他的态度带有几分傲慢。 His manner partakes of insolence.
他以晓之以礼的态度劝说她。 He talked to her with persuasive manner.
随着逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对 生活和社会渐持较为宽容的态度。 As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.
他的态度既冷淡又无动于衷。 His manner was cold and indifferent.
政府在独立的问题上采取了毫不妥协的态度。 The government adopted an uncompromising posture on the issue of independence.
起初她威胁要解雇我们所有的人,但是后来她态度软化了。 At first she threatened to dismiss us all, but later she relented.
一旦迈克采取了防卫态度,就很难使他相信没有什么可怕的。 Once Mike's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that's nothing to be afraid of.
我们应该努力摆脱劳资关系中`那群人和我们'这种对立的态度. We should try to get away from a `them and us' attitude in industrial relations.
我们必须采取坚定的态度。 We must maintain a firm attitude.
我发觉她态度上有所转变。 I detected a change in her attitude.
他认为,美国应保持超然态度。 The United States should, he argues, attempt to remain aloof.
他的偏袒态度招致了不少批评。 His partial attitude called forth a lot of criticism.
想到将要发生的事,她语音中充满了惊异。“我的态度是:事情发生了,设法应付,但避免正面冲突。” A note of surprise filled her voice at the prospect."My attitude is to roll with what happens, " she said.
这个人显示出对戏剧界的守旧态度。 The man displayed provincial attitudes towards the theatre.
他所受到的严厉教养,影响了他对两性的态度 His attitude to sex is coloured by his strict upbringing
委员会一些成员对这项提议持保留态度。 Some members of the committee expressed reservations about the proposal.
这个官员对穷人的需求表现出完全漠视的态度。 The official has shown a total disregard for the needs of the poor.
消极主义消极被动的性格、态度、品质或行为 Passive character, attitude, quality, or behavior.
不妥协的拒绝缓和态度,特别是极端态度的;不调和的 Refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position; uncompromising.
内集团一群因共同的信仰、态度和兴趣而集合在一起并明显排斥外人的小集团;小集团 A group of people united by common beliefs, attitudes, or interests and characteristically excluding outsiders; a clique.
她对我的态度有点儿冷淡. There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me.
困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。 It's not his work that bothers me; it's his attitude.
她用蔑视的态度和我们说话。 She talked to us with a defiant manner.
选民的态度有改变的趋向. There is a wind of change in the attitude of voters.
老师因为他们态度粗鲁而责罚他们。 Their teacher punished them for their rudeness.
王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。 The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.
工作态度,工做品质,技艺工作或处理的方式、风格或质量;手艺 The manner, style, or quality of working or treatment; workmanship.