俱乐部会馆提供这样方便的建筑物 A building housing such facilities.
酷热使建筑物上的油漆起了浮泡。 The heat had blistered the paint of the building.
警方把建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了. Police sealed off all the exits from the building.
房子和教堂是建筑物。 Houses and churches are buildings.
这座建筑物在这有一处结构上的改变。 There is a structural alteration to the building.
消防队到达时, 整座建筑物正在熊熊燃烧著. When the firemen arrived the whole building was blazing.
从一间屋子的量度可以推断出整座建筑物的大小. One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.
这座建筑物有旗子作装饰. The building was decorated with flags.
这座建筑物很不起眼, 甚至可以说很难看. It's an unattractive building, even ugly/ugly even.
一个见习技术员被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。 A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry.
协议中有一条规定, 承租人负担建筑物的修理费. A clause in the agreement provides that the tenant shall pay for repairs to the building.
柱廊有由圆柱支撑房顶的门廊或走道,通常通往建筑物的入口处 A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building.
搭连主墙有一斜屋顶的构造,边接在建筑物侧面作为侧厅或延伸物 A structure with a single-pitch roof that is attached to the side of a building as a wing or an extension.
在这个建筑物里场地面积十分昂贵. Space is at a premium in this building.
警察告诫围观者, 不要靠近燃烧 的建筑物. Police warned bystanders to keep away from the blazing building.
这座建筑物不符合安全条例。 The building does not conform to safety regulations.
建造这座建筑物花了好几个月时间。 The erection of the building took several months.
帕台农神庙是一座宏伟的建筑物. The Parthenon is a magnificent structure.
建筑物建筑物,尤指大规模且外观宏伟的建筑物 A building, especially one of imposing appearance or size.
市政当局要拆毁这些建筑物以让出地方修筑新公路。 The city will tear down these buildings to make room for the new highway.
柱,杆建筑物框架中横梁的支撑物 A support for a beam in the framework of a building.
持枪歹徒把两个孩子扣押在这座建筑物里当作人质. The gunman is holding two children hostage in the building.
别靠近! 那建筑物随时可能倒塌. Keep back! The building could collapse at any moment.
学校、教堂、住宅、厂房均为建筑物. Schools, churches, houses and factories are all buildings.
谁在那楼房正面加盖了那麽一截讨厌的建筑物? Who perpetrated that dreadful extension to the front of the building?
王子斥责土地开发商破坏了伦敦市建筑物映在空中的轮廓线之美. The prince vituperated against the developers for ruining London's skyline.
装备有雷达的飞机,在夜间飞行时飞行员能够在雷达屏幕上看见远处的建筑物、或许还能看见前面几英里远的险峻山峰。 The pilot in an airplane equipped with radar, flying at night, can see on the radar viewing screen distant buildings, or perhaps a dangerous mountain peak that is miles ahead.
这座建筑物结构很坚固。 The building is structurally sound.
这建筑物的外观很不起眼. The exterior of the building is very unattractive.
再重建这座建筑物是不可能的。 Reconstruction of that building is impossible.
这座红色的建筑物有着丰富的历史经历。 This red building is steeped in history.
我们的视野受到了那座高层建筑物的限制。 Our field of vision is limited by that tall building.
我们有权搜查这座建筑物. We have the authority to search this building.
罢工的办公室人员占据了整座建筑物。 The striking office workers have occupied the whole building.
这座城镇中大多数建筑物都不太好看, 但这座教堂是个例外. Most of the buildings in this town are rather unattractive, but this church is an exception.
美国西南部的低矮的砖坯建筑物 The low, brick-and-adobe architecture of the Southwest.
新的建筑物如雨后春笋般大批出现。 New buildings sprang up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.
就技术而言那座建筑物是杰作, 但却没人喜欢. Technicallythe building is a masterpiece, but few people like it.
设计模型雕塑或建筑物等拟作作品的通常很小的模型 A usually small model of an intended work, such as a sculpture or piece of architecture.
覆面固定到一座建筑物或其它结构上的保护层或绝缘层 A protective or insulating layer fixed to the outside of a building or another structure.