他打开窗户,放出污浊的空气。 He opened the window to let out the foul air.
烟火炸开放出一阵火花. The firework exploded in a shower of sparks.
鸽子被放出去传送发生叛乱的消息。 Pigeons were sent out to spread the tidings of rebellion.
水手很利落地把绳子放出去了. The sailor ran the line out neatly.
汽车放出的废气在污染我们城市的空气。 Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
防盗警报器一响,警卫就放出了警犬。 The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off.
这孩子把关在笼里的鸟儿放出来,鸟儿吱吱叫着飞走了。 The boy set his caged bird loose, and it flew away chirping.