我军高射炮击落五架敌军轰炸机. Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.
机场附近的战斗持续了一个星期,敌军才被击溃。 The fighting around the airport continued for a week before the enemy was defeated.
敌军在数量上占优势. The enemy forces were superior in numbers.
在我方的沉重打击下,敌军被迫后退。 The enemy was forced to get back under our massive blows.
敌军推进时, 士兵都撤出了那地区. The soldiers evacuated the area as the enemy advanced.
敌军发动袭击,结果反陷入我方伏击而被歼灭。 The enemy came upon us only to be entrapped and wiped out.
炮轰敌军阵地之後, 我步兵开始进攻. Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked.
受重型迫击炮火力威胁的敌军阵地;受步枪火力的袭击 Subjected enemy positions to heavy mortar fire; struck by rifle fire.
部队进攻敌军防线. The troops charged (at) the enemy lines.
他们用机枪扫射进攻的敌军. They machine-gunned the advancing troops.
几经失败之后,敌军被迫后撤。 After several reverses the enemy was forced to retreat.
我军对敌军的司令部发起突然袭击。 Our army descended on the enemy headquarters.
我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军的少. We have less infantry and armour than the enemy.
在师主力部队之前先行派出装甲车去侦察敌军的活动。 Armoured cars were sent ahead of the main body of the division lo spot enemy troop movements.
地雷,水雷一种用来摧毁敌军部队、船舰、碉堡或装备的爆破装置,通常安放在隐蔽处,由于接触、靠近或定时而引爆 An explosive device used to destroy enemy personnel, shipping, fortifications, or equipment, often placed in a concealed position and designed to be detonated by contact, proximity, or a time fuse.