精神病院常雇用男护士护理精神病人. Male nurses are often employed in hospitals for the mentally ill.
一位护士来给他包上干净的绷带。 A nurse came to put on a clean dressing for him.
护士给病人清洗皮肤、 刮去毛发. The nurse washed and shaved the patient.
这护士照顾这位病人彷佛在照顾她爸爸似的。 The nurse attends on the patient as if he were her father.
珍和玛丽是好朋友,前者是老师,后者是护士。 Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse.
当局答应给护士增加5%的工资, 但她们坚持要得到7%的增幅. The nurses have been offered an extra 5%, but they're standing out for a 7% pay rise.
护士执行医生的命令。 The nurse executed the doctor's orders.
这位护士非常亲切。 The nurse was all kindness. (=The nurse was kindness itself.)
护士抽了我的血样去化验。 The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests.
她指导实习护士练习注射. She instructed the trainee nurses in giving injections.
无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。 Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital.
她做护士很不顺心, 但当管理人员似乎倒很适合. As a nurse she got very frustrated, but being an administrator seems to suit her.
护士正在给婴儿洗澡。 The nurses were bathing the babies.
一组护士协助医生施行手术。 A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation.
护士在他的伤口上敷了一块干净的纱布垫。 The nurse put a clean pad of cotton over his wound.
护士,我的脚非常冷,可以给我一只热水瓶吗? My feet are as cold as ice, nurse. Can I have a hot water bottle?
医生说:“和护士们一起喝茶休息是十分值得的。我们总是谈本行。实际上我们只有这个时候才能一起聊聊我们病人的情况。” The doctor says,"a tea break with the nurses in immensely valuable. We always talk shop. It's the only real chance we get to chat about our patients."
如果病人住在公用病房里。很少有护士经过时不为他们做点小事情。这是护士的一项传统,即提供“亲切关怀护理”(TLC),亦即为病人提供持续不断的细小服务。 If patients are in an open ward, few nurses will pass them by without doing some little thing for them. It is in a nurse's tradition to give what is called"TLC", tender loving care, some constant little service to the sick.
护士量了我的体温。 The nurse took my temperature.
护士在缝合伤口前先清洁一下伤口。 The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it.
该旅行团将由一名受过专门培训过的护士陪同。 The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse.
照顾一个重病号的谨慎的护士 A watchful nurse tending a critically ill patient.
护士给我受伤的胳臂裹上绷带。 The nurse wound a bandage round my wounded arm.