这种新药还没有投放市场。 This new drug is not yet commercially available.
销售经理想在远东开辟新市场。 The sales manager wants to open up new markets in the Far East.
目前的市场相当萧条。 The market is rather depressed at the moment.
她爱市场上的生趣、喧哗与多姿多彩。 She loved the life, noise, and color of the market.
我要赶快去市场。 I will hie to the market.
银行在超级市场对面. The bank is opposite the supermarket.
超级市场的门是自动关的. The supermarket doors shut automatically.
仔细研究市场情况是取得成功的先决条件. Careful study of the market is a prerequisite for success.
今天早上我在超级市场碰见了一个老同学。 I ran into an old schoolfriend at the supermarket this morning.
现在我们已打开门路,我们希望在中国开辟一个广阔的市场。 Now we've got a foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big market in China.
这套书出版以来,在市场上反应良好,我们决定推广这种学习方法。 The series of books gained applause. We decided to popularize the method.
石油市场欣欣向荣。 The oil market is enjoying a boom.
超级市场销售各种货物。 The supermarket sells goods of all descriptions.
在国际市场上,我们的商品不亚于任何人。 Our goods are second to none on the world market.
手绣的丝制手帕在西方市场销路很好。 Silk handkerchiefs embroidered by hand sell well in the Western market.
那部新出版的美国小说是市场上的畅销货。 The newly published American novel sold like hot cakes.
那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场. The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.
如果那么你们能生产品质这么优良款式有新颖的鞋子,它们在我们市场上将会大受欢迎。 If you can produce fashionable styles of such fine quality, your shoes will win great popularity in our market.
显然,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔森·里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。 Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
非法倒卖老式步枪和手枪的人很明显地还有市场。 People trafficking in obsolete rifles and pistols clearly still find a market for them.
也许要经过若干年这家新公司才能在市场上取得稳固的立足点。 It may be many years before the new company can gain a secure foothold in the market.
在集市场上有陶器制作的示范表演. There's an exhibition of pottery-making at the fair.
珍将她的珍珠项链送到了好几个市场,但是没有找到买主。 Jane send her pearl necklace to several market, but find no purchaser.
科学家们一直在想法子提高牲畜的质量以向市场提供更好的肉食。 Scientists have been trying to find methods of grading up cattle to provide better meat for the market.
您能为我们考察一下市场前景吗? Can you explore the market possibility for us?
英国自从加入共同市场以来, 与欧洲的贸易大增. Since joining the Common Market, Britain's trade with Europe has greatly increased.
市政官古罗马民选的行政官,负责公共事务及游艺活动并且监管市场、粮食及用水供应 An elected official of ancient Rome who was responsible for public works and games and who supervised markets, the grain supply, and the water supply.
在大多数的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市场街等等)的详图刻在人行道的石头上。只要你低头看一下,就知道自己所在的位置了。 At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets(Lombard Street; Ohio Street; Market Street; and so on)cut into the stone of the sidewalk so that you can look down and see where you are.
一到春天市场就活跃了。 The market always picks up in the spring.
他们为自己的产品找到了一些新的市场。 They found some new outlets for their products.
小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤. Small shops are being crowded out by the big supermarkets.
在自由市场上,那个男人卖给我坏鸡蛋骗了我。 That man in the free market put it across me by selling me some bad eggs.
女士们喜欢在自由市场呆上很长时间,同货主们讨价还价。 The ladies like to spend hours in the free market, bargaining about the goods.
本公司认为,您所展示的已婚妇女服装最适合我们的市场需求。 The lines you showed for the married women would be most suitable for our market.
当地一家商店的老板担心新开张的超级市场会抢走他的饭碗。 The man in the local shop is worried that the new supermarket will take the bread out of his mouth.
据说由于原材料市场上升且捉摸不定,制革商们不愿报出实盘。 The tanner is said to be reluctant to quote firm price because of a rising and uncertain raw material market.
他企图将这种酒假冒成法国酒,而事实上此酒来自共同市场以外的地方。 He tried to pass off the wine as french, when in fact it come from outside the common market.
我们的产品在国内市场上都很畅销。 Our product command a good market both at home and abroad.
有些新车在投放市场前没有进行行驶性检验。 Some new cars are not given road tests before they are put on the market.
你要努力打开新产品的销路--市场上竞争很激烈. You will have to push the new product to win sales there's lots of competition.
即使要求很高的市场对不同种类的商品,也需要有各种档次的货色和价格。 Even highly demanding markets require a wide range of quality and price levels for any group of products.
旧车买卖的市场已趋饱和。 The market is saturated with the used cars.
当地超级市场本周烘豆罐头大减价。 Baked bean is on offer this week at the local supermarket.
华尔街金融滑坡引起世界股票市场的连锁反应。 The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.
对市场动态,烦告货主意向如何? Advise how shipper dispose towards market movement?
股票市场上人心惶惶, 掀起抛售浪潮. Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling.
为了帮助他们开拓新的市场,你有何具体计划? Do you have any particular plan to help them to open up new market?
经过一段时期的波动后,预料伦敦市场的黄金价格将稳定下来。 Gold prices on the London market are expected to flatten out after a period of fluctuation.
经济自由主义一种经济理论,主张放任个人自由经营、建立自由市场体系和金本位制 An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.