂). His comment when he heard the news was not printable! ie was too rude to be printed.
在树林中走了一个小时而没有见到什么值得注意的东西,这怎么可能呢? How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note?
通信双方之间交换信息的格式和相对定时[同步]的一种规范。 A specification for the format and relative timing of information exchanged between communicating parties.
时间过得真快,转眼间你就将中学毕业,并拟于秋季进入州立大学了! How time flies! Here you are graduating from high school and planning to attend State University in the fall.
当欧洲人还是居住在洞穴中的野蛮人时,这些地方的文化早已十分繁荣昌盛。 These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.
但是你曾经有过用你的视觉去看透一个朋友或相识的内在本质的时候吗? But does it ever occur to you to use your sight to see into the inner nature of a friends or acquaintance?
解说员在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演出评论的演员 An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.
于是,村办学校继续办下去,至少暂时能这样,让我们为现在的职员高呼万岁! So the village school stays open, for the time being at least, and long live our present incumbent.
下次再到一个需要使Shockwave的网站时,Shockwave控制程序就会自动装载并播放电影。 The next time you go to a"Shocked" website, the Shockwave control loads and plays the movie.
希伯莱圣经;托位包括伯莱经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道 A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.
自那时起,从埃及的木乃伊头发到石器时代的檀香木等有机物质的年代都已被确定。 Since then, organic materials ranging from Egyptian mummy hair to Stone Age sandals have been dated.
走读生凡拟在校用午餐者希于10时前通知总务管理员,今天你在家吃午饭还是出去吃饭? Non-resident students who wish to lunch in should inform the Bursar before ten o'clock.
彼得将他的那部新小说搁置了一年,与此同时,他给杂志撰写一些稿件以便赚点钱用。 Peter set his new novel aside for a year while he wrote some magazine articles to make a bit of money.
牛肉糜压缩饼一种主要由牛肉、水果干和硬脂肪压制成的干肉饼,用作食物紧缺时的定量配给口粮 A food made chiefly from beef, dried fruit, and suet, used as emergency rations.
桂冠用月桂编成的花环,古时作为一种荣誉的标志授予诗人、英雄和体育竞赛中的优胜者 A wreath of laurel conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes, and victors in athletic contests.
当飞机向前移动时,机翼上方的气流产生向上的力使飞机飞离地面保持在空中不坠。 As the air craft moves forward, the air flowing over the wings produces lift to raise the aircraft off the ground, and keep it in the air.
诉讼要点,案情摘要包含与案件有关的所有证据、论点的文件,由律师出庭辩论时提出 A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court.
芽,萌芽茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,内中有未发育的根、叶子或花 A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.
"与此同时,两小时前放进去了一只麦克风,使这些人能与他们最亲近的亲属保持联系。" "Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with the closest relatives."
黑曜岩火山玻璃,一般为黑色,带状,摔碎时色泽光亮,表面变曲,由火山熔岩迅速凝而成 A usually black or banded, hard volcanic glass that displays shiny, curved surfaces when fractured and is formed by rapid cooling of lava.
坐在窗边的那个老家伙不太引人注目—人们记不起他是什么时候开始就每天晚上光顾这家酒吧。 That old fellow by the window is part of the furniture—he's been coming in this pub every night for longer than anyone can remember.
少女大约到18岁时开始社交,通常要为她们举办盛大聚会,从此以后她们就被看做是成人了。 In society, girls come out when they reach the age of about eighteen, and usually it is at a big party in their honor; after that they are looked on as adults.
时机掌握掌握发生、步伐或协调以达到最理想效果的艺术或操作,如在音乐、戏剧、运动或机构中 The art or operation of regulating occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve the most desirable effects, as in music, the theater, athletics, or mechanics.
作者设法追溯了许多事件,在这些事件中,由于离奇的机遇,使女主角与这一家庭有了短时间的接触。 The author has managed to trace many incidents in which the long arm of confidence brought the heroine in fleeting touch with the members of the family.
竖琴一种有一个通常系有四十六根长短不一的琴弦的直立的开放三角架、弹奏时用手指拨动琴弦的乐器 An instrument consisting of an upright, open triangular frame with usually46 strings of graded lengths played by plucking with the fingers.
开的发音时,舌头放低并放平,口腔敞开,正如bath一词中的a和father中的a发音一样时。用于元音发音 Pronounced with the tongue placed low and flat and with the oral cavity wide open, like the a in bath when pronounced like the a in father. Used of vowels.
止血带、压脉器一种装置,特指一紧紧环绕的绷带,通过暂时阻止血液从四肢的较大动脉中流过而止血 A device, typically a tightly encircling bandage, used to check bleeding by temporarily stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb.
嗜眠病以突然的和不由自主的,虽然通常短暂的深度睡眠发作,有时伴随有麻痹和幻觉为特征的一种紊乱 A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations.
"亲爱的,我今晚会早早回家的。""那好极了,"她机械地应了一声,就在门关上时又补了一句,"我就算你会早回好了!" "I'll be home early tonight, darling." "That'll be nice, " she answered mechanically, and, as the door closed, added, "I'll bet! "
在光记录技术中,指光道上两个凹槽之间的区域。在制作母盘时记录激光束不照射这些区域。参阅pit。 In optical recording, refers to the areas of the data tracks which are between the pits. These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering.
服这器官妙得很,它从你在早上起床的一刹那时就开始工作,而且直至你进入办公室为止,是不会停止(工作)的。 The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office.
其功能可以利用程序建立或改变的,有时也称智能的(例如“一个可编程终端”,“一个可编程的机床”)。 Also, sometimes, intelligent. With a function that can be established or changed by means of a program;("a programmable terminal";"a programmable machine tool").
机械装置一个简单装置,如杠杆、滑轮或斜面刨,可以改变作用力的大小或方向或同时改变;简单机械装置 A simple device, such as a lever, a pulley, or an inclined plane, that alters the magnitude or direction, or both, of an applied force; a simple machine.
其他共和国现在公开抱怨新俄罗斯帝国主义,同时以前的那些头儿们也假惺惺地为违反“人权”一掬同情之泪。 Leaders of other republics mutter openly now about a new Russian imperialism, while former chieftains shed crocodile tears over the violation of"human rights."
这个理论清楚地阐述了一种新的、影响深远的有关空间、时间、运动、质量、能量的特性及控制这些的关系的结论。 The theory set forth new and farreaching conclusions about the nature of space, time, motion, mass, energy, and the relations governing all these.
纳闽岛马来西亚婆罗洲东北海岸的一座岛屿。有一段时期曾为英国的直辖殖民地(1848年以后),1963年成为马来西亚的一部分 An island of Malaysia off the northeast coast of Borneo. At one time a British crown colony(after1848), it became part of Malaysia in1963.
历史可以证明,德国人在1944年12月的反攻巴尔吉之战中使出了最后的力量,从那时起,他们的失败只不过是时间问题而已。 History may prove that in Dec.1944, the Germans shot their bolt at the Battle of the Bulge; after that, their defeat was just a matter of time.
地雷,水雷一种用来摧毁敌军部队、船舰、碉堡或装备的爆破装置,通常安放在隐蔽处,由于接触、靠近或定时而引爆 An explosive device used to destroy enemy personnel, shipping, fortifications, or equipment, often placed in a concealed position and designed to be detonated by contact, proximity, or a time fuse.
韦伯磁通量的国际单位,等于当磁通量在一秒钟内被统一地减弱为零时在它联接的一圈电路内产生一伏特电动势时的磁通量 The SI unit of magnetic flux equal to the magnetic flux that in linking a circuit of one turn produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as it is uniformly reduced to zero within one second.
啤酒瓶底的沉淀物一到瓶颈部位,就不要往外倒啤酒了。此时你的一杯啤酒会金灿灿地发亮,酒泡鼓出酒杯口,而又不会溢出杯外。 As soon as the sediment starts creeping up the shoulder of the bottle, stop pouring. You should now have a glass of star-bright beer with a head(of foam) that stands proud of the glass but does not overflow.
据悉,在审理戈蒂时,格拉瑟对联邦调查局、检察官、被告律师以及媒体毫不客气。他打了好几通电话给塞申斯,要他必须查出《每日新闻》的消息来源。 Glasser, who rode roughshod over the FBI, prosecutors, defense lawyers and the press during the Gotti trial, made a series of telephone calls to Sessions demanding that the sources for The News story be found, sources said.
虽然助选团故意贬低她的作用,可是她以她的长才试行州长的想法,挑剔他的理论,评论他的演讲,并且时常指出他竞选作业的弱点并予改正。 Although the campaign plays down her role, she is the talent that test-drives the Governor's ideas, punches holes in his theories, comments on his speeches and often identifies the weak spots in his campaign operation and helps get them corrected.
谵妄一种暂时精神混乱和神志不清的状态,由高烧、酒醉、休克、震惊或其它原因导致。其症状是:焦虑、迷失方向、发生幻觉、妄想、颤抖和说胡话 A temporary state of mental confusion and clouded consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It is characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, trembling, and incoherent speech.
布尔代数中的一种运算,它同时对两个二进制数字进行如下操作:如果一个数或二个数为1,则结果为1;如果二个数均为零,则结果为零。它的逻辑算符是OR运算符。 An operation performed in Boolean algebra on two binary digits simultaneously in a way that the result is one if either one or both digits are a one, or zero if both digits are zero. The logic operator is the OR operator.
经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents.
他的妻子琼是一个健壮、浅薄的女人,也是孩子们随和的母亲。当她一听说自己高贵的地位时,便立刻想入非非,暗自打算为她的年轻漂亮的女儿找一个显赫、门当户对的婆家。 And no sooner had Joan, his handsome, shallow-minded wife, the easy-going mother of his many children, heard of her exalted estate than her romantic soul began secretly to devise a brilliant and fitting alliance for her beautiful young daughter.
"尽人皆知,苏联对古巴这时的发展感到不快,"这位[欧洲]外交官说。可是他又说,苏联允许国内及东欧有较多的自由,"若强行逼迫加勒比海的盟邦,那可真是矛盾。" "It's no secret that the Soviets are not happy about the developments here in Cuba, " the [European] diplomat said. But he added that with the Soviets permitting more freedom at home and within Eastern Europe, "it would be a real contradiction to twist the arm of its Caribbean ally."