马路上来往的车辆声音不断地破坏我们家的安宁。 The noise of cars passing along the road is a continual disturbance to our quiet at home.
我们有些人非常重视安宁与舒适,有些人重视快乐与刺激。 Some of us value peace and comfort very highly. Others value pleasure and excitement.
说起来这是件不客气且愚蠢的事。除非她道歉并得到谅解,否则,她的心灵将是无法安宁下来的。 It was an unkind, stupid thing to say and she will have no peace of mind until she's apologized and been forgiven.
交通车辆不停的喧闹声使我们得不到片刻安宁。 The incessant noise of the traffic give us not a moment's peace.
我所要的只是安宁. All I want is peace and quiet.
她那斩不断的思绪使她不得安宁。 Her haunted imagination gave her no peace.
我女朋友唠叨着要我去理发,因此我今天终于去理了。只要能保持安宁,那还是值得的。 My girlfriend keeps on nagging me to get a haircut so I finally had one today; it was worth it if only to keep the peace.
"这一家人在遭到不幸的车祸前,日子过得太平安宁。" The family had lived in peace and tranquillity before the unfortunate traffic accident.