这场戏总算结束了。 The play came to an end after all.
他原来很著急, 我总算把他的情绪稳定下来了. He had been quite anxious, but I managed to settle his mind.
他最后总算把那几个特务甩掉了。 The spies were finally thrown off his track.
我在这个市镇受了一年罪, 总算离开这里了. After a year of misery here, I'm finally shaking the dust of this town off my feet.
我总算把你看透了,你这个骗子! I have found you out at last, you cheat!
她儿子回来了,她总算解除了忧虑。 When her son returned she was at last free from anxiety.
演出拖延很久, 最後总算开始了. After a long delay the performance finally started.
最後总算把孩子从躲藏的地方都找了出来. The children were finally all winkled out of their hiding places.