我们最好在树篱下躲一躲等雨停。 We had better get under the lee of the hedge until the rain stops.
边缘地带刚刚超出或恰好在某特定地区的地带 A region just beyond or at the edge of a settled area.
这伙小偷计划好在警察进房搜查时,把偷来的手表栽赃到同住的房客身上。 The thieves had planned to plant the stolen watches on a fellow lodger if the police came to search the house.
他来看我时,我幸好好在家。 Luckily I was at home when he called.
这次示威活动事先作了精心安排, 正好在首相访问时进行. The demonstration had been carefully stage-managed to coincide with the Prime Minister's visit.