查理一世遭斩首. Charles I had his head cut off.
英王查理一世遭斩首. King Charles I had his head cut off.
她那斩不断的思绪使她不得安宁。 Her haunted imagination gave her no peace.
父亲不喜欢儿子在外夜宿不归,所以他斩钉截铁地禁止他再那样做。 The father didn't like his son staying out at night, so he put his foot down and forbade him to do it again.
库存品已经变质,而且全都搞混了,因此经理决定快刀斩乱麻,把它们当作废品出售,然后重新储藏新的物资。 The old stock had deteriorated and was all mixed up so the manager decided to cut the Gordian knot, sell it all as scrap, and re-stock with new materials.
安妮·博林於1536年被斩首. Anne Boleyn was beheaded in 1536.