对不起,我忘了你的名字。 I'm sorry; I've forgotten your name.
别把刚才跟你说的事忘了。 Don't forget what I told you just now.
别忘了带上你的钓具。 Don't forget to bring your fishing tackle.
别忘了给服务员小费. Please remember (ie Don't forget to tip) the waiter.
只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不快的记忆。 Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories.
我得把电话号码记下来,以免待会儿忘记。 I'll just jot down their phone number before I forget it.
我上来取我的手提袋,我把它忘在我的办公室了。 I've come up for my bag, I left it in my office.
我在会上真出了洋相了--一站起来就把问题忘了. I made a real ass of myself at the meeting standing up and then forgetting the question.
我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。 I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.
你走时别忘了锁门。 Don't neglect to lock the door when you leave.
别忘了仔细记下你的开支帐目。 Don't forget to keep a careful tally of what you spend.
他由于忘了带钥匙,便以简单的应急办法从窗户爬进屋里。 As he had forgot his keys, he got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through the window.
【谚】一朝得了利,痛苦便忘记。 Pain is forgotten where gain follows.
老人有时爱忘事. Old people are sometimes forgetful.
便条简短的便条或备忘字条 A brief note or memorandum.
不要忘记在支票上写上日期. Don't forget to date your cheque.
别忘了一到就给我们打个电报. Don't forget to cable us as soon as you arrive.
我得承认我已忘了。 I must admit (that) I have forgot.
拐弯之前别忘记指示车行方向。 Don't forget to indicate before turning.
他应该主动提出付款--他有的是钱, 别忘了. He should have offered to pay he has plenty of money, after all.
人们不会忘记他统治时期的暴行。 People will remember the tyrannies of his reign.
我们永远都不应该忘记日本侵略者犯下的暴行。 We should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders.
她想起忘记带入场券,顿时惊慌起来。 She got into a panic when she thought she'd forgotten the tickets.
别忘了把牙刷放到箱子里去! Don't forget to pack your toothbrush!
万一我忘记,请提醒我。 In case (=If) I forget, please remind me.
她责备他竟把他们的结婚周年纪念日忘了. She reproached him for forgetting their anniversary.
你太粗心了,居然连你妈妈的生日也忘了。 It was thoughtless of you to forget your mother's birthday.
她责怪丈夫忘了他们的结婚周年纪念日。 She reproached her husband for having forgotten their wedding anniversary.
这部影片分散了我的注意力, 让我暂时忘记了这些难题. The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while.
别忘了锁门。 Don't omit locking the door.
当时我有些忘乎所以,疯狂地吻著他。 I'm afraid I forgot myself and kissed him wildly.
这些废墟形象地提醒人们不要忘记战争的恐怖。 These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war.
他从未忘记过自己出身卑微. He never forgot his humble origins.
她看到他非常高兴,顿时完全忘记了先前的烦恼。 Her happiness at seeing him submerged her former worries.
让联赛中最差劲的队打败了? 这是永远也忘不了的事! Beaten by the worst team in the league? They'll never live it down!
比赛是如此令人兴奋,以致我把即将来临的期末考忘得一乾二净。 So exciting was the game that I forgot all about the coming finals.
"况且,不管我是不是这样",他接着说,"这和他认为我忘恩负义没有多大关系。" "Besides, whether I am or not, " he added, "that has little or nothing to do with his thinking me ungrateful."
我们去年有一次难忘的旅行。 We had a memorable trip last year.
我们绝不能忘记民众. We must not forget about the grass roots.
曾经认识,他的面容让人永生难忘 Once known, his face is never forgotten.
后台传来的响声把南希吓坏了,她忘记了台词。 The noise backstage scared Nancy and she blew her lines.
儿子,别担心,作不出来就算了。告诉你老师,别忘了诗人是天生的,不是教出来的。 Stop worrying if you can't do it, son, and tell your teacher to remember that poets are born, not made.
有些电视节目的用意是要今天观赏,明天忘掉。 Some TV programs are meant to be watched today and forgotten tomorrow.
今天大地在太阳光里向我营营哼鸣,象一个织着布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼着一些古代的歌曲。 The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.
弹钢琴的人把乐谱忘了, 只好即兴伴奏. The pianist forgot his music and had to improvise (the accompaniment).
为了把烦恼忘却,他让自己忙于花园的工作。 To forget his trouble, he busied himself in his garden .
我对“忘记”的记忆力极好。 I have a grand memory for forgetting.
忘却、遗忘忘却、遗忘的状态;遗忘 A condition of forgetfulness; oblivion.
正因如此,今天从事写作的男女青年已经忘记了人类内心的冲突。而这本身就能就好作品。因为这是唯一值得写、值得呕心沥血地去写的题材。 Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself, which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.