他妨碍我把工作做好。 He impedes me to do the job well.
大雪妨碍了这项建筑工程的进行。 Heavy snow hindered the construction work.
有很多因素妨碍了我们实现计画. Many factors militated against the success of our plan.
他没完没了的谈话妨碍了我的学习。 His endless talking hinders me from my study.
党羽的政治阴谋经常是良好政府的妨碍。公务上的政治争斗经常是带削弱性质和招致反效果的 Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.
贪污腐败妨碍社会的发展。 Corruption stands in the way of the development of the society.