你双手手指的总数是10。 The number of your finger is ten.
不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语. You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week.
针刺进了她的手指。 The needle pierced her finger.
有头脑不仅指受过教育。 Brains are more than just education.
小男孩的手指让墨水给染脏了。 The little boy stained his fingers with ink.
她躺在池子边上,用手指玩水。 She lay at the side of the pool and paddled in the water with her fingers.
他有才干能在本行业中首屈一指。 His ability carried him to the top of his profession.
她戴着结婚戒指,表示她已结婚。 She wears a wedding ring to show that she's married.
她的右手上戴着一枚镶有绿宝石的戒指。 She wears a ring set with emeralds on her right hand.
各反对党指责修建新机场是浪费纳税人的金钱。 The opposition parties have condemned the new airport as a waste of taxpayers' money.
有人指定拉姆奇夫人把钱装在一只纸盒子里,并把纸板盒放在她的门外边。 Mrs Ramsay was instructed to place the money in a cardboard box and to leave it outside her door.
你刚才指的是什么? What were you alluding to just now?
这本书名为《美国文学指南》。 This book is titled An Introduction to American Literature.
你肯定不会指望我认真考虑你那些荒谬的建议吧? Surely you don't expect me to take your potty suggestions seriously?
“Micro”这个词的意思是“小”,Microclimate"是指小区域里的气候条件。 Micro means small, and microclimate refers to the climate conditions over a small area.
哲瑞米是初出茅庐,所以我们并不指望他在这次比赛中表现得很好。 Jeremy's just being blooded, so we don't expect him to be very good at the game.
他在我的指导下做这件事. He did the work under my direction.
你能把那一点指出来,我感到很高兴。 I'm glad you raised that point.
他对我指的是什么没有一点儿概念。 He didn't have a slightest notion of what I meant.
如果你拿着地图指路,我就来开车。 I'll drive the car if you hold the map and navigate.
必须明确指出,部长的言论有两点是错误的。 Just for the record, the minister's statement is wrong on two points.
他姐姐过去一直指导他,给他出主意,是他的朋友。 His elder sister had been his guide, counsellor and friend.
我认真地按指示办事. I followed the instructions religiously.
她的手指叫针给扎伤了. She pricked her finger on/with a needle.
我的手指叫针给扎了一下. I gave my finger a prick with a needle.
她指导实习护士练习注射. She instructed the trainee nurses in giving injections.
他指出地球是围绕太阳转的. He taught that the earth revolves around the sun.
他指向远处地平线上的一座塔. He pointed to a tower on the distant horizon.
他切菜时不小心割破了手指。 He sliced his finger by accident when cutting vegetables.
拐弯之前别忘记指示车行方向。 Don't forget to indicate before turning.
他的指控遭到一阵愤怒的反对声。 His charges were met with cries of anger.
主管人,尤指大学校长或学院院长 A president, especially of a college or university.
一直朝著这个方向走就看见指示牌了. Continue in this direction until you see a sign.
她简化了指令以便于儿童理解。 She simplified the instructions so that the children could understand them.
她在国内第一流指挥家中名列榜首. She ranks foremost among the country's leading conductors.
她那灵巧的手指把羊毛纺织成了细线。 Her skillful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread.
正如他所指出的那样,一切反动派都是纸老虎。 As he pointed out, all reactionaries are paper tiger.
处理这类案件的常规做法是请求法院发出指令。 The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.
钢笔从我指缝中滑下去了。 The pen slips out of my fingers.
我丈夫不允许我染指甲。 My husband doesn't allow me to paint my nails.
她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。 She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.
侧面从侧面观看的物体或构造,尤指人的脑袋 A side view of an object or a structure, especially of the human head.
我指出那方案的缺点, 但他申辩说各项计划尚未完成. I pointed out the shortcomings of the scheme, but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.
贵市史密斯公司希望与本公司开展交易,指定贵处为信用出证人。 Mr. smith co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have give us your name as a reference.
坏死因创伤或疾病引起的细胞或组织的死亡,尤其指身体局部面积的坏死 Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.
其中之一就是允许地方教委在国家教学大纲的指导下选择合适自身的教材。 One of the reforms allows the local education department to choose their own textbooks based upon the national teaching guideline.
属一群拥有共同祖先和明显特征的有机体,尤指属于同一物种的一群,通过人工选择来发展,通过有控制的繁殖来维持 A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.
他送给妻子一枚戒指,作为爱情的信物。 He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love.
那年轻的女高音歌手受到一著名指挥家的提携. The young soprano was taken up by a famous conductor.
他用树枝在泥里探寻,想找回丢失的戒指。 He probed the mud with a stick, looking for the ring he had dropped.
这枚戒指是他们爱情的象征,对她是重要的。 The ring was important to her as an emblem of their love.
发挥运用的行为或事例,尤指全力以赴的努力 The act or an instance of exerting, especially a strenuous effort.
遵照指示, 警察在展览会期间警戒小偷。 The police have been instructed to keep an eye out for pickpockets at the fair.
小船一种小划艇,尤指从船到岸渡运供应品 A small rowboat, especially one used to ferry supplies from ship to shore.
营养品,滋养物营养的来源,尤指食物中的营养成分 A source of nourishment, especially a nourishing ingredient in a food.
管弦乐队新来的指挥一上任就先把较差的演奏人员清除出去了。 The new conductor start by weed out the weaker player in the orchestra.
关于这个问题,你能指点我一下吗? Can you enlighten me on this subject?
经常吮吸拇指能使牙齿向外突出. Thumb-sucking can cause protrusion of the teeth.
我的手指接触那软膏之後就疼起来了. My fingers are beginning to prick after touching that paste.
独立自主的意识及判断上独立的;自我指引的 Independent in mind or judgment; self-directed.
(你)抵达旅馆後, 请听候进一步指示. On (your) arrival at the hotel please wait for further instructions.
《哈姆雷特》是今年高级程度考试中指定的必读书. `Hamlet' is a set text for A level this year.
破坏主义者信奉或提倡毁灭(尤指现存的社会制度)的人 One who believes in or advocates destruction, especially of existing social institutions.
共餐者,伙食团经常一块用膳的一群人,通常指士兵或水手 A group of people, usually soldiers or sailors, who regularly eat meals together.
简介给予或接受简洁的预备性的指令、信息或忠告的行为或步骤 The act or procedure of giving or receiving concise preparatory instructions, information, or advice.
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视, 但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向. Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments.
暗机关一种用来欺骗、行骗或欺诈的装置,尤指秘密地和欺骗地控制赌博器具的机械装置 A device employed to cheat, deceive, or trick, especially a mechanism for the secret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus.
德位的手指撕扯着绳子和包装纸。然后是一声狂嘉的尖叫,哎呀!紧接着又变为满脸的泪水。 Della's fingers tore at the string and paper. Then came an excited scream of joy, and then, alas! a quick change to tears.
黑格尔辩证法特别指与黑格尔通过陈述正题、展开矛盾的反题,并综合和解决它使之成为有条理的综合体而求得真理有关联的过程 The process especially associated with Hegel of arriving at the truth by stating a thesis, developing a contradictory antithesis, and combining and resolving them into a coherent synthesis.
当了名人的麻烦之一是在街上被人指指点点。 One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you on the street.
指引方向的神 A guiding spirit.
指控他的证据不足信。 The evidence against him was flimsy.
她喝茶时弯起小指头。 She crooked her little finger as she drank her tea.
指引物,指针用来作向导的事物 Something that serves to guide.
上流阶层社会等级,尤指高等级 Social rank or caste, especially high rank.
依照你的指示我去了那个地方。 I went to the place in conformity with your instructions.
上次考试他给我指点错了,所以我没及格。 He gave me a bum steer on the last exam that I failed.
该报道对缺乏安全预防措施一事严加指责. The report was scathing about the lack of safety precautions.
黄昏黄昏的较暗阶段,尤指晚上的这一阶段 The darker stage of twilight, especially in the evening.
她就怎样处理这件事给了我一些有益的指点。 She give me some useful hint on how to deal with the matter.
指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天进行. The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring.
如果今年做出较大努力,我们有可能达到这个指标。 If we put in more efforts this year, we may be able to reach that mark.
我想着重指出,我们愿意在任何时候与管理部门会谈。 I would like to emphasize that we are ready to meet the management at any time.
他的业务对手都知道不可指望他这样无情的人会手软. His business rivals knew they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary.
自从我们的祖先发明指南针以来,将近两千年过去了。 Nearly two thousand years have passed since our ancestors invented the compass.
实习生接受有指导性实践训练的高年级学生或新毕业的学生 An advanced student or a recent graduate undergoing supervised practical training.
宝石一种精细地切割成多个面的各种形式的宝石,尤指钻石 A precious gem, especially a diamond, finely cut in any of various forms with numerous facets.
一种处理过程,其间由控制器将一条指令分解成为它的执行所必须的微码操作。 A procedure in which an instruction is broken down into the microcode operations necessary for its execution by a control unit.
学生需要有人指导他们来应付为他们所开设的一大堆课程,从中选出最适合他们的课程。 Students need someone to steer them through the mass of courses offered to them, to choose the best ones for their needs.
自我在精神分析学中指有意识的最直接地控制思想和行为,与外部世界联系也最多的那部分自我 In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality.
在计算机程序设计中,一种高级语言的语句或指令,其功能是将一个值放到程序指定的内存地址单元内。 In computer programming, a high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location.
阿拉上帝,尤指伊斯兰教上帝 God, especially in Islam.
指明它的来处纯洁而珍贵。 How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
收缩物收缩的事物,尤指肌肉 Something, especially a muscle, that contracts.
他这样做时,指头微微颤动了一下。 His fingers trembled while doing so.
指挥部命令宇宙飞船返回地球. Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth.
她的手指肿胀是手指内有异物引起的。 The swelling on her finger was caused by a foreign body in it.
建筑物建筑物,尤指大规模且外观宏伟的建筑物 A building, especially one of imposing appearance or size.
积压堆积物,尤指没完成的工作或未兑现的定单 An accumulation, especially of unfinished work or unfilled orders.
一伙人被指控阴谋推翻选举产生的合法政府。 A group of men were charged conspiring against the duly elected government.
新近发生的这一悲惨事件使药品厂商受到指控. This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.
过渡过渡点或过渡时间,尤指占星术的两个天宫之间的 A transitional point or time, as between two astrological signs.
副官,人事行政参谋帮助指挥官处理行政事务的人事官员 A staff officer who helps a commanding officer with administrative affairs.
养殖对动物的饲养或植物的种植,尤指为了产生改良品种 The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce improved stock.
旋标装置飞机控制板上的指示器或观测仪,用来测量角度 An indicator or a sighting apparatus on a plane table, used in angular measurement.
剧情解说员在戏剧或诗朗诵中齐声朗诵或演唱一个指定部分或作品的人们 A group of persons who speak or sing in unison a given part or composition in drama or poetry recitation.
早期艺术家某一艺术思潮发展初期阶段的艺术家,尤指文艺复兴以前的艺术家 One belonging to an early stage in the development of an artistic trend, especially a painter of the pre-Renaissance period.
节日,喜庆日享受或庆贺的时节,尤指在宗教意义上有定期间隔的一天或一段时间 An occasion for feasting or celebration, especially a day or time of religious significance that recurs at regular intervals.
倘若没有指南针, 可利用星辰引路. If you haven't a compass, use the stars to guide you.
这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责。 The senate was censured for income tax evasion.
他认为那些指责皆属不实之词, 因而十分气愤. He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusations.
他认为那些指责皆属不实之词,因而十分气愤。 He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusation.
把你受伤的手指浸在消毒剂里,把毒浸泡出来。 Dip your injured finger in the disinfectant to soak out the poison.
农民起义,农民暴动农民暴动,特别是指血腥大暴动 A peasant revolt, especially a very bloody one.
灭草剂用来摧毁或抑制植物,尤指杂草的生长的化学物质 A chemical substance used to destroy or inhibit the growth of plants, especially weeds.
批评政府政策的人指责反犯罪活动新措施, 认为纯粹是为掩盖过错而制定的. Critics of government policy argue that the new measures introduced to fight crime are simply papering over the cracks.
水晶一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上 A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces.
古董由于年代久远而具有特殊价值的物体,尤指由于工艺,美观和兴起时期等方面受到重视的土产,家具或手工艺品 An object having special value because of its age, especially a domestic item or piece of furniture or handicraft esteemed for its artistry, beauty, or period of origin.
小心别切断了手指头! Mind you don't cut your fingers off!
她从指甲里剔掉污垢. She cleaned the dirt from her finger-nails.
你知道是谁发明的指南针吗? Do you know who invents the compass?
在困难的时候,她祈祷神谕来指引她。 In times of difficulty, she pray for an oracle to guide her
公路特指连结城市、县镇的公用道路 A main public road, especially one connecting towns and cities.
排泄的,排除的引起腹泻,尤指肠泻的;净肠的 Causing evacuation, especially of the bowels; purgative.
不及物的既不主动也不被动的;不及物的。用于指动词 Neither active nor passive; intransitive. Used of verbs.
盐酸氟胺安定商标名,用于为失眠而指定的安眠药 A trademark used for a hypnotic drug prescribed for insomnia.
"由于他战斗中指挥英明,他被提升为少校。" He was elevated to do the rank of major due to his wise command in the battle.
劳动体力或脑力的运用,尤指出现困难或精疲力尽时;工作 Physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting; work.
主权,统治管辖或统治,尤指英国对印度的统治(1757-1947年) Dominion or rule, especially the British rule over India(1757-1947).
弹簧铗用来调整或关闭柔软管道的夹子,尤指实验室设备 A clamp used to regulate or close a flexible tube, especially in laboratory apparatus.
开始行步在某些游戏(尤指西洋棋)开始下棋的固定走法或步骤 A specific pattern or series of beginning moves in certain games, especially chess.
宣言对理论、政策或动机的公开宣言,尤指具有政治性质的 A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.
新方法、革新机智的诡计、办法或方法,尤指新颖别致的方法;创新 A clever trick, method, or device, especially one that is new and different; an innovation.
卖国者,叛徒背叛某人的祖国、事业或辜负信任的人,尤指犯叛国罪的人 One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason.
就用手指头指着名单往下看,看是不是所有的人的名字都在上面,好吗? Just run your finger down the list and see if all the names are there, will you?
丝线一段毛线、粗线或丝线,尤指主要用来缝合钮扣孔的结实丝线 A length of yarn, cord, or thread, especially a strong silk thread used mainly to bind the edges of buttonholes.
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视,但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向。 Large electronics company develop television, but baird pointed the way with his experiment.
角蛋白一种不溶解的较硬的蛋白物质,是头发、指甲、角和蹄的主要结构成分 A tough, insoluble protein substance that is the chief structural constituent of hair, nails, horns, and hoofs.
水晶石石英断片,直径4到64毫米(0。16到2。51英寸),尤指天然圆形的石英颗粒 A rock fragment between4 and64 millimeters(0.16 and2.51 inches) in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded.
导向装置用作指向物或用来调整运动方向或运行的装置,如尺子、调整片或栅栏 A device, such as a ruler, tab, or bar, that serves as an indicator or acts to regulate a motion or operation.
自由思想家(尤指在宗教思想方面)拒绝了权威和教条主义,赞同理性的探究和思索的人 One who has rejected authority and dogma, especially in religious thinking, in favor of rational inquiry and speculation.
说到网络,它们都有一个网址,“site”指的是一个场所,而网址就是每一台上网电脑所在的地址。 And on the Web, there are Websites. A"site" is a place, and so a Website. And each site had its address.
每次使用时,必须先使其中某些部分(诸如地址等)完备起来或详加规定才能运行的一组指令。 A set of instructions in which some parts such as addresses must be completed or specified in detail each time the set is used.
祈祷椅礼拜着跪着祈祷时使用的一种可折叠的小凳子,尤指英格兰国王举行加冕礼时使用的 A folding or small desk stool at which worshipers kneel to pray, especially one on which the British sovereign kneels at the time of coronation.
嗜中性染料的不一定非用酸性或碱性染剂染色不可的,也易于用中性染剂染色的,尤其指白细胞 Not stained strongly or definitely by either acid or basic dyes but stained readily by neutral dyes. Used especially of white blood cells.
窑用于加硬,燃烧或烘干物料如谷物、粗粉或粘土的各式的小窑,特指用来焙干或烧陶器的砖砌的窑 Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics.
为了加强数据的保护,防止非法的存取,用于评价计算机系统、存储空间和运行过程完整程度的一种指标。 A term applied to a computer system, spaces, or operating procedures when considering the protection of data from corruption or unauthorized access.
单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个单簧吹口,以指孔和键的方式演奏 A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys.
天文学外层空间事物的科学研究,尤指天体及天文现象的位置、大小、分布、运动、构成、能量及演化的科学 The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.
指南针用于确定地理方向的设备,通常包括一个或多个水平安装或悬挂的磁针,可在枢轴上自由活动直到与地球磁场在一条线上 A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth.
(湖泊等)优氧化的水中富有矿物有机物,有利于植物,特别是藻类的增殖,但藻类往往使分解的氧含量过低,从而使别的有机物灭绝。用于指湖泊或池塘 Having waters rich in mineral and organic nutrients that promote a proliferation of plant life, especially algae, which reduces the dissolved oxygen content and often causes the extinction of other organisms. Used of a lake or pond.
这些书是指定给他的。 These books are destined for him.
我指望你来安排一切。 I am banking upon you to help me with arrangements.
他没有在指定的时间在那里。 He wasn't there at the appointed time.
她使她的手指和我的手指交错。 She interlaced her fingers with mine.
他严格遵守指令. He followed the instructions faithfully.
书信书信,尤指正式信件 A letter, especially a formal one.
美丽的美丽的,尤指对视觉 Beautiful, especially to the sight.
他用手指摸到了灯的开关. His questing fingers found the light switch.
他指挥分发食物给难民。 He directed the dispensation of food to the refugees.
时刻尤指关键时刻,危急关头 A point in time, especially a critical point.
她用灵巧的手指解开了金属线. With deft fingers she untangled the wire.
他说人们的指控是不公正的。 He said that the people's accusation was unjust.
传送的指通过导管或管道传送下来的或输送的 Carrying down or away. Used of a duct or vessel.
没有任何指示,我只能按我认为最好的方法去做了。 Failing instructions I did what I thought was best.
守口的人一个嘴巴紧闭的人,尤指能保守秘密的人 A close-mouthed person, especially one who can keep a secret.
相应特点相互联系的,尤指具有相应特点的 Related by a correlation, especially having corresponding characteristics.
我们为之奋斗的最可贵的事物--世界和平--已指日可待. The greatest prize of all world peace is now within our grasp.
汽车型号,汽车牌子制成品的型号或牌子,尤指汽车 A model or brand of a manufactured product, especially an automobile.
但我必须指出,我们的厂家手头上的过期订单很多。 But I must point out that our factory has a lot of back order on hand.
指定,预定为了某种特定的目的指定或设置某物的行为 An act of appointing or setting aside for a specific purpose.
分支指令由这种控制传递方式的结果而执行的指令 The instructions executed as the result of such a passing of control.
待议事项待做的事,尤指项目或目录清单上的一个项目 Something to be done, especially an item on a program or list.
团体,帮一群组合在一起的青少年,尤指一群少年犯 A group of adolescents who band together, especially a group of delinquents.
指一个其价格已包含在计算机或产品的价格中的软件或硬件产品。 Pertaining to a software or hardware product that is included in the price of a computer system or product.
临床生物医学应用于临床医学的自然科学原理,尤指生物学与生理学 The application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine.
里程碑,里程标路边所设立的石制标志,以英里指示从给定的一点到该路标的距离 A stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles from a given point.
机构一个已成立的组织或基金,特别是指为教育,公共服务或文化的目的而设立的 An established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or culture.
如果你朋友再来指手画脚,教育我们如何教育子女,那我就要叫他别多管闲事。 If your friend comes here with any more criticism about how we bring the children up, I'll tell him to go about his business.
由终端操作员或计算机发送的字符或其它的短报文,用以指出已经收到前一报文。 By a terminal operator or computer;to send a character or other message to indicate that the previous message has been received.
在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指对模块层次和组织的结构的研究。 In structured analysis, the study of shapes and forms, herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations.
指实现后台处理。所谓后台处理是指非联机处理,或者说不是直接和计算机连接起来而进行联机操作。优先级高的程序先于特定的后台作业执行。 Performing background processing which is not on-line or directly connected to the computer for on-line operation. High priority programs take precedence over specific background jobs.
她指甲鲜红. Her finger-nails were blood-red.
他向内勾起手指。 He crooked his finger to himself.
他因被指控触犯选举法而遭逮捕。 He is accused because offending electoral law.
会诊商议,尤指医生们参予的会诊 A consultation, especially one involving physicians.
临床指导在诊所讲授或指导研讨的人 One who conducts sessions or teaches at a clinic.
这位牧师被教皇指定为他的高级使节。  The priest was appointed the legate by the pope.
将财产转让他人,通常指土地的转让。 The transfer of property usually land to someone else.
舰队司令乘直升机视察他所指挥的军舰。 The admiral visit the ships under his command by helicopter.
哨站,岗位如卫兵或哨兵的指派的站岗位置 An assigned position or station, as of a guard or sentry.
她在枪上留下的指纹就是她犯罪的确凿证据. Her fingerprints on the gun were conclusive proof of her guilt.
不扣除的不扣除的,尤指为所得税的目的而不扣除的 Not deductible, especially for income-tax purposes.
他作曲家和指挥家的双重身份使他非常繁忙。 His dual role as a composer and a conductor made him very busy.
把指明用于城镇建设的钱冻结起来的地方官 A governor who impounded monies designated for the use of cities and towns.
欣赏意识或灵敏的感知力,尤其指审美品质或价值 Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.
耳毒性的对耳结构有毒害影响的,尤指对耳神经感觉 Having a toxic effect on the structures of the ear, especially on its nerve supply.
首席小提琴手在交响乐队中的第一小提琴手兼助理指挥 The first violinist and assistant conductor in a symphony orchestra.
指挥官朝气蓬勃和欢欣愉悦的神态使士兵们勇气倍增。 The leader's vital and cheerful manner filled his men with courage.
摄政者,代理人由国家统治者或者首脑指派的行政代理人 A person appointed by a ruler or head of state to act as an administrative deputy.
有组织的在正式结构中起作用的,如在活动的协调和指导中 Functioning within a formal structure, as in the coordination and direction of activities.
负债资产某人尤指破产者所拥有的可以用来抵债的全部财产 The entire property owned by a person, especially a bankrupt, that can be used to settle debts.
控诉,申诉指控或控告的一部分,针对被控方起着极重要的作用 The part of a charge or an accusation that weighs most substantially against the accused.
成洞身体组织或器官内空洞的形成,尤指那种因肺结核而在肺中形成的空洞 The formation of cavities in a body tissue or an organ, especially those formed in the lung as a result of tuberculosis.
军事法庭由指挥官指定的官员组成的军事或海军法庭以对违反军事法的人进行审判 A military or naval court of officers appointed by a commander to try persons for offenses under military law.
定时器一种计时器,尤指控制时间间隔并指示间隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器 A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.
对计算机程序中的指令序列的检测和记录,例如在监控程序和调试程序中使用的情况。 The detection and recording of the sequencing of instructions in computer programs, for example, as used in monitors and debugging routines.
既然雇主们同工会领袖无法在直接谈判中达成协议,就指定了一位当地的名律师进行调解。 A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they can't reach an agreement in direct talks.
经过长时间调查后,撤消了对经理失职罪的指控,并免除了他对导致工厂烧毁的失火事故的责任。 After a long inquiry, the Manager was exonerated from the charge of neglect and from any responsibility for the fire that destroyed the factory.
马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指出了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移 The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries.
这只戒指只是镀金的而已。 The ring was only plated with gold.
她用手指在喷泉中玩水. She dabbled her fingers in the fountain.
伪钞钱,尤其指伪造的钱币 Money, especially counterfeit money.
罗盘的指针永远指向北方. A compass needle points (to the) north.
她坐在那儿捻弄手指上的戒指. She sat twiddling the ring on her finger.
她左手上戴着一枚钻石戒指。 She wears a diamond ring on her left hand.
她被指定为本年度的体坛明星。 She was designated sportswoman of the year.
我们被指控非法携带货物入境. We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally.
她从收藏品中挑选了一枚钻石戒指。 She selected a diamond ring from the collection.
她坐在那里用手指捻着玻璃杯的杯颈。 She sit twirl the stem of the glass in her finger
那把锋利的刀上把我的手指划了道小口子. I snicked my finger on the sharp knife.
定向与罗盘所指相关的地点或位置 Location or position relative to the points of the compass.
对这些荒谬的指控我们是不甘受辱的. We have no intention of lying down under these absurd allegations.
含汞的与汞有关的或含汞的,尤指含一价汞的 Relating to or containing mercury, especially with valence1.
水银的与水银有关的或含水银的,尤指含二价汞的 Relating to or containing mercury, especially with valence2.
这个普普通通的指挥见到这样的乐谱便认输了。 The average conductor, faced with such a score, throws up his cards.
获得物获得的东西,尤指一确定范畴或群体之外的 Something acquired, especially an addition to an established category or group.
陶瓷学制作陶瓷物品的工艺或技术,尤指用耐火粘土制 The art or technique of making objects of ceramic, especially from fired clay.
董事会,理事会一个组织董事们的全体,尤指公司的理事会 The body of directors of an organization, especially of a corporation.
这个男人被抓进了警察局,指控在一个地方徘徊,蓄意作案。 The man was taken to the police station on a charge of loitering with intent.
流行乐团迷跟随摇滚乐队巡回演出的迷恋者,尤指年轻女性 A fan, especially a young woman, who follows a rock group around on tours.
湖泊学研究淡水,尤指湖泊和海洋的生命和现象的科学研究 The scientific study of the life and phenomena of fresh water, especially lakes and ponds.
反复记号通常有两个竖直的附点组成的记号,指示应重复的节段 A sign usually consisting of two vertical dots, indicating a passage to be repeated.
潜水员水下工作者,尤指配有呼吸器和加重衣服的水下工作者 One that works under water, especially one equipped with breathing apparatus and weighted clothing.
人道主义,博爱精神对人类福利的关注,尤指通过慈善活动表现出来的 Concern for human welfare, especially as manifested through philanthropy.
预言者古罗马的预言者,尤指解释来自对鸟类的观察而得到的预兆的人 An augur of ancient Rome, especially one who interpreted omens derived from the observation of birds.
零星共同凑集的一笔钱一笔钱,尤其指很多人为了设计的目的捐献的钱 A pool of money, especially one to which a number of people have contributed for a designated purpose.
深景尤指人透过如两排建筑或树木之间空隙看到的远景或视觉感受 A distant view or prospect, especially one seen through an opening, as between rows of buildings or trees.
杏树属植物其它几种植物,如印度杏树,尤指果实和种籽类似杏树的 Any of several other plants, such as the Indian almond, especially those with fruits or seeds suggestive of the almond.
第三位在有机分子中从一指定碳原子后第三个位置,在此一个原子或原子团可能被替代 The third position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or a radical may be substituted.
盈亏平衡点尤指在出售货物或服务的水平上,投资的收益与投资的数量恰好相等的一点 The point, especially the level of sales of a good or service, at which the return on investment is exactly equal to the amount invested.
长音节的拆分或替换一个韵律元素替代另一个,尤指在数量韵文中用两个短音节替代一个长音节 The substitution of one metrical unit for another, especially the substitution of two short syllables for one long syllable in quantitative verse.
中立船证由联盟的外国政府颁发给船只的一种官方文件,尤指战时授权中立商船在特定水城内自由进出和航行的文件 An official document issued by an allied foreign government to a ship, especially a neutral merchant ship in time of war, authorizing it to enter and travel through certain waters freely.
领袖或指挥官;首领 A leader or commander; a chief.
瞄准指的行为或事例 The act or an instance of pointing.
你为什么老是咬指甲? Why are you always biting your nails?
一羊跟一羊(指盲从)。 One sheep follows another.
指定,指明指有;标明,指出 The act of designating; a marking or pointing out.
一个上尉指挥一个连队或炮兵连。 A captain commands a company or battery.
我还在学习, 别指望我十全十美! I'm still only a learner, so don't expect perfection!
内脏内部脏器,尤指大小肠;内脏 The internal organs, especially the intestines; viscera.
桨手划桨者,尤指划桨能手;桨手 A man who rows, especially an expert in rowing; a rower.
容积,体积大小、体积或容积,常指很大时 Size, mass, or volume, especially when very large.
斯堪的那维亚是指丹麦、挪威、瑞典和冰岛。 Scandinavia refers to Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland.
我们能够指望这样的好天气再持续一段时间吗? Can we hope for a continuance of this fine weather?
他们的儿子出世後他送给她一枚表示永恒的戒指. He gave her an eternity ring when their son was born.
手表有三根指针--秒针,分针和时针。 A watch have three hand--the second hand, minute hand and hour hand.
我是专指永久居民而言, 以别於临时访客. I refer specifically to permanent residents, in contradistinction to temporary visitors.
汇编指编辑好的一套数据、一篇报道或一部选集 Something, such as a set of data, a report, or an anthology, that is compiled.
内脏尤指心脏、肝脏和肺等动物的内脏或内部器官 An animal's viscera or internal organs, especially the heart, liver, and lungs.
健康尤指身体或心智的健康;免受疾病或反常影响的 Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or abnormality.
我那辆旧汽车原指望卖上 1000 英镑, 後来少卖了很多也认了. I had hoped to get 1000 for my old car but had to settle for a lot less.
基本原理一个学科、学派或一门科学的正统的、起指导作用的原则 The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science.
植物学家栽培、采集草或专门研究(尤指药草)其用处的人 One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.
仲裁人当调解人无法解决时被指定解决争议的人;仲裁人 A person appointed to settle a dispute that mediators have been unable to resolve; an arbitrator.
必须对实情胸有成竹才能理直气壮地(到处)指责(别人). You must be certain of your facts before you start flinging accusations (around) (at people).
踢进了那个球着实让他高兴,你看他的教练伸头大拇指在鼓励他呢! He's absolutely delighted to have scored that goal! See his coach give him the thumbs up!
微陨星微小的陨星颗粒,特指大量坠向地球或月球表面的微陨星 A tiny particle of meteoric dust, especially one of many that fall to the surface of the earth or moon.
事件剧一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出 An improvised, often spontaneous spectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation.
回旋使一个做直线运动的物体减速、停滞或倒转的一种旋转,尤指一个球 A spin that tends to retard, arrest, or reverse the linear motion of an object, especially of a ball.
基督教加尔文派教义中上帝没有指明该诅咒的人,只决定了自己的选民 The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned, positively determining only the elect.
"一位在钟塔上工作的油漆工把一桶油漆挂在一根指针上,把钟弄慢了。" A painter who had been working on the clock tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!
合同,契约两个或两个以上当事人之间达成的一种协议,尤指具有法律效力的书面协议 An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.
回忆或遐想指与另一人、物或观点联系在一起的记忆中的或想象的感情、情感、观点或感觉 A remembered or imagined feeling, emotion, idea, or sensation linked to a person, object, or idea.
精神变态者一个有反社会人格病症的人尤指有侵犯性、变态、犯罪或不道德行为的人 A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.
附注列在一篇文章、一个章节或一本书尾的注解,对文中指定部分做评论或引述参考书 A note placed at the end of an article, a chapter, or a book that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
贴花转印法把印在(尤指)准备好的纸张上的图画或图案转印到玻璃或金属等材料上的程序 The process of transferring pictures or designs printed on specially prepared paper to materials such as glass or metal.
换码,转义,退出,逸出,中断执行尤指用来中断一条指令、停止程序运行或者在同一个程序中改变层次 A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program.
竖琴一种有一个通常系有四十六根长短不一的琴弦的直立的开放三角架、弹奏时用手指拨动琴弦的乐器 An instrument consisting of an upright, open triangular frame with usually46 strings of graded lengths played by plucking with the fingers.
产生某种指定类型和格式的结果的程序或另一种编码序列(如“宏生成程序”、“微代码生成程序”)。 A program or other coding sequence that produces a result of specified type and format("a macro generator";"a microcode generator").
止血带、压脉器一种装置,特指一紧紧环绕的绷带,通过暂时阻止血液从四肢的较大动脉中流过而止血 A device, typically a tightly encircling bandage, used to check bleeding by temporarily stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb.
在光记录技术中,指光道上两个凹槽之间的区域。在制作母盘时记录激光束不照射这些区域。参阅pit。 In optical recording, refers to the areas of the data tracks which are between the pits. These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering.
发行公债,发行股票发起或创立的行为或事例,尤指流动股票、债券或由流动股票、债券支持的商业资金 The act or an instance of launching or initiating, especially the floating of stocks or bonds or the financing of a business venture by floating stocks or bonds.
抓钩,多爪锚一端有爪的铁矛,通常用绳子抛出并用来抓持和固定,尤指用于沿着边拖拽和固定敌船的那种 An iron shaft with claws at one end, usually thrown by a rope and used for grasping and holding, especially one for drawing and holding an enemy ship alongside.
计算机程序、例程、或子例程内的具有如下功能的任何指令,执行这条指令后控制权将不再由该计算机程序、例程、或子例程行使了。 Any instruction in a computer program, in a routine, or in a subroutine after the execution of which control is no longer exercised by that computer program, that routine, or that subroutine.
将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。 Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
虽然助选团故意贬低她的作用,可是她以她的长才试行州长的想法,挑剔他的理论,评论他的演讲,并且时常指出他竞选作业的弱点并予改正。 Although the campaign plays down her role, she is the talent that test-drives the Governor's ideas, punches holes in his theories, comments on his speeches and often identifies the weak spots in his campaign operation and helps get them corrected.
减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。 After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.