这家公司希望把新工厂设在河边。 The company wished to locate its new factory beside the river.
这家公司的主要问题是缺少有技术的人员。 The company's main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel.
这家公司必须克服对采用新技术的阻力. The firm has to overcome its resistance to new technology.
这家公司现在使用电脑来计算所有的帐目。 The company now uses a computer to do all its account.
银行拒绝再贷款给这家公司。 The bank refused further credits to the company.
这家公司里谁是决策者? Who is the policy maker in this company?
这家公司是国际粮食贸易公司. The company is an international trader in grain.
吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。 It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.
这家公司将为所有运动员提供全套运动服装。 The company will provide the sports outfits for all the players.
几家公司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争. Several companies are competing (against/with each other) for the contract/to gain the contract.
他们建造一个新的国家公园的工程将于明年完工。 Their project to establish a new national park will be completed next year.
新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。 The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability.
他从初级职员做起,最终成了这家公司的董事。 He joined the firm as a junior clerk, and finished up a director.
这家公司成立於1860年. This business was established in 1860.
几家公司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争。 Several companies are competing for the contract.
他们挑战那家公司在电子学领域中占据的领先地位。 They challenged that company's supremacy in the field of electronics.
这家公司廉价出售略好一些的次品,但将大多数次品丢弃。 The factory sells some of its better rejects cheaply, but it throws most of the rejects away.
这家公司的帐目收支是否平衡? Do the firm's accounts balance?
再过几天,这家公司就将濒临破产的边缘。 A few more days, and the company will be on the verge of bankruptcy.
这家公司一年以後才能赢利, 现在至少已不赔不赚了. It will be a year before the firm makes a profit but at least it's breaking even.
这家公司关心它自身的法人形象。 This company is concerned about its corporate image.
有几家公司在投标争取承包建桥工程。 Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge.
有几家公司投标,争取建造新音乐厅的合同。 Several firm have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall.
这家公司正大搞推销运动. The firm is big on extravagant promotion drives.
政府拨款给这家公司使其免于破产。 The government has rescued the firm from bankruptcy by giving them a grant.
日本一家公司同意就手表不精确向我们赔偿总价值的百分之四。 The Japanese Company agreed to compensate us for the defective watches by4% of the total value.
那家公司的今年年度预算出现亏损。因为公司时常出现赤字,不久将会关闭。 The annual budget of that company continues to show a deficit this year. It will go out of business because it is always in the red.
这家公司不久就能偿还所借的银行贷款. The company will soon be able to repay its borrowings from the bank.
把国家公园私营化? 他们绝对不敢, 对吗? Privatize the national parks? They'd never dare, would they?
这家公司估计这栋新房的造价为8,000英镑。 The firm estimated the cost of the new house at£8, 000.
我应该先审慎打探一下这家公司的底细, 然後您再签字. I should make a few discreet enquires about the firm before you sign anything.