黑暗会使他更加珍惜视力。 Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight.
他为挽救这家企业,不惜冒险投入他的全部金钱。 He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business.
我珍惜你的友谊。 I treasure your friendship.
人民不惜付出任何代价也要争取和平. The people wanted peace at any price.
你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏, 真可惜. What a pity that you can't come to the theatre with us tonight.
为了获得他们的支持,任何代价均在所不惜。 No price is too high for winning their support.
我祖母不惜花费地让她儿子念完了大学。 My grandmother at all price strove to get her son through college.
真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。 It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.
感谢你们使我的访问如此有价值。我将珍惜我们之间的友谊及你们给予我的盛情款待。 Thank you for making my visit so worthwhile. I shall treasure your friendship and kind hospitality you have given me.
老师们纷纷表示,非常珍惜这次宝贵的学习机会,将会把学到的知识教给自己的同事和学生,使更多的人掌握电脑的基本知识。 The participants said they valued this special opportunity very much and would teach what they had learned to their colleagues and students to help more people master basic computer skills.
那麽多食物都浪费了, 看著觉得可惜. What a pity to see all that food go to waste.
他不惜一切代价帮助我们。 He spared no expense in helping us.
我弟弟用这部车时毫不爱惜,害得我花一大笔修理费。 My brother's careless treatment of the car has run me in for a large repair bill.
我非常为你惋惜。 I'm dreadfully sorry for you.
他们不惜工本装修这栋房子。 They decorated the house regardless of cost.
她看着窗外,为她失去的青春而惋惜。 She looked out of the window, sighing for her lost youth.
我板球曾打得很好,可惜现在已生疏了。 I used to be good at cricket, but now I'm out of practice.
不知为什麽, 我有点为他惋惜. I'm not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him.
他不惜工本为自己造了一幢别墅。 He spares no expense in building a villa for himself.
他批评以前的同事, 并非出於气愤而是为他惋惜. It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague.