请不要责怪你自己。 Please don't blame yourself.
他有一些很奇怪的政治信念。 He has some pretty strange political ideas.
他时常提出一些奇怪的问题。 He raises some strange questions now and again.
这间屋子里放了一堆奇形怪状的破烂家具。 There is an odd assemblage of broken bits of furniture in this room.
很奇怪他们改变了计划,但我觉得没有什么用处。 Their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant.
他是个十足的怪人! He's quite an individual!
该被责怪的人是你。 It is you who are to blame.
她是个古怪的老太太。 She is an eccentric old lady.
他的举动似乎有些古怪. His behaviour seemed queer.
谁也料不到有这些奇怪的事情. No one could have foretold such strange events.
我不久就习惯了他那些奇怪的做法. I soon got accustomed to his strange ways.
我女儿喜欢给我讲她那些奇怪的梦。 My daughter likes to describe her fantastic dreams to me.
他对于保健食品有他自己的一套奇怪的看法。 He has a bee in his bonnet about health foods.
我向你们保证那是真事, 以免有人觉得奇怪. Lest anyone should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.
大家都知道这老头儿精神有点失常,可是他有些想法听起来并不那么古怪。 Everybody knows the old man's got bats in the belfry, but some of his ideas are not as crazy as they sound.
处于这种可怕的压力之下,不疯才怪呢。 It's hard to stay sane under such awful pressure.
没有人会责怪你打牌消遣。 You won't be blamed for playing cards for love.
他是个笨手笨脚的[古里古怪的]家伙. He's an awkward/queer old cuss.
我倒喜爱她那古怪的举止. I love her nutty behaviour!
难怪她病了,她几乎什么都没吃。 No wonder she's ill. She eats next to nothing.
别怪他打碎那个花瓶, 他毕竟是小孩子嘛。 Don't blame him for breaking that vase; after all he is a child.
她责怪丈夫忘了他们的结婚周年纪念日。 She reproached her husband for having forgotten their wedding anniversary.
真奇怪,她竟然会如此粗暴无礼。 It's strange for her to be so rude.
集市的景象光怪陆离, 纷然杂陈. The bazaar was a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions.
这消息非但没有令她不安,反而产生了一种奇怪的镇定效果。 Instead of disturbing her, the news have a strangely calm effect.
难怪你来晚了! No wonder you were late!
难怪他这麽累! Small wonder (that) he was so tired!
她的姨妈埃菲真是个怪人. Her Aunt Effie is certainly an original.
你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙! Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat!
这盘欧防风做的菜味道很怪。 This dish of parsnip tastes strange.
怪念头奇怪的、奇异的或顽固的想法 An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion.
怪不得你们在舐着嘴唇,原来晚餐有肉。 No wonder you are licking your chops, there's pork for dinner.
哥特式小说着重描写怪诞、恐怖和孤寂的小说 A novel in a style emphasizing the grotesque, mysterious, and desolate.
我昨晚在城里寻欢作乐——怪不得今天早晨我头痛。 I spent last night on the town-no wonder I've got a headache this morning.
假使《哈姆雷特》是今时写成的话,它可能会被称为《埃尔斯诺城的怪事》。 If Hamlet had been written in these days it will probably have been called the strange affair at Elsinore.
新老板有点古怪. The new boss is a bit of an oddball.
我认为不能责怪他. I cannot accept that he is to blame.
我们说不清该责怪谁. We were unsure (about) who was to blame.
这所房子有一段奇怪的来历. This house has a strange history.
奇特,古怪具有特别的性质或状态 The quality or state of being peculiar.
他们穿著那种制服看起来怪模怪样的. That uniform makes them look absurd.
别为了丢失一支笔就这样大惊小怪。 Don't make so much fuss over losing a pen.
我们不能责怪他, 他已尽力而为了. We can't blame him: he did his best according to his lights.
他那些怪话使我们心中生疑,不知他精神是否正常。 His strange remarks planted doubts in our minds about his sanity.
他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。 His weird clothes really gas me.
他挥霍无度, 难怪总欠债. His extravagance explains why he is always in debt.
她行为古怪我感到莫名其妙. I was puzzled by the oddity of her behaviour.
她几个星期也琢磨不透他那封奇怪的来信. She's been puzzling over his strange letter for weeks.
除了他那颇为古怪的口音以外, 我没注意到别的. I didn't notice anything beyond his rather strange accent.
食人妖魔传说或神说中食人的巨人或妖怪 A giant or monster in legends and fairy tales that eats human beings.
渔民和水手有时声称看到过海里的妖怪。 Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格 A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations.
爷爷,你装个妖怪! Be a monster, grandfather!
怪人一个奇特或怪癖的人;怪人 A peculiar or eccentric person; a character.
希罗宁姆斯·博希是怪诞派绘画大师。 Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.
这使他产生了奇怪的、 基於人类固有之本能的强烈欲望. It aroused strange primeval yearnings in him.
客迈拉一种通常被描绘成狮子、山羊和蛇的组合体吐火的雌性怪物 A fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.
难怪他们的队打败了我们;他们请了一个冒名为丹·史密斯的职业队员替他们投球。 No wonder their team beat us; they rang in a professional to pitch for them under the name of Dan Smith.