他拐弯抹角地说她缺乏经验。 He made oblique references to her lack of experience.
用发油将头发抹平 Plaster one's hair with pomade.
新抹的泥灰在几个小时内能干 Fresh plaster will fix in a few hours.
我们必须抹去对那次失败的记忆。 We have to extinguish the memory of the defeat.
她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料. She levelled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula.
我正想洗出一两块抹布。 I just want to wash out one or two rags.
油画布上满是涂抹的颜料. Blobs of paint were dotted around the canvas.
他用一块沾油的抹布擦干净汽车。 He cleaned the car with an oily rag.
精制石灰胶泥精制石灰胶泥,用于在灰泥表层涂抹成膜 A fine lime cement used as a finishing coat on plaster.
她用抹布把房间擦得乾乾净净。 She went over the room with a duster.
擦抹于球杆顶端的粉块用来擦弹子球棒梢或落袋台球棒梢以增加其与球的摩擦的一小方块白垩 A small cube of chalk used in rubbing the tip of a billiard or pool cue to increase its friction with the cue ball.