如果天不晴,我们就不去散步。 If the weather doesn't clear, we won't go for a walk.
他们在碎石小径上散步。 They went out for a walk on the gravelled path.
他们说说笑笑,沿着海滩散步。 They walked along the beach talking and laughing.
你要出来散散步吗? Are you coming out for a walk?
父亲有时候带着手杖出去散步。 My father sometimes goes out for a stroll with a stick in his hand.
在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。 A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating.
走道人可以在上面行走的地方,如人行道或散步场所 A place, such as a sidewalk or promenade, on which one may walk.
我们散步穿过树林。 We went for a ramble through the woods.
我喜欢沿着海滨散步。 I like to walk along the seashore.
这会儿我不想出去散步。 I don't feel like a walk just now.
我们出门散步时,孩子们总是落在后头。 The children always lag behind when we go for a walk.
他和妻子沿着海滩散步。 He promenaded along the beach with his wife.
我父亲刚出去散步,但半个钟点后就要回来。 My father has just gone for a walk, but he'll be back in half an hour.