他的新房子侵占了我的土地。 His new house encroached on my land.
他们的新房子真像梦一般美好。 Their new house is a real dream.
他在布置新房子中表现出富有技巧。 He display a great deal of artifice in decorate his new house.
有两座新房子正在修建。 There are two new houses under construction.
很多人等待着买新房屋。 There's a long queue of people waiting for new houses.
我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。 We will buy some furniture for our new house.
我们要想一想买新房子的事了,时机即将来临。 The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house.
他在找新房子时把家具存放在仓库里。 His furniture is in storage while he finds a new house.
他的新房子是他自己一块砖一块砖砌起来的。 His new house was built by himself, brick by brick.
不久克里特将接纳收容你,那是养育了我的地方,我们的新房也将安的那里。 So Crete shall presently receive thee, Crete that was mine own foster-mother, where thy bridal chamber shall be.
他为父母亲兴建了一楝新房子。 He has built his parents a new house.
这家公司估计这栋新房的造价为8,000英镑。 The firm estimated the cost of the new house at£8, 000.