她长成了一位漂亮的女人。 She developed into a beautiful woman.
他跑步出发,但很快就累得慢下来成了步行。 He started off at a run but soon tired and slowed to a walk.
这条裤子被改成了短裤。 This pair of pants was converted into shorts.
他轻而易举地完成了这项工作。 He finished the work without any difficulty.
拖了那么久,他终于完成了论文。 After much delay, he finished his paper at last.
这件事情对社会造成了有害的影响。 This event had a pernicious influence on society.
新制度已对生产力造成了灾难性的影响。 The new system has had a disastrous effect on productivity.
天气干旱了这么久,这场雨成了农民的救星。 After so much dry weather, the rain has been the farmer's salvation.
他们把自己的家变成了无家可归的孤儿们的避难所。 They have made their home a haven for the homeless orphans.
这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。 The paper turned green as if by magic.
魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。 The magician transformed the frog into a princess.
咒语将青蛙和老鼠又变回成了人。 The magic spell changed the frogs and rats back into men.
现在很多小孩都可以说是少年老成了。 Now many children can be called young but experienced.
他们完成了预备训练。 They finished the preparatory training.
他全面完成了分配的任务。 He finished the assignment completely.
争论演变成了公开的论战。 The argument boiled over into open war.
我们全靠自己完成了这项工作。 We finished the job all by ourselves.
这场讨论演变成了激烈的争吵. The discussion deteriorated into a bitter quarrel.
她那灵巧的手指把羊毛纺织成了细线。 Her skillful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread.
只要把它完成了,你怎么做我并不计较。 I'm not particular how you do it as long as it gets done.
他以自己的名字命名的冷冻食品成了名牌。 He gave his name to a well-known brand of frozen food.
他的白头发与黑皮肤形成了鲜明的对比. His white hair was in sharp contrast to (ie was very noticeably different from) his dark skin.
男校和女校联合而组成了一所新的综合中学. The boys' and girls' schools have (been) amalgamated to form a new comprehensive.
我们的计划顺利完成了,于是我们很快就控制了局面。 Our plan succeeded, and soon we were in complete control.
他们最后终于达成了协议。 Finally, they arrived at an agreement.
他把一间屋子改建成了卧室。 He altered one of the rooms into a bedroom.
她的懒丈夫成了她的一个包袱。 Her lazy husband is a millstone round her neck.
这场辩论逐渐变成了激烈的争吵. The argument developed into a bitter quarrel.
他发挥艺术天才, 成了雕刻家. He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a sculptor.
这件文物,接触空气之后,变成了粉末。 The relic, when exposed to air, turned to dust.
他搜集以前的作品,编成了所谓的五经。 He gathered earlier writings to prepare what are called the Five Classics.
污染对这一物种的继续生存造成了威胁。 Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.
虽然他竭力阻止这桩婚姻,但还是成了事实。 He tried to prevent the marriage but it still took place notwithstanding.
他目送着列车驶去,直到它成了远方的一个小黑点。 He watched the train away until it was only a dot in the distance.
这两个反对党达成了一项关于在选举中进行合作的协议。 The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
自从岛上蚊子被消灭后,那儿成了更加美好的居住地。 Since the mosquitoes were killed off, the island has become a far pleasanter place to live in.
整件事酿成了激烈的争吵. The whole thing turned into a bitter quarrel.
那些吵吵闹闹的邻居成了我生活中的一大忧患. Those noisy neighbours are the bane of my life.
他从初级职员做起,最终成了这家公司的董事。 He joined the firm as a junior clerk, and finished up a director.
敌人的狂轰滥炸在这个国家造成了空前的死亡和破坏。 The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.
夏天那条小河的水量减少,成了涓涓溪流。 The stream is reduced to a mere trickle in summer.
他那些模糊的想法变成了一个明确的计划. His vague ideas crystallized into a definite plan.
他成了她的高级顾问--你要说是她的副手也未尝不可. He became her senior adviser her deputy, if you will.
他的名字成了残酷无情的别称. His name has becomea byword for cruelty.
地震对这个城市造成了大破坏。 The earthquake wreaked havoc on the city.
这座建筑的外墙被漆成了蓝色。 The outer walls of the building were painted blue.
我们设法达成了某种临时的妥协. We managed to achieve a kind of modus vivendi.
他们订婚的事成了镇上谈论的话题. Their engagement is the talk of the town.
他因违犯绝密条例, 成了处罚对象. By breaking the rule of absolute secrecy, he became a marked man.
多亏您们的帮助,我们才成功完成了工作。 Owing to you help, we have just successfully completed work.
从新娘的花束上垂下来的丝带打成了一个结。 Ribbon hung from the bride's bouquet was tied in a bow.
再往里走,坑道缩小成了一条窄窄的通道。 The tunnel contract to a narrow passageway as you go deep.
一旦你养成了一个坏习惯,绝不容易改正。 Once you have formed a bad habit, it is by no means easy to get rid of it.
我们经过好多小时的辩论以后,谈判有了转折,没用多久便达成了协议。 After all those hours of arguing, the talks began to head out and it was not long before we were able to reach an agreement.
他是否把这台拖拉机漆成了红色? Do he paint this tractor red?
诺曼人征服了英格兰成了统治者。 The Normans ruled England by right of conquest.
工作完成了--好倒是好--但是答应给我们的奖金给不给? The job's done, that's all well and good but what about the bonus we were promised?
经过五年的艰苦工作,他们完成了一套高质量的教材。该书分为六级,从小学4年级到初中3年级。 After five years of hard work they presented a high quality textbook, which consisted of six levels from grade4 to grade9.
议案通过后成了法律。 The bill passed and became law.
森林火灾造成了巨大的损失。 The combustion in the forest generated great damage.
士兵们最终完成了耐力测验。 The soldiers eventually completed the endurance tests.
这人养成了服用有害麻醉品的习惯。 The man formed a habit of taking harmful drugs.
她的印度之行成了她一生的转折点。 Her visit to India proved to be a watershed in her life.
两个小男孩和一条狗成了街头艺人仅有的观众. Two small boys and a dog comprised the street entertainer's only audience.
两极相通。最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。 Extremes meet. the most furious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate.
我们最终达成了协议。 Finally we reached an agreement.
那片田地又变成了荒地。 The fields have reverted to moorland.
感谢您使我们把枯燥的学习变成了巨大的乐趣。 Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy.
在国会里,地方税收问题似乎又成了引人注意的问题。 The question of local taxation seems to come again to the front in the Congress.
若要老婆留意自己所说的话,作丈夫的只要把话向其他女性说便成了。 If a man want his wife to pay attention to what he say, he address his remarks to another woman.
考克斯兄弟雇了一个尽职的鬼魂替他们干了大部分事情,这件事终于变成了公认的事实。 In time, it became an accepted fact that the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them.
巫婆把王子变成了青蛙. The witch changed the prince into a frog.
用大锤把岩石砸成了碎块. Huge hammers crush (up) the rocks.
我屡次梦见自己变成了大象. I have a recurrent dream that I've turned into an elephant.
他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。 Some of them developed a great inferiority complex.
天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面。 The sky and the sea make a harmonious picture.
蒂姆成了传播媒介的焦点, 却也满不在乎. Tim appeared unabashed by all the media attention.
所得税比黄金把更多的美国人造成了说谎者。 The income tax have make more liar out of the american people than gold have.
两帮少年无赖之间的持续暴动力行为,使得那个宅区的大部分成了禁区。 The continuing violence between rival gangs of youths has made a large part of the housing estate a no-go area.
对许多小女孩来说,童话故事构成了她们的梦幻世界,她们小小的生活天地也系于神话仙境。 For most little girls fairy tales are the stuff that dreams are made of, and their little lives are bounded by the fairyland.
她来了将近两个月的时候,开始抱怨说她觉得身体更糟了,从那时起,她成了牧场上的负担。 Nearly two months after her arrival she began to complain that she felt worse. It was then that she became ranch's old man of the sea.
Rex很快就成了一个开门能手了。 Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.
这种混合物凝结之後就成了太妃糖. The mixture solidifies into toffee.
热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景. The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage.
很多黄金饰物回炉後铸成了金币. Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins.
除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退出,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果出现反对或退出的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。 The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called"breaking the slate".