警方根据所获情报, 突然搜查了那个俱乐部. Acting on information received, the police raided the club.
这伙小偷计划好在警察进房搜查时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
这伙小偷打算在警察来搜查房子时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的一名房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen, watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
我们有权搜查这座建筑物. We have the authority to search this building.
警方到处搜查逃犯。 The police searched every nook and corner for the escaped criminal.
她撞见他正在搜查她的房间. She came upon him unawares as he was searching her room.
警方来搜查大楼时, 大家都很惊慌. It was panic stations when the police arrived to search the building.
警方为搜索毒品把那个俱乐部彻底搜查了一遍. Police shook the club down, looking for narcotics.
警察搜查了半径两英里范围内所有的田野和森林。 The police searched all the fields and woods within a radius of two miles.
治安官管辖权和管辖范围都小于县治安官的治安官,有权送达传票及逮捕(搜查)令并可以施行逮捕 A peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff, empowered to serve writs and warrants and make arrests.