他们探索过各种途径,但是没有找到解决的办法。 They exploded every avenue but could not find a solution.
宇宙探索仍处于初级阶段 Space exploration is still in its infancy.
我们开始探索宇宙的奥秘。 We begin to plumb the mysteries of the universe.
我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处於领先地位。 Our scientists are leading the way in space research.
英国女王伊丽莎白一世时代是探索和发现的时代. The Elizabethan age was a time of exploration and discovery.
奥布赖恩,埃德纳生于1932爱尔兰作家。作品包括孤独的姑娘和约翰我几乎认不出你了(1977年),探索今日爱尔兰的女性生活 Irish writer whose works, including The Lonely Girl(1962) and Johnny I Hardly Knew You(1977), explore the lives of women in modern-day Ireland.