黑板在教室的前面。 The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.
她走进内室去换衣服。 She went into the inner room to change her dress.
他决心去看看办公室后边的那些房间。 He determined to view the rooms behind the office.
现在是休息时间, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。 It was the time of break and students came out of classroom one after another.
这间办公室里非常吵。 It's very noisy in this office.
我讨厌他在教室抽烟。 I got sick of his smoking in the classroom.
他想在餐具室里找到一些酒。 He wanted to find some wine in the pantry.
我的起居室的墙上挂着一块壁毯。 The wall of my living room was hung with a tapestry.
请假离开办公室之后我赶紧去了医院。 After asking off my office, I went to the hospital immediately.
我上来取我的手提袋,我把它忘在我的办公室了。 I've come up for my bag, I left it in my office.
在空无一人的办公室里电话铃突然地发出刺耳的尖叫声。 Telephone shrilled unattended in deserted office.
这走廊通到他的办公室。 The corridor opens into his office.
她打开卧室的门走了进去. She opened the bedroom door and went in.
他关上了灯,室内一片漆黑。 He turned off the light and the room was in complete darkness.
我在卧室里发现两只袜子, 但不成对。 I found a couple of socks in the bedroom, but they don't make a pair.
他从巴黎回来,发现他的办公室被别人占了。 He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else's occupation.
今天的报纸上有一篇关于办公室里的性骚扰的报道。 There is a report about a sexual harassment in the office on this newspaper.
办公室前有一丛玫瑰。 There is a rose bush in front of the office.
这所大学里有多少教室? How many schoolrooms are there in this college?
她的卧室是这座嘈杂房屋中一个难得的安静之处。 Her bedroom is an oasis of calm in the noisy house.
把你们的学习室收拾一下,孩子们,"妈妈说,"你们把所有的书都弄得乱七八糟的了。" "Tidy up your study, kids, "Mother said, "all your books are in a muddle."
他急急忙忙到办公室去了. He hastened (away) to the office.
那间办公室又明亮又通风. The office was light and airy.
我的办公室通风良好。 My office is well ventilated.
他从容不迫地走进室内。 He entered the room with deliberate steps.
这份文件上盖有王室印章。 This document carries the royal seal.
这两间大教室已经分配给我们了. The two large classrooms have been assigned to us.
铃响以前任何人均不得离开教室。 No one may leave the classroom until the bell go.
街上挂起了旗子,庆祝皇室婚礼。 The streets were flagged to celebrate the royal wedding.
因无人维持秩序, 教室里一片混乱. With no one to keep order the situation in the classroom was chaotic.
本阅览室的参考书不得私自带出。 No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission.
老师的办公室里堆满了大批不同的论文。 There is a heterogeneous mass of papers in the teacher's office.
在离开办公室之前, 应把所有物品摆放好。 Before you leave the office, everything should be put in place.
那位老师看着他所有的学生走进阅览室。 That teacher is looking his all students walk into the reading room.
阅览室有许多学生,也有一些消磨时间的人。 The reading room held many students, as well as a few time killers.
我们每人各据一间小小的办公室,与其他人分隔开。 Each of us is boxed off( from the others)in his own little office.
皇室的领地并非属于国王私人所有,而是属于国家的。 Land belonging to the crown does not belong to the king personally but to the state.
她用鲜花装饰卧室。 She decorated her bedroom with flowers.
他把一间屋子改建成了卧室。 He altered one of the rooms into a bedroom.
水从冷凝器流出,流入灰浆室。 Water flows from the condenser to the ash room.
旅馆中的每个房间都有一个单独浴室。 Every room in the hotel has a private bathroom.
那间房子是出售的,房子里有暖气设备和地下室。 That house is for sale. It has central heating and a base room.
他在办公室里老是目不转睛地盯著我,真把我气坏了。 I'm extremely annoyed at the way he always stares at me in the office.
办公室的面积是35平方米. The area of the office is 35 square metres.
他在浴室的磅秤上称体重. He weighed himself on the bathroom scales.
他把小屋的阁楼当作阅读室。 He made the attic in the small house a reading room.
他赶回办公室,给王书记打了-个电话。 He hastened back to the office and rang up Secretary Wang.
他因有额外的工作, (很晚)仍留在办公室里. Extra work kept him (late) at the office.
老师走进教室时,男孩子们停止喧哗。 The boys stopped their clatter when the teacher came into the classroom.
拣信室安装了自动拣信机之後, 许多拣信员都失业了. Many workers in the sorting office lost their jobs when an automatic sorter was introduced.
新闻编辑室新闻办公室、广播电台或电视台写作和编辑新闻的房间 A room, as in a newspaper office or radio or television station, where news stories are written and edited.
我们的起居室里铺了地毯。 Our living room is covered with a carpet.
学生们每天轮流打扫教室。 The students clean the classroom everyday in turn.
我不爱看歌剧,喜欢听室内乐。 I don't like opera; chamber music is more my style.
该产品正在由我们实验室做测试。 The product is on trial in our laboratory.
在我们大多数办公室任职的是志愿人员。 Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.
地下室里有地方存放不用的家具之类的东西. There's room in the cellar to store unused furniture and what have you.
我们正给浴室贴壁纸. We're papering the bathroom.
他们也想摧毁地下室。 Also they want to destroy the basement.
卧室的窗户面向街道. The bedroom windows give on to the street.
浴室的地面上都是水. The bathroom floor was swimming with water.
装备摄影室的开支很大. The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive.
她擦 去浴室地面上一滩滩的水. She mopped up the pools of water on the bathroom floor.
小舱室,厨房船上的小舱室或厨房 A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship.
我呆在那个办公室里感觉真像在笼子里一样. I felt terribly caged in in that office.
那有一张王室的公告,宣告王子诞生了。 There is a royal proclamation of the birth of the prince.
在实验室能够繁殖细菌和其他生物. It is possible to multiply bacteria and other living organisms in the laboratory.
只有在王室成员在场的时候才升起这面旗帜。 The flag is only raised when royalty are present.
在办公室是熬过了平凡的一天后,我精疲力竭了。 After an ordinary day at the office I feel completely washed up.
打破办公室内寂静的,只有空气调节机呼呼的转动声。 Only the whir of the air conditioner broke the silence in the office.
隔膜,隔壁将某一器官,如子房或果实分成几个室的分隔物 A partition dividing an organ, such as an ovary or a fruit, into chambers.
我妻子想起居室里换块新地毯,不过我们再过6个月就要搬走,那只是白白浪费钱财。 My wife wanted a new carpet in the living room, but as we are moving in six months it would only be money down the drain.
街道布满了花朵以迎接王室成员莅临. The streets were strewn with flowers for the royal visit.
我们被这所公寓的精致的室内装潢设计吸引。 We are fascinated by the delicate interior design of the apartment.
弹簧铗用来调整或关闭柔软管道的夹子,尤指实验室设备 A clamp used to regulate or close a flexible tube, especially in laboratory apparatus.
所有的房间都装备有电炉以保持室内撮氏15-20度的常温。 All roams are equipped with electric heaters to keep indoor temperatures constant at15-2.0.
海底(实验室)工作人,深水操作人员训练能在水下装置物中生活并引导、辅助或作为科学研究的对象 A person trained to live in underwater installations and conduct, assist in, or be a subject of scientific research.
我一进办公室,立刻就感到事情不对头。 As I entered the office I knew right away that something was wrong.
这间办公室禁止吸烟。 Smoking is forbidden in this office.
教室被弄得乱七八糟。 The classroom was turned upside-down.
律师在离开办公室时被记者拦住了。 The lawyer was collared by some journalists as he left his office.
我上星期天打电话到你办公室去, 但他们说你不值班。 I called your office last Sunday but they said you were off duty.
他带我到他的藏书室,里面的藏书虽然杂乱无章,数量却相当可观。 He took me into his library, a littery but considerable collection.
向导们把我气死了,所以嘛,我今天杀掉了其中一个,还叫人给做成标本摆在我们的纪念品室。 Guides have annoyed me so, that today I kill one and am had him stuffed for our trophy rooms.
室内一片漆黑. The room was in complete darkness.
她的卧室里满是画片。 Her bedroom is covered with posters.
水蒸气把浴室里的镜子遮住了。 Steam has fogged the bathroom mirror.
他在起居室里用吸尘器打扫地毯。 He is vacuuming a rug in the sitting room.
他已由仓库调到会计室任职. He has transferredfrom the warehouse to the accounts office.
罢工的办公室人员占据了整座建筑物。 The striking office workers have occupied the whole building.
他急匆匆地走出办公室,好象很生气的样子。 He hurriedly left the office as if angry.
这位女秘书一心忙于勾引新来的经理,简直未觉察到办公室里人人都在暗中笑她。 The secretary was so busy getting her hooks into the new manager, that she hardly noticed that everyone in the office was laughing at her.
这一地区的入室盗窃案件似有增无已. The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase.
从松岭回来后,办公室似乎变得枯燥无味了。 The office seems so dull and prosaic after Pine Ridge.
熊熊的柴火在起居室的炉中噼啪作响。 A cheerful wood fire was crackling in the sitting room.
名牌记有名字的牌或匾,如挂在办公室门上 A plate or plaque, as on an office door, inscribed with a name.
她是办公室的新人, 她有什麽需要就多帮帮忙. She's the new girl in the office, so give her any help she needs.
在我们办公室里可以看到有某种(令人不寒而栗的)不安迹象. You can see signs of (a creeping) malaise in our office.
对毛毯、帐篷和医疗品的要求源源不断传到各级救灾组织办公室。 Requests for blankets, tents and medical supplies are flowing into the offices of the relief organizations.
服这器官妙得很,它从你在早上起床的一刹那时就开始工作,而且直至你进入办公室为止,是不会停止(工作)的。 The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office.
贝西奖一种自1984年以来每年由“纽约市舞蹈剧院创作室”颁发的奖项,为在舞蹈和表演艺术方面取得的成就而设立 An award given annually since1984 by the Dance Theater Workshop in New York City for achievement in dance and the performing arts.