那些喜欢和他一起踢足球的小男孩都把他当作叔叔。 He is uncle to all the little boys who like to play football with him.
你可以把这些磁带当作听力材料。 You can use these tapes as aural material.
他把妻子当作奴隶看待。 He treats his wife like a slave.
我们把码头工人罢工当作头条新闻 We'll lead with the dock strike.
他仅把结婚当作达到目的的手段, 他只是想要妻子的财产. He regarded his marriage merely as a means to an end: he just wanted his wife's wealth.
他把小屋的阁楼当作阅读室。 He made the attic in the small house a reading room.
把这件事当作你的教训, 再也不要玩火柴了! Let this be a lesson to you never to play with matches!
他很关心别人, 因而大家都把他当作亲人. He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative.
她没有端著架子把我们当作仆人对待. She doesn't stand on her dignity and treat the rest of us as servants.
持枪歹徒把两个孩子扣押在这座建筑物里当作人质. The gunman is holding two children hostage in the building.
常把蒙著眼睛手持天平的女人当作正义的象徵. Justice is often personified as a blindfolded woman holding a pair of scales.
我把他当作朋友看待。 I regard him as a friend.
他一再重申他的立场,认为核子武器不可以用来当作国际谈判的筹码。 He reiterated his position that nuclear weapons can not be used as international bargaining chip.
在那之后,简直拦不住他,他觉得该是放弃原有的工作而全力以赴当作家谋生的时候了。 After that, there was no holding him, and the day came when he felt he could chuck his job and to all out to make a living as writer.
库存品已经变质,而且全都搞混了,因此经理决定快刀斩乱麻,把它们当作废品出售,然后重新储藏新的物资。 The old stock had deteriorated and was all mixed up so the manager decided to cut the Gordian knot, sell it all as scrap, and re-stock with new materials.