这部小说引起了千万读者的想象。 The novel captured the imagination of thousands of readers.
他同时具有创造性想象力和真正的治学谨严学风。 He combines creative imagination and true scholarship.
那是我想象不到的。 That's beyond the reach of my imagination.
我女儿是一个想象力活跃的孩子。 My daughter is a child with vivid imagination.
现实生活并不象人们想象的那样美好。 Real life isn't as happy as people imagine.
诗以生动的和充满想象的方式来表达经验、思想或情感的口述文学作品,以运用其声音和暗示力而选用浓缩的语言为特征,并运用如节奏、暗喻和音韵等文学手法 A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
这个计划在构思上很有想象力。 The plan is very imaginative in conception.
捏造,想象虚构的作品或托词,并不代表是真实的,而是被编造出来的 An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented.
空想的想象的;不真实的;爱空想的 Imaginary; unreal; fanciful.
丰富的想象力;新思想的丰富源泉 A fertile imagination; a fertile source of new ideas.
他的想象力有类于鸵鸟的翅膀—虽未可以飞翔,犹可使他奔驰。 His imagination resemble the wing of an ostrich. it enabled him to run, though not to soar.
如果你想象我一样做一个新闻工作者,那我决不会劝阻你。来吧,快来吧! If you're thinking of becoming a journalist like me, I'd be the last to discourage you. Come on in, the water's fine!
回忆或遐想指与另一人、物或观点联系在一起的记忆中的或想象的感情、情感、观点或感觉 A remembered or imagined feeling, emotion, idea, or sensation linked to a person, object, or idea.
还有,尽管这光芒使人眼花缭乱,但它确实传送了一种我们未曾经历的和无法想象的美和静谧的启示。 And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater that we have known or imagined.