他的外套和裤子不相配。 His coat is not in keeping with the trousers.
盔甲防护性外套,如锁子甲,穿上后保护身体免受武器攻击 A defensive covering, such as chain mail, worn to protect the body against weapons.
医生做手势要我脱去外套。 The doctor gestured me to take off my coat.
你可以把外套挂在钩子上。 You may hang your coat on the hook.
我可以把它裁得低一点,这样让您穿着这件外套显得更丰满一点。 I can cut it lower and in that way give you a little more fullness in the blouse.
这么冷的天不穿一件外套真荒唐。 It is absurd not to wear a coat in such cold weather.
他吃完面包後,去外套上的面包屑。 After eating the loaf he whisked the crumbs off his coat.