我会尽一切可能帮助你。 I'll do everything possible to help you.
他尽管有病,还是可以上课。 He is not so sick but he can attend a class.
我们会尽力来达到世界水平。 We'll do all we can to catch up the world level.
尽管他帮助过我,可是我还是恨他。 I hate him albeit he helped me.
尽管我努力劝说,他还是不同意。 In spite of my efforts at persuasion, he wouldn't agree.
尽管我俩相貌不同,但都讨人喜欢。 Although our looks differ, we are both attractive.
尽管他大声喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。 Despite his cries no one came to his assistance.
尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛。 Despite all our efforts we still lost the game.
他用尽一切影响力使他们接受他的计划。 He exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan.
试验没有成功,尽管如此,还是值得做的。 The experiment failed. It was, nevertheless, worth making.
别客气啦尽情地吃吧! Don't stand on ceremony----dig in!
哥伦布按顺序仔细而详尽地记载了他的各次航程。 Columbus kept a careful and detailed chronicle of his voyages.
她需要使请求语气柔婉,以便尽可能把它变成有礼貌与客气。 She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could.
尽管(她讲的)内容有些枯燥, 但由於她善於表达, 大家仍听得津津有味. Although the subject-matter (of her talk) was rather dull her witty delivery kept the audience interested.
尽量更客观地对待此事吧。 Try to be more objective about it.
我尽量找些东西给你穿。 I'll try and rake out something for you to wear.
你应该把房屋建得尽可能结实。 You must make the houses as strong as possible.
你作判断时要尽量做到不存偏见. Try not to be prejudiced in your judgements.
我们已经尽了一切可能来赶上他们。 We have done all we could to catch up with them.
把发生的事情尽可能仔细地回忆一下. Try to recall (to mind) exactly what happened.
一个人应该为世界和平事业尽最大努力。 One should do his best for the cause of world peace.
我认为我们对这一问题已差不多是言无不尽了. I think we've just about exhausted that subject.
尽管早上起来头疼,我还是照常上班。 Although I got up with a headache, I went to work as usual.
她尽管很想再见到他, 但却不愿给他回信. Despite wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters.
别尽用那种专门术语--用普通的词语解释吧. Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English.
尽管有那么多困难,我们仍然及时地到达了这儿。 Disregarding all the difficulties, we arrived here in time.
我会尽力帮忙,但我所能做的也是有限度的。 I'll help as much as I can, but there is a limit to what I can do.
我们尽可谈论美的事物,然而美本身却是抽象的。 We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract.
她的最新小说尽管广为宣传, 结果还是彻底失败. Despite all the publicity, her latest novel was a complete flop.
她病了。然而她照旧去上班,并且尽力集中精神工作。 She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate.
一个英国人,尽管只有他一个人,也会独个儿排成整整齐齐的一队。 An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.
旅馆工作人员对我们照顾得无微不至,尽量让我们住得舒适, The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as enjoyable as possible.
汽油快要耗尽了。 The petrol is running out.
他因十分努力而筋疲力尽. He exhausted himself in the attempt.
我使尽了浑身解数也劝不动他们. I tried every trick in the book but I still couldn't persuade them.
经理把工作尽量平均分配给雇员. The manager tried to even out the distribution of work among his employees.
在有关钱的问题上,我总是尽量小心谨慎。 Where money is concerned, I always try to be very careful.
受训的突击队员要参加令人筋疲力尽的突击课程. Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course.
尽管她贫穷,但她总想装出上流社会阶层的样子。 Although she was poor, she was living in genteel poverty.
尽管他已三十岁了,但还是孩子般的无邪。 Although thirty, he is childlike.
我已筋疲力尽了! I'm exhausted!
赢不了也不要紧--只要你尽力而为。 It doesn't matter if you don't win just do your best.
我们应该竭尽全力挽救濒于灭绝的生物。 We should do our best to save endangered species.
那项新政策尽管受到强烈抨击却硬是采用了. The new policy was adopted in the teeth of fierce criticism.
尽管客栈老板很热情,但我们猜想他的真正目的是为了得到更多的钱。 Although the innkeeper was warm, we guessed that his real goad was to get more money.
努力,尽力,出力 Exert oneself to do sth.
我正在尽力学英语。 I'm trying to learn English.
我尽量去拜访每一位女士。 I was all for calling on each of these ladies.
他们的厨房尽是最新式的器具. Their kitchen is full of the latest gadgets.
他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。 He is trying his best to understand his meaning.
把学生的兴趣尽力引导到理科方面. Try to orientate your students towards the science subjects.
尽管困难在增加,但我们毫不灰心。 Difficulties were increasing. Even then we did not lose heart.
尽管他的祖父是贵族,他却非常穷困。 Although his grandfather was a nobleman, he was very poor.
士兵在那场战斗中用尽了所有的弹药。 The soldiers expended all their ammunition in that fight.
他来看他们是不是在尽量加紧进行这项工作。 He came to see whether they were doing all they could to rush the work.
由于你身体不好,你必须尽量避免为孩子们操心。 On account of your health, you must endeavour to shift off the care of your children.
尽管我以前从未为银行工作过,但我觉得在银行工作非常舒适自在,因为我曾为一位会计师工作过,而且我习惯于同数字打交道。 Although I've never worked for a bank before, I feel quite at home there because I used to work for an accountant and I'm used to dealing with figures.
他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他. He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot.
他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他。 He seems to expect to be wait on hand and foot.
他们不停地射击, 耗尽了所有的弹药. They went on firing until they had spent all their ammunition.
她尽管受了伤却没有失去生存的毅力. Despite her injuries, she hasn't lost the will to live.
今天报纸上登载了总统访问的详尽报道. Today's papers carry full reports of the President's visit.
我受尽挫折,怒火冲天时,禁不住想找谁发一顿脾气。 When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone.
当他经过一个黑胡同尽头时,有一个人冲出来袭击他。 As he was passing the end of a dark alley, a man darted out and set on him.
你太畏缩了--要尽量增强自信心. You're too timid you must try to assert yourself more.
除了村子尽头的岔道外,还有一条大路。 There was one street apart from a tributary road near the end of the village.
尽管计划度假时兴致勃勃, 而到头来假日本身却颇为扫兴. The holiday itself was rather an anticlimax after all the excitement of planning it.
尽管杰拉尔德主动提供全力支持,但我仍不由得感觉到他在背地里搞鬼。 Although Gerald offered his wholehearted support, I can't help feeling he's playing some deep game of his own.
我们的食物储备已消耗殆尽. Our stock of food is greatly depleted.
她尽管遇到许多挫折,却仍然不气馁。 Despite all these discouragements, she refused to give up.
`多国产物'之说尽可遮人耳目了. The description `produce of more than one country' can cover a multitude of sins.
"他是个伪君子,从不尽力帮助任何人。" He is a hypocrite and never exerts himself to help anyone.
尽管我知道菠菜对我有益,我还是不喜欢它、 I do not like spinach even though I know it's good for me.
停车後不关前灯, 电池的电很快就会耗尽. If you leave your headlights on you'll soon run down the battery.
假若她想要的是我的办公桌, 她尽管拿走, 我还求之不得呢! As far as I'm concerned, if it's my desk she wants, she's welcome to it!
劳动体力或脑力的运用,尤指出现困难或精疲力尽时;工作 Physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting; work.
苏联外长谢瓦尔德纳泽星期五来华盛顿。他将带给里根一封戈尔巴乔夫的亲笔信……。你尽可以打赌一定是有关几乎吹的高峰会。 Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze is coming to Washington on Friday. He'll be bringing Ronald Reagan a letter from Mikhail Gorbachev himself…But you can bet the rent it'll be about the summit that almost wasn't.
他尽力触到了球. He managed to get a touch to the ball.
尽量避免人身攻击. Try to avoid making personal comments.
尽量消除一切偏见. Try to free yourself from all prejudices.
永存无穷尽的生命或存在 Endless life or existence.
我希望这件事尽快做好. I want it (to be) done as quickly as possible.
他尽其所能去赢得他的好感。 He did all he could to win his favor.
易腐烂的食物要尽快吃掉. Perishables need to be consumed as quickly as possible.
沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头. The desert continued as far as the eye could see.
食物尽管不好,但起码很便宜。 The food wasn't good, but at least it was cheap.
我们不能责怪他, 他已尽力而为了. We can't blame him: he did his best according to his lights.
我经常读报来尽量了解时事. I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers.
他被对手击败后,我尽力安慰他。 I tried to comfort him after he was defeated by his opponent.
请将你方现有目录尽速寄来为盼. Please rush me (ie send me immediately) your current catalogue.
这儿草到了尽头,脚下是松软件的沙土。 Here the grass ended and there was a loose sandy soil under foot.
我要尽力避免在晚年时成为孩子们的负担。 I will try to avoid come upon my children in my old age.
他们正在努力研制尽善尽美的新颜料配方. They are working on the perfection of their new paint formula.
他摆出一幅笑脸,不过这似乎让他使尽了全身的气力。 He summoned up a smile, though it seemed to take all his strength.
尽管被众人质问,但是这位领导人仍然表现出神气十足的样子。 Despite being heckled by the crowd, the leader bore himself with dignity.
尽管几位名角演出都很出色,却未曾想竟让一名新秀抢尽风头。 Despite fine acting by several well-known stars it was a young newcomer who stole the show.
每个阶级或等级上的人有为比它高一级的阶级或高一层次的人尽责任的社会。 Society where each class or level have a duty to serve the class above it.
她竭尽全力使父母高兴。 She does her utmost to please her parents.
她做的工作把她累得筋疲力尽. She's knocking herself out with all that work.
现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。 Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays.
我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛。 In the recession, our firm go through a bad time.
工人们正竭尽全力提高生产力。 The workers are trying their best to increase productivity.
尽管遭受干旱,还是获得了好收成。 A good harvest was obtained in spite of the drought.
我每天尽量腾出一些时间锻炼一下身体. I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.
尽管他已经八十多岁了,看上去还很健壮。 Although he is over eighty, he looks hale and healthy.
在他们的欢呼声中, 他把杯子里的啤酒一饮而尽。 He drank off a glass of beer amid their cheers.
缺乏营养耗尽,由于缺乏营养或活力而造成的 Exhaustion, as from lack of nourishment or vitality.
他虽竭尽全力,但仍然未能将那石头搬起来。 He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions.
警方必须竭尽全力追捕罪犯,将他们绳之以法。 The police must do all they can to bring criminals to justice.
让我们达成切实可行的协议以尽快开始工作. Let's have a clear no-nonsense agreement to start work as soon as possible.
尽管他碰到一些困难,但他对自己的成功依然满怀信心。 Although he met with some difficulties, he was none the less sure of his success.
希望你我双方尽力在销售优质产品的同时提供最佳的服务。 Let us jointly do our best to sell high quality products with high quality services.
尽管我儿子在伊顿公学中得过名次,但当然还得取决于他的入学考试成绩。 My son has a place at Eton, although of course it still hinges on the result of his entrance examination.
尽管在井下不舒服,但全体矿工决心在井下罢工,直到他们增加工资的要求得到满足为止。 All the miners are determined to stay down until their pay demands are met. In spite of the discomfort.
考克斯兄弟雇了一个尽职的鬼魂替他们干了大部分事情,这件事终于变成了公认的事实。 In time, it became an accepted fact that the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them.
我会设法尽可能多储蓄。 I will try to save as much as I can.
尽量不要过于为此烦恼。 Try not to get too upset about it.
隧道的尽头露出了亮光. A light appeared at the end of the tunnel.
爸爸尽一切可能来满足我的需求和欲望。 Daddy did all he could to fill my needs and desires.
你们无谓将友情保密--其实已尽人皆知了. It's pointless trying to keep your friendship secret it's common knowledge already.
我们的男主人远远看到有个外表不俗的绅士站在大厅的尽头。 Our host descried a gentleman of unusual appearance standing at the far end of the hall.
这种日历现在与季节基本保持一致,尽管每年仍有26秒钟的误差。 The calendar now nearly keeps in step with the season, although there is still on error of26 season, per year
尽管有大量的宗教派别,研究美国宗教惯常做法的学者发现,在许多情况下,许多新教教派之间在信仰方面并没有多大的不同,只是在仪式方面有较小的差异。 In spite of the great number of denominations, students of religious practice in the United State find that in many cases there are no major differences in belief, and only minor ones in ritual between many of the Protestant denominations.
耗尽被损耗的状态;精疲力竭,耗尽 The state of being depleted; exhaustion.
他们是何等竭尽全力来完成这一任务啊! How they laid about them to fulfill the task!
她尽管人已老了, 然而仍由她掌管(一切事情). She may be old, but she's still in control (of all that is happening).
我整天都在照料四个小孩, 确实已筋疲力尽了! I've been looking after four young children all day and I really am at the end of my tether!
这个国家连年战争元气尽失後, 已开始慢慢恢复正常状态. The country, prostrate after years of war, began slowly to recover.
尽管如此,最近一个现代雕塑品展览会使有些人--包括我自己--感到吃惊。 In spite of this, some people including myself- were surprised by a recent exhibit of modern sculpture.
还有,尽管这光芒使人眼花缭乱,但它确实传送了一种我们未曾经历的和无法想象的美和静谧的启示。 And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity greater that we have known or imagined.
"尽人皆知,苏联对古巴这时的发展感到不快,"这位[欧洲]外交官说。可是他又说,苏联允许国内及东欧有较多的自由,"若强行逼迫加勒比海的盟邦,那可真是矛盾。" "It's no secret that the Soviets are not happy about the developments here in Cuba, " the [European] diplomat said. But he added that with the Soviets permitting more freedom at home and within Eastern Europe, "it would be a real contradiction to twist the arm of its Caribbean ally."