我们在黑暗中摸索。 We groped amid the darkness.
我们摸索着走过黑暗的街道。 We groped our way through the dark streets.
他在口袋里摸著, 想找些钱. He felt in his pocket for some money.
我在摸索教学经验。 I am trying to find out experience in teaching.
我在黑暗中摸索着门把手。 I groped for the door handle in the dark.
我得在黑暗中摸索著找电灯开关. I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch.
她摸了摸这块绸料看质量如何. She fingered the silk to feel its quality.
别摸那个盘子--烫极了! Don't touch that dish it's very hot!
我喜欢这块布给我的感觉,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。 I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel.
小牛摸索着妈妈的乳房找奶吃。 The calf fumbled for its mother's udder for milk.
据说谁要摸了这棵树,谁就要倒霉;如果他摘了一片叶子,他就会死。 It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die.
他用手指摸到了灯的开关. His questing fingers found the light switch.
据说由于原材料市场上升且捉摸不定,制革商们不愿报出实盘。 The tanner is said to be reluctant to quote firm price because of a rising and uncertain raw material market.
我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。 I groped for the light switch in the dark room.
这孩子偷偷摸摸地溜出了屋子, 走向游泳池。 The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool secretly.
可触摸的肿瘤 A palpable tumor.
这摸起来像丝绒。 It feels like velvet.
这缎子摸起来很滑溜。 The satin feels smooth.
愚昧像个妖嫩奇异的水果,稍一触摸,就会失去其清新。 Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit: touch it, and the bloom is gone.
油漆未乾--请勿触摸. Fresh paint please do not touch.
他在房间里磕磕绊绊地摸索电灯的开关. He blundered about the room, feeling for the light switch.
他在短短的一生中, 从小偷小摸到杀人, 什麽罪都犯过. In his short life he had run the entire gamut of crime, from petty theft to murder.
我摸过巴台农神殿中楣石柱的复制品,我意识到向前冲锋的的雅典武士的匀称和谐美。 I have felt copies of Parthenon Friezes, and I have sensed the rhythmic beauty of charging Athenian warriors.