他们紧急请求国际援助。 They've made an urgent request for international aid.
四面八方立即伸出援助之手。 Offers of help are coming in thick and fast.
他们在走投无路的情况下恳求援助。 They invoked help in the desperate situation.
该政权是靠外国援助维持著的. The regime had been propped up by foreign aid.
饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪。 The famine is so bad, aid can only scratch the surface.
由于没有适当的导航援助,飞行员不了解周围气候的变化情况,将飞机直接飞入了热带飓风眼内。 Not having proper navigational aids the pilot had been unaware of the changing conditions and had flown the plane right into the eye of the tropical storm.