我国每四年一次人口普查。 The census is taken one time every four years in our country.
电视塔明显地是我国最大的建筑。 The TV tower is by far the largest construction of our country.
我国任何时候都没有现在这样繁荣。 At no time has the country been more prosperous than at present.
在我国, 一般人家里没有集中供热设备. People don't have central heating in their houses in my country.
信息产业在我国是新兴产业。 The information industry is an infant industry in our country.
我国的对外贸易近年来已有极大发展. Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years.
首相在其助手陪同下访问我国。 The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his assistant.