编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻. Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news.
巨浪将那艘失事的船只冲击得支离破碎. The huge waves battered the wrecked ship to pieces.
失事的火车横在铁轨上. The wrecked train lay aslant the track.
那位船长被免除了因船只失事而遭致的非难和罪责。 The captain is absolved from all blame and responsibility for the shipwreck.
毁船打劫者引诱船只失事的人,如通过在多岩石的海岸线上打信号灯,以掠夺其财物 One who lures a vessel to destruction, as by a display of lights on a rocky coastline, in order to plunder it.
那艘船触珊瑚礁失事. The ship was wrecked on a coral reef.