你可以从我的错误中得到教训,避免犯同样错误。 You can profit by my mistakes and avoid them yourself.
这一事故可以作为醉酒驾驶危害的实际教训. Let this accident be an object lesson in the dangers of drinking and driving.
这样的宝贵教训应该铭记在心。 Such a lesson should be treasured in our memories.
我再也不做那种事了, 我已有了教训! I'll never do that again; I've learned my lesson!
我们从这场灾难中仍不断汲取教训. We are still absorbing the lessons of this disaster.
把这件事当作你的教训, 再也不要玩火柴了! Let this be a lesson to you never to play with matches!
欧洲进一步统一的计划可以尚未定案,可是从赫尔辛基到罗马的人在最近几星期得到一个时常令人痛苦的教训:他们各国的经济已经如何地牵扯在一起了。 Europe's plans for further unification may be up in the air, but people from Helsinki to Rome have been learning an often painful lesson in recent weeks about how entwined their economies have already become.
人们可以从寓言里吸取经验教训。 People can draw a moral from tales.
她从没吸取教训,不晓得分清善恶。 She never learned to differentiate between good and evil.
他的车祸给了他一个教训,使他不再开快车。 His car accident has been a lesson to him to stop driving too fast.